/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Texture glitches and trading rumors edition.



E3 interview by Techraptor :

Last blog:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/2ZjZZZpc

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

Module Recommendations:

>user's ACOCK minimod
>Swedish Mayonnaise
>DICKplomacy Full Version:
Patch from previous versions to

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do ?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people)

Other urls found in this thread:


Even if you give me the [Fish] I will not tell you anything

First for Prima Nocta.

Looks like the husband already slept with her before marriage

Eyes and lips ruined it.
Though since we're living in the age of tumblar nose these days I guess I should'nt complain too much.

nth for I love having Lady Isolla in my Durquba brothel receiving brown peasant cock!

>stealing my image


What are chances that Phantasy will get new version before Bannerlord comes out?

I'm posting Atahualpa until we get a good Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica/Andes mod.


A bit.

How about now?

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

God's chosen people.

>nth for I love having Lady Isolla in my Durquba brothel receiving brown peasant cock!
hey I was actually wondering about that, if you reinstate a fem ruler you can actually send them to a brothel? fug, I would have restored Arwa and Isolla if I knew about that

I'm posting The Humungus, The Lord Humungus, The Warrior of the Wasteland, The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla until we get a good post-appocolype mod.

That one is saved.

golem ye be gone

Bouguereau draws the beast peasant girl QTs


Hey dude, we already got a good one, it's called 'The Reckoning' check it out!


>tfw art illiterate

>You will never have a pure, Steppe waifu

Why even live?

>You will never raid the countryside of an enemy kingdom with three of your best bros

Why even live?

>tfw art illiterate
It's okay so am I.

Dickplomacy user needs to make it so Ramun pays even more for female slaves. Though in the long run you would probably make more money keeping them in a brothel.

consider suicune


so much for a few hours

>>tfw art illiterate
Good news, I heard its curable.

Didn't know about him, thanks for making me discover it.
I'm more of a historical objects guy but its nice to discover artists.

there isn't a single museum of world art or anything like that where I live, my only source of information on art were those large books that had famous paintings in them that my father had, and those burnt down with our house when I was a kid

these days I have the internet sure, but where do I even begin?



Laura Craft inflation 'art'.

>almost no Art
>nothing Deviant allowed
Do people still use that site?

What are the best preferred mods of /mbg/? I've been trying Floris Extended and, while I like all the new equipment and horse types and all that, it is becoming insanely hard to do any combat.

Even with Bandit Leaders off, there are only maybe two bandit parties between an area spanning three large towns/cities. No looters after the very first day, very very few deserters. Any group of bandits/deserters is always at the bare minimal 20 people, with most being easily in the 30s and 40s. Recently many of the groups found are hitting almost 50. I can barely have any of my troops upgraded since I am nearly always outnumbered unless I hire everyone I can find.

So, what other nice mods are preferred to use? Thought about Dickplomacy, but what else is there?

Post current character level and killcount
>3234 killed
>475 wounded


>What are the best preferred mods of /mbg/?
I played and liked ad1257, geko and vanilla + diplomacy, I also played Brytenwalda and while it had some neat features, I overall didnt like it


>but where do I even begin?
Well art takes many forms so a "starting point" is different for everyone I think.
There is a way to learn art history but I never took such classes, I usually found some pictures online and get interested in the artist.
I found this site for you though, don't know if its good but its at least in English

Pretty sure all of the 132 was from running people over with my horse in 1257, all of my weapons do pierce or cut.


>Rhodok Sharpshooters got randomized to 20 strength on my file
holy fucking shit



I never asked for this

>there is a constant cloud of at least 7+ lords orbiting suno

what the hell is going on here, isolla. what are you planning

How do i make my vassals not hate me

give them land


I cant find a single reliable download for this game, user! its been years and I miss playing it!

Would it be best to download warband from the official site and then continue hunting for some sort of crack?

t-thanks user

Go buy the game on steam, Tyrone.

I want immediate gratification user :(
Its just not possible till the weekend, and I need SOMETHING to keep from socializing with my woman

Don't steal a game from hard-working developers you fucking faggot.
Just look online for keys and use them, you won't be able to play online though.

I am a massive faggot robbing devs of their hard earned money

yeah I wasnt sure about the key system, I appreciate you user.

Look, I'm all against Tyrone stealing vidya because he's too nigger to buy a game, but...
>hard-working developers

>A turk and his wife
>Not hard working

Nigger girls can't code

Why is she memeing while getting fucked

Niggers can't do anything, generally speaking.


What are you trying to say friend? Of course the developers work hard! Haven't you seen the new graphics and siege weapons that we can use now?

>One day, TW will go the way of many other developers and either become greedy cunts or start pandering to people who don't play M&B.

SOO, if activation fails with the keys ive used, what do? offline mode and paste key in?

just buy the game you nigger

Look Tyrone, I get it, you're a dumb nigger. BUT, there's this thing called Google, you know? You can find tons of pirated games and how to install them. You should use it.

>Get ready for the new rapid firing crossbows!
>Fires six shots before having to be reloaded!
>Buy it in the new DLC 'Mythical Weapons'!
>Don't forget about the new 'Cleave' function! Now you won't have to waste your time on lowly peasants, go for the gold and focus on taking out commander!

ipek used to make models and other assets for the game while armagan did the coding, iirc

Ive been niggering games for 10 years now and I still cannot fucking figure out how to nigger this one!

Maybe my wife's son would be more willing to give a straight answer. I would go ask him however I dont want to disturb my wife and her boyfriend. its their movie night

>Fires six shots before having to be reloaded!
So the historical Chu-ko-nu?

Holy shit, FUCK OFF.
Use another key you fucking faggot, you're embarrassing yourself.

>when the dick hits the G just right

That could be put in a secret chest somewhere. Just like the low quality weeaboo armor in Rivacheg.

If M&B III was simply set in a global setting they could easily have it be legit though.
>implying Chinese armor was inferior during the 400-1000 period the game seems to be roughly set in

listen 'ere you lil shite

I'm listening. It's not going to change the fact that the CKN existed and was used in both siege and field battles, the former a more admittedly.

Not implying anything, jackass, the hidden weeb armor in rivacheg is shit compared to other armor and should only be used when just starting out, assuming you can avoid getting gangraped by sea niggers.

Oh. Well nevermind. Wait is THAT why there's a fucking Strange Armor set in the cheat menu? Holy fuck I never knew.

>he didn't know about the secret chest
Fuck you for making me reveal classified information. I bet you're a rhodok vassal.

What if I make it up to you

Listen 'ere good, just because I was wrong doesn't give you the right to call me out on being wrong

Look at him and laugh

Who is this fluid druid?


Stop posting anime and post coherently you fucking nit


what about Nova Aetas?

I would say the devs at M&B are hard working.... I mean its not like their a triple A game maker studio that can HD remaster a recent game and shill it out for a ridiculous price
Im looking at you Skyrim

If you don't stop i'll shoot this anime that's conveniently not in the picture.

I'll just bring it back. Don't forget I was sucking you ff until about five seconds ago so I have you conveniently by the balls.

also, posting some old pics because I havent been to /M&BG/ in a while and I dont want these to die ;_;

>I mean its not like their a triple A game maker studio that can HD remaster a recent game and shill it out for a ridiculous price
>Im looking at you Skyrim
Wait... w-what?

the bulk of chinese soldiers in the northern and southern dynasties era (4th to 6th century) were completely unarmored infantry that repeatedly got btfo by heavy armored cav. I imagine that most soldiers didn't wear very heavy armor regardless of the dynasty.

pictured: han peasants getting shitstomped by glorious Corean northern Wei heavy cav

they're remastering skyrim


Skyrim recently got "remastered" and still looks worse than just slapping on the 2k / 4k textures from Nexus. Also console mod support which is pure cancer.

>I imagine that most soldiers didn't wear very heavy armor regardless of the dynasty
Peasant levies didn't, but the actual professional soldiers (and Ming) wore lammellar or scale / chainmail.


>the crying knight of liberty
Every time

These are shit, pham.

