/fgog/ - Fate Grand Order General

myinstants.com/instant/ka-chink/ edition

Previous: news.fate-go.jp/2016/jccfoh/

Summer event on 8/11

Summer gacha part 1:
Scat welfare Assassin 4*
Tamamo no Mae Lancer 5*
Anne Mary Archer 4*
Mordred Rider 4*
Kiyohime Lancer 4*
Everyone is limited.

Singles are 3 quartz now, and Ten is 30. Forever.

Grail Ascension added, Max level is 100
To reach level 100:
5 grails for 5*
7 grails for 4*
9 grails for 3*
10 grails for 2*
10 grails for 1*

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Camelot Spoilers

>Max Servant stats

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobu a CUTE.


>FP gacha

Reminder to starve the bitch


Artoria is the best type-moon

>Still over 24 more hours of bored shitposters until the new event starts

I don't know how other servants are meant to compete. They can only beat Jeanne in specialties, as an overall unit she is the strongest (Waver is more utility of course) and she is also cute, which is the most important thing for selecting a servant.

I want her so badly.

4* Welfare Ciel will be able to kill Servants.


I love you Gilgamesh!

What heroic spirit you think would fit well for a ruler or avenger? Right now there's only 5 for the two classes together, and that's because one of then is same fucking person, is about time for DW to get it together and add something new.
Also, posting that fake Arcueid profile makes the gayest of fags

Just give me my 5* Nanaya

>she's just a shittier Amakusa

I'd laugh for all eternity.

Reinhard for Ruler or Avenger.

So would maxed Knight's Pride be better even if it has less attack? The defense demerit isn't too awful when taking Waver's defense buff into accountability

How do I unsubscribe?

Based smugman


I love my waifu.

Remember to massage your Mashu.

I want to see Doomguy as avenger.

She'll be an Archer, so at least she'll have situational usefulness. And NP5.

> 5*
> not 0*
He can sit in FP with Angry Manjew.

Keep up the good work user.

Can it be?

>I'll finally have a gold Archer and it'll be a sexy one

Stop teasing me DW, I need a fucking Archer now that you nerfed Robin.

Void is a 5*, so.

Onsen CE is 2000 ATK and 25% more crit damage

Knight's Pride is 750 ATK and 50% more crit damage.

KP is better when you crit.

>not berserker

Why are you shitposting about No Man's Sky so much, user

Is that like the "ONIIIIIICHAAAAAAN" scene in HA?

Void is connected to the Root.

Wait, can you grail ascend Mashu or will she just get it for free later?

I'd say he qualifies as both.

>not wanting to be most OP class

How would an Illya powered Red Man work?

Use Meme Snakegirl. She does more damage than Robin for me even against females because I have her at such a high NP.

Void is connected to the Root, Nanaya is a guy with exceptional knife skills who doesn't even have access to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. He's also not waifu material.

She probably will get it for free.

Well that last thread sucked, a bunch of people who's never read the VN citing things out of context. JETS hopes this one will be better.

>not waifu material
Are you fucking gay?

I'm excited for the CEs more than anything.

But I do.
I can vouch that user just for this smile.

I don't think Doomguy is insane unless we're talking comic, and then only under the influence. No madness, only an unending fount of vengeance. Avenger suits him better.

> not being gay
Don't be such a faggot bro.

He'd win the war in 1 night. It's common knowledge that when an protecting an "imouto" is at stake, anyone will get buffed to above heavens tier.

Drake CE is absolutly hideous

That's only for siscons.

>Heart shaped clip
what did she mean by this


Sorry but you have to share that spot with me :^)

what would Doomguy's NPs be (besides the obvious BFG)

I was a pretty big fan of the siege mode Gauss cannon in DOOM 2016. I expect the double shotty would be his standard weapon?

>weaker okita


based Japan

This is the best welfare servant they could ever give.

>weaker than Tristan

Who ?

She's inviting Cu to fuck her, that's what it means.

> he played DOOD

So Jeanne Alter is weaker than Okita too? Is Okita rank SS or SSS?

Last time I checked Okita had trouble with Liz.

Strongest unit in a proper team and CE.
If it's individuals there are many who are better.

Is the Tolkien version of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight a good choice to read the tale?

Is that you SGtMarkIV?

Hey guys

Remember when Fate was just a starting series? I remember back then when Fate just started as an anime. It was epic and had "Heroes" from the past fight awesome battles with other heroes

What happened now? It became to sexualized. I've never read the VN but the insert of sex has ruined the Fate franchise forever!

>final battles were against Assassin and Caster
Seems kinda underwhelming.

>what a dumb nip says is true
Yeah because Tamamo is totally a better servant than Atilla, Karna and Mordred


There's a reason he put her on top, friend.

>make a series of very poor decisions
>feel very remorseful
>everyone still calls you evil
P has it rough

Will this scat love me? or is she going to cuck me with Cu again?

Is that you Todd Howard?


>recommended for 100 level holy grail
can't you read your own memelist picture? It's not about power here and I don't care about your "learn to play fgo with nip reddit" website.

>Last time I checked Okita had trouble with Liz.
Ho you're just miguel shitposting, I'm just wasting my time btfo-ing you then.

I can't wait to get Np5 Bedi so I can grail him without worries

Like Beowulf his NP is and will always be ripping and tearing.

>liking shit
You deserve it regardless.

And the Caster is a who-tier hero.

>Trouble with a daily quest
You poor thing.

Why didn't you stop him /fgog/

>Waste 7 Grails to level him to 100
>Still weaker than Jeanne Alter

Isn't it sad ?


She is though.

>stronger than Jeanne Alter

Mate please, I just want someone to fuck my brains out.

>you will never see Doomguy tear Heracles apart with his bare hands like a Baron of Hell

>She is

>3469 ▶
>Like Beowulf his NP is and will always be ripping and tearing.

You ever wonder how oblivious Arthur must have been to diligently serve Manaka until the last minute despite her obviously being evil?

I have enough for 61 draws, not counting quartz and tickets received during the event

I just need to turn off my desire.



>stronger than Jeanne Alter

I am gonna ask you how it's possible when Jeanne has more attacks, an 1.1 multiplicator, buffs on all her skills and can NPBBC.

He tried to live his life according to Protomen's Act II: Father of Death. Specifically tracks 2, 3, and 4. Obviously that was a bad idea and he should have known as much.

lancelot can crit for 3 turn then is useless but that's it, respect him

Stupid eggplant, I want apples not these dumb fragments.

The allure of the grail

>need 22 for a second ten roll
>trying to rush through Camelot for as many quartz as possible
It's such a slog, I just need Tamamo

Yeah I'm not a fan of it but ah well.

> mfw if this game ever had a PvP function a Level 70 Cu Chulainn could solo even Level 100 Sabers

It must be shitty for all of you fags who don't have Evasion and Battle Continuation

Reminder Saber Lancelot = strongest 5* at level 100

I want to worship Nitocris!