League of Legends General - /lolg/


Patch notes:

Kled Spotlight:

Shugi edition

Fertile Demacia's.

first for dicks

why /lolg/ hates the noxian hobo so much?

Can we Jinxpost now? Please? Pretty please?

first for brewposting
katarina is worst girl btw

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

Contest update when?

When you see a cockroach in your home, why do you feel the desire to stomp it into the ground?

She's so cute

It did,

February, March and then they nerfed it after MSI.

Now its back as Trinity Force.


Because most of them funded Noxian Nights on Patreon.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

She's cute as fuck, but I hate her kit and her playerbase.

did you guys tell your parents you love them today, /lolg/?

>In pre-game for ranked
>One of my teammates had 7 losses out of their last 8 ranked games on op.gg
wew lads, almost lost 20lp

I dont like having to pick Darius/Renekton to tell her to fuck off the entire time.

And I dont like her entire fanbase for throwing games hardcore.

She's a Noxian Whore. I prefer to fight Zed.

There should be a way to honor people who dodge.


Ranger's Focus (Q) duration lowered to 4 seconds from 5
Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) damage lowered to 200/350/500 from 250/425/600

ashe BTFO refund that shit skin while you can
they didn't adress the real problem, did they?

The problem is hurricane, but general damage nerfs are fine. They did the same shit with gangplank, it won't change much if you're experienced

>Lulu Buffs

Yea, she can still kite for days with her passive and the Ranger's Focus will still melt tanks.

Increasing the CD on her shit would've been better.

I've dodged 10 games total this season, and I've only won 30 games. I don't know how to feel about it.

For me her major problem is her w spread but that's cause I'm a support main

user please this is not how to build to lose

Riven is cute!

Get out Samir, this is American soil.




I love Lissandra!


Whirling Death (R) ds
Mana cost decreased to 100 at all ranks from 120
Cooldown lowered to 100/90/80 from 110/100/90

Command: Shockwave (R)
Cooldown lowered 110/95/80 from 120/105/90
Mana cost lowered to 100 at all ranks from 100/125/150

Whats up guys!

How many of the SKT skins are you going to buy? I'm going to buy all of them because I like to support good developers, plus that new Kalista recall is so cute ! >.<

See you on the rift summoners

And here I was thinking that you finally hung yourself. Sadly, you're still here.

this is actually kind of fun


Schoolgirl Jinx when?

No shit because you just made an "In" post

thinking about running kogmaw jungle again since they nerfed my nigga hellarims y/n

What was your damage dealt?

yeah just script while youre at it youll be masters in no time

Azir: 76

We're all Shurimans now

>Normally love big busts
>Can't stop fantasizing about Jinx dominating me


You need to go back

cock'maw jungle is good, biggest problem is kiddies who think you're trolling and tilt the fuck out.

One of my supports called me daddy. Confused but also aroused.

fucking no wtf?


Welcome to the club.


"You Xerath's get off my lawn!"

What kind of idiot ganks at 20% health.

this daddy meme has to stop

>not being a big strong support dad and carrying your children to victory

where did it all go wrong...

>picking trundle into a riven

"Tactical ORDER Activated"

>94 lp in bronze 1

slowly but surely i am carrying myself out of shitterdom

>Go to beach
>See this

What do?

Supporting doesn't pay the bills nerd

just... just no

>trundle into riven is a bad match up

?? trundle can literally kill riven at level 1 if she battles him lmao

Trundle kills EVERYONE at 1.

That's "EMPEROR" to you!

How is Trundle into Riven a bad match up?



Turn the other way. I don't like sluts. But I'd probably ask Sona if I can give her tits a good squeeze for a few seconds.

Oh shit, that's a close one but I still think Trundle would win.

Darius if he gets the first hit off (He should considering Q, plus auto attack resets with W)

>level 5 yas
>no matter how hard I try, I feed every single game with him



I dont think so

olaf would have fervor, his passive and corrupting potion

riven out trades really hard with the sheild and the cc. i couldn't even q him half the time. q on me w and e out.

>lvl 1
Darius will still lose to Trundle because -10 AD.
I've seen it happen.

senpai I quite literally lost and fed all the way from mastery 4 to 5 on Yi winning three games, Mastery means nothing.

Are you maxing Q or some shit?

>get out played
>blame the match up

>want to learn how to jungle
>don't want to fuck my team by being shit

What do?

>lvl 1
>Q and W

I meant Q or W as a starting skill.

If it sounded like he had two skills, oops.

what can i do? Thats why i'm asking everyone just said its not a bad matchup.

I'm in the same boat with Teemo
I always start decent but by mid game I start feeding like a mad cunt

It's normals who cares

how would i improve the build

ive literally never had problems 1v1ing riven as trundle, you can get your Q off while she ccs you with her q/w and simply out trade from there

hell its a very forgiving matchup for trundle if you screw up a trade at any time just sit back until the wave comes to you then farm up as your passive heals you up then go back to trade again

the only problem is running oom early on, but riven, like most matchups you play vs her, if she uses her dashes to go in on you then punish the slut and go ham on her/dildo pillar her asshole and beat her up

Could Corrupting potion work on him?

I would suggest playing a bot game without a leash and chain ganking, ending the game 70//0/0 with 8 cs

>Get to mastery 5 on Yi
>Horrible KDA, generally clueless
>Get to mastery 7 on Yi
>If I lose on him it's because either bot fed too hard or I made some critical error

Tying 6 and 7 to performance was a smart idea

Sell jungle item and boots for 2 zeal items

Try hitting on them.

>sub 120% crit chance
never play my main again


>Renekton gains 2 Fury for every 100 damage he takes (including damage resisted by Armor and MR)

Would this make Renekton viable?

>ive literally never had problems 1v1ing riven as trundle, you can get your Q off while she ccs you with her q/w and simply out trade from there

I try to q her as she comes in but i get knocked up and stunned and then she e away so i cant auto her once.

just reduce his E cooldown desu

he would be viable instantly if he was more mobile

>rewarding mobility creep

I'd rather they nerfed most other toplaner mobility, desu. The game has become absurdly mobile.

>he would be viable instantly if he was more mobile
This, in League of Dashes and slows, Renekton needs it for the sticking power.

>had a game where a brand jungle booty blasted our rengar so hard in the booty that he could only type "faggots" for the rest of the game

Please tell me that Jungle Brand isn't a thing I'll ever see again...

To be fair, besides "faggots" did Rengar say that I never hit my W's but then I KS'd a few times with W. He went back to nothing but "faggots" shortly after.

huh? this is about him literally being so easy to kite that adcs dont even break a sweat when they see you

His E cooldown would have to be like, 5 seconds base to keep up with most champs. Slice should tick down its cooldown even while Dice is active, but knowing Riot it's impossible for them to code that onto Renekton even though Elise and Nidalee(?) have that mechanic.

>tfw I have finally mastered Diana
After practicing animation cancelling on Diana throughout many bot games, I have figured out how to do her RQ combo. I've found that it's easier to do without smartcast than with it.

If you have enough gold sell boots and buy phantom dancer and maybe sell the jungle item for RFC if you want to go more fast or maybe even triforce or the QSS upgrade. I don't really see the need for 4% hp damage on hit on trynd, the smite is nice but I think that spot would be better for anything else.

>jungling against a Godyr
>thinks he's hot shit because he killed me at red
>counter gank and kill him whenever possible
>he towerdives me and dies, type "?"
>"You fucking question mark me? I'll camp you now. This is what you wanted."
>next time he sees me he flashes onto me and dies in two hits

So I own every champion, Kled comes out, and I have three champion shards. If I reroll them am I guaranteed to get Kled? Or would it give me a card for a random champion permanent that I could only disenchant?

Also fuck skin shard blueprints.

They have that coded on a lot of champs with multiple Casts of the same skill.

It's not even close to impossible.

>playing based adc
>matched against plat IV vayne
>im silver 1 wtf
>go 2/7/5 in lane
>solo splitpush all midgame, dodge a few ganks, get an inhib and 4 turrets (mid and bot)
>play my heart out in teamfights lategame
>end up 9/8/13
and i still feel like i just fed all game

It's random