ITT: Cute anime girls with cars
Looking for a specific picture, as well. It's an anime girl drinking wine while sitting on a Mitsubishi Evo.
ITT: Cute anime girls with cars
Looking for a specific picture, as well. It's an anime girl drinking wine while sitting on a Mitsubishi Evo.
weebs needs to be gassed desu
Go away weaboos, nobody likes you
Veeky Forums - Auto
All motor vehicle pictures are allowed.
Photos of models and "race queens" are permitted, so long as they are sufficiently clothed.
I gotcha OP
The only people that like weaboos are other weaboos lol
>yfw you realized Veeky Forums stands for the first letter of the Jap word for auto, hence Veeky Forums - Auto
furfag plz go
Fuck off, evan.
Nobody cares about your dumb weaboo factoids loser, go outside
>complains about weebs
>on Veeky Forums
>is a tripfag
>and a furry
kek, dogfucker is mad
lmfao at all the idiots attempting to be alpha while browsing Veeky Forums.
>attempting to be alpha
Yes, weaboos are below furries even.
If they're so bad then leave the fucking thread moron. You're worse than the PTSD feminists. You have a red X button. Use it.
>weaboos are below furries even
You came to the wrong website, cummy-kun
>mfw you post K-On, my favorite anime
if you want smug reaction faces just say so tripfag
Kill yourself senpai
You're voting for Trump, aren't you?
Trump doesn't like degenerate furries. Over the wall you go.
dogfucker voting for someone who hates him
That's wrong tho trump loves furries, you didn't hear that?
Are you fucking new here? These threads happen all the time. It's car related. There aren't many car enthusiasts on those boards. There are here.
And busrider? I probably drive a nicer car than you.
Well this thread became noticeably shorter. And better.
this is for you op
time to rebuild muh folder
>no FF love
and right after FF just got massively shit on too in the other thread
hey man thanks for drawing this
No problem.
>mfw mr crummy keeps getting rekt by the based mods
Hahahaha, "Deleted in 60 Seconds"
One of the opening for Bakemonogatari featured a red NA Miata
One of my favorites.
You're shitposting, it's not innocuous. Either post with the thread theme or lurk moar.
it better be RWD or im going to lower the car on her
my favorite.
>mods banning literally every picture furry or not
lmao this is actually next level butthurt right here
You probably aren't even strong enough to turn the jack to lower it.
>ban evading
>doesn't leave thread
>repeatedly tries to post for attention
>haha u mad
Retarded neckbeard poorfag.
>46 results
Add another lotus to your collection.
is that lain's sister?
I wish janny put in 1/4th this much effort into deleting Alphonse as they did good old 'merican towing power
>yfw you realize it's Lindsey Lohan, Herbie, and some blue haired chick
guys i really really dont like ff...
That Subaru 360 is a qt3.14
have the other Lotus I have then
b-but thats Meiling and Nitori
is this what Veeky Forums summer is
you can't discuss jack fucking shit here oh my lord
where do I go if I want to discuss and get advice on controversial car things
This is a thread for posting cute anime girls with cars, not "discussing and getting advice for controversial car things". Make your own thread for that.
Why are you being so mean? That's not what I was doing. Why are you ruining a comfy thread
I'm sorry I was out of line, I'll post good pictures now.
It's not being mean, it's bluntly stating the truth.
You make no sense
>b-but thats Meiling and Nitori
Can I save this?
it is though
enough with the lindsey lohan fantasies pls
Love this thread.
Seems I missed out on a lot of amusement here.