Tera General - /terag/

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imgur.com/a/jkhac ------------> bunch of random stuff (detailed mod list and porn)

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>Endgame Guides/Info

Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t

>Elin lewd SFM

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We need more butts in this thread.

We need more butts that want to be fucked in this thread.

Sweet dreams, /terag/!

Goodnight Elin-butt.

what the fuck is that thing?

A spooky monster to scare away all other monsters before you sleep.




go away samefag titposter

I would also accept Human and Castanic tits.


Who's butts are these? I want the left

>wrong on both levels
>still has the audacity to look down on the other guy

neck yourself

I never request tits, I deliver them
Also don't you have some ''''''''''unique and interesting because texture mods and sweetfx instead of xtera'''''''''' tralion screenshots to make, you little buttmad hypocrite

butt slut 1, 2 and 3

Is it worth changing to CH from MT for the erp / sluts?

Ask yourself this: am I here to ERP elins and futas or am I here to grind dungeons?

If answer = ERP, go to CH
If answer = Grind, go to MT
If answer = Both, go to CH

>mfw no one's ever running NT at night
>mfw leveling at odd hours is making this take forever

solo it

I'm nowhere near good enough with this class to do that

queue kumas royale and just get free exp

sure you can with priest buffs
might take a while tho, but still faster than questing

take the ladder route instead. its alot shorter and you can just do bosses

this is not a bad idea and I should have thought of that

if kumas gets too boring I may try to solo it

Just hit 65... is CH active around this time? only chose MT at start as apparently it is highest population, and i play off peak hours

they're "active", but not active

there's nothing active about CH during these hours, you can take the squirrel poster as proof

Actually I'm not that guy. Perhaps accept that more than one person dislikes your jaggy-ridden tomb raider polygon tits.

I want to fuck an elin, but there are none to be found

So Would you say its better to stay on mt, because of timezones this is the only time i can really play

is there any erp at all on MT?

play on my, make alts on ch
problem solved

Misiu is always around to fuck

my anime girl

>they fixed my favourite wall
>they moved the collision boxes

post butt

>velika now traps me in water
It's over.

there's a fair bit of erp on MT, just make friends with the regulars in the thread and you're sure to have it when you want it most of the time.

>heavens skybox is different
It's all over.

>water stretches out super far


Castanics when

Any sluts around who I can fap to in game?

are you a cute elin?


Yes there is ERP on MT. There is an ERP guild called Cumfy there with 3 sluts that fuck anyone.


stop this meme

This is a lot like saying there's content on CH, but you just have to make friends with the LFGers who do SSHM and Uppers. It's not technically wrong, but it sure as shit doesn't mean a lot if you're there for tons of ERP. Just make a roleplaying alt to test the waters if that's what you want. Most people won't care about level so long as you're good looking and interesting.

That said, CH is pretty fucking dead at this time. Telling you this creates a cyclical pattern in which other members of your timezone also refuse to play on this server because of what I've said, which perpetuates the notion that CH is pretty fucking dead at this time. But it's the truth nonetheless. Not sure if MT is any better for euro players because I've never been.


What a flat butt.


I am going to kidnap an elin!

what happens after you kidnap one?

No such thing as a nonflat butt in this game, user


This is disgusting

It starts shaking.
Just wait till the shaking ends. :3c

I'd rather have cute butts than big butts if I was a butt person anyway.


Post elins in swimsuits!

Sshhhh... It's over now, everything's gonna be alright.

>want source
>run a google image search
>mfw the visually similar images

sourcing cropped stuff has become worse than before.
Google simply search for "cartoon"

I forgot the source but I had the non-cropped one left luckily.


what mod is that to make their thighs so shiny. or is it just regular.

when are we gonna get new swimsuits?

Thanks user

stop posting this!

that means keep going

There's no point in resisting when you're the receiving end my brittle little cutie.

And it's coming to you, just embrace it my dear.



sad panda. how fix?

lurk more

Clear all cookies and such, go to e-hentai.org make an account, login, if you can access hentai verse (grinding rpg minigame, or can pick gallery view instead of text view you're logged in and good to go, now you can access ExHentai.
The sad panda is there to stop those that aren't actually E- users.


It's already in the archive, I... There's nothing I can do now.
Even if I delete it, it wouldn't change a thing.

i actually have a exhentai acc and a sad panda extention, i still get it tho.

Hmm, then I don't know what could be the problem.



Live on Terag!


I need new Elin butts to fap to.


ask her directly then

I'm going to marry an Elin!

Ganbatte user-sama!

It's not healthy to encourage his delusion

You're no fun.


That's a step in the right direction

You're making him feel pain.
so much he falls a sleep without having a goodnight story, and never to wake up!


Sit on my face

Quick, namedrop your favorite elin.


/terag/ days are coming to their end!
Elin butts don't even say the threads anymore!
Titty monsters now post more than elins!
It's all over!
Let's finally put /terag/ to rest

Whichever one has the nicest thighs.

Just when I decided to level my lvl32 alt. :(

Sacrifice your butts at the holy altar to save the /terag/!
