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5 facts about Tracer edition:
1. She's a member of Overwatch
2. She is British
3. She has the good kind of autism that vaccines give you instead of the bad
4. I love her
5. She's a girl

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Roadhog, Zenyatta, Genji

These heroes are blatantly overpowered

hana song

finally got taegeugki

I don't have it.
i'm sad.

Also available on DVD.

How can anyone defend this shit?
Where are the fucking nerfs, Jeff?

how is it possible to be under 50?

When will the D.va craze die?

I want to play her again.

You have to buy loot boxes to get it idiot

I like "My way" more.

>only get time to play 1030pm-??am
>its nightmare mode
>only bad maps
>only strong enemies
>win just enough to not fall to rank 40

feeding gremlins and playing overwatch, don't do either after midnight

i knew it was huge but holy shit, how did that make it to release?

I never got the Gremlins, isn't it ALWAYS after 12 AM except for the split second it is 12 AM?

who here also paid to get boosted to top 500? honestly worth the $400 family

>When you destroy a team and then you hear "HELDEN STERBEN NIE!"

>Go up from 58 to 64 cause win streak
>"Maybe I should end on a good note"
>Nah let's just keep going
>Get stomped next game easy

I should've just quit

I want Hana Song to peg me.

i want mccree to stick it up my pooper

For 2004 Korean films, my favorite's still this.


Win against underdog, gain 15% of level

Have a leaver on your team immediately, play it out and lose. Lose 60% of a level.

I went 5-2 today and wound up with less rank progress than where I started. How the fuck am I supposed to move from 60 to 65 in a week.

I want to impregnate tracer

Getting stomped so hard a teammate ragequits before the chance to stomp back.

i didnt buy any boxes

went from lv127->150 before i finally got it. now i just need her voiceline and once august 18th rolls around ill be 58/58

theres still 8 days left. just believe in yourself

You know, I always wondered. What does that make the girl that does the pegging then?

If you're playing Reinhardt and you aren't calling stuff out to your team, you're a shitter. Playing Rein takes no concentration at all.

A complete alpha.

>still no taegeugki
>still no ribbon emote
>1 week to go

T-tracer would not wear a thong!

Love, D. Va.

i need to fap to this thought

Why do you guys care so much about your competitive ranking?
>no friends to brag to about it
>not really skilled enough to find quickplay easy/boring
>no amazing rewards from climbing to an above average rank
>comp rank isn't a good way to indicate player skill due to the system not being good

>5 facts about Tracer edition:
stopped reading there

Here are 3 top facts:
- she's an annoying cunt
- she has almost no ass
- she has shitty posture

>Have spent $60 chasing the Ribbon emote.

Fucking kill me.

I don't doubt that I'll panic and drop another $40 right before the deadline.

If it helps, she'll have these kind of eyes while she's pegging you.

>comp rank isn't a good way to indicate player skill due to the system not being good
once they fix how queuing with lower ranks works it'll be a good indication of skill.

i got it in my second loot box :^)

and how does it work with time zones

Because I'm always looking for new reasons to feel like shit, hate and eventually kill myself .

>Open summer game loot box
>Zarya skin



I haven't been to Quick Play since June.

I always liked Pharah and Symmetra but (as expected) this much Hanaposting makes me want to molest her butt instead.

>comp rank isn't a good way to indicate player skill due to the system not being good

People think you can shit on other people because numbers. I bet one of the first things people in QP check for shit talking is comp rank.

both great movies
I should see them again

>Have spent $60 chasing the Ribbon emote.
what is wrong with you?

it is hardwired in male dna to have the desire to be king big dick
big number = big dick
remove your vagina from the premises

I want to kill and eat Hana Song.

>Overbuff profile hasn't updated in almost a week

Anyone else having this problem?

Just making sure, you do know you have to update it yourself right?

I just wanted cheese pizzas for Golden Gun without having to waste more of my life grinding out wins.

Yeah, clicking the refresh button says "Profile up to date" but still doesn't have any games since last Friday.

I don't care about my rank that much, but more like how can people who are picking Hanzo and Bastion on attack have a higher rank than me. I blame the matchmaking also for pairing shit tier teams with competent ones.

Also this:


>He thinks that's exclusive to men

Are you offline in Overwatch when you do this?

gz on her best skin

>first box has ribbon emote
>third box has ribbon emote
I just want my Zarya skin

Yes, both the game and the battle net launcher are closed.


Spent about $160 to get the Tricolore skin for Widowmaker, it seems I got all of the summer game items though but haven't checked.

Noticed that I have all the sprays and skins for all the characters though.

So if you need an estimate it is about $160 for everything. Got a lot of repeats and ended up with 11k gold as well.

Summer games skins are definitely more common than the regular ones in the boxes, that god damn tricolore though jesus christ.

Well he probably has 60 or so items you won't ever get unless you fork over the same amount.

Not sure what to tell you, it's working fine for me. You could post profile so other people could try to update, but you might just be out of luck.

Why does every smurf only play Tracer, Genji, or Widow?

Are the majority of smurf creators mainers of those heroes who can't contain their ebola to one account? I'm just trying to relax in quick play but no, here comes mister level 12 playing Tracer like it's the Blizzcon finals.

You know what the worst thing about maining Widow is?

You never see her, but everyone else does. :(

I hardly ever see her up close unless I strike a pose.

more thongs please ;_;

those guys get stomped on their mains that's why they have alts.

It's just easier to play against worse players as those characters.

Does the increase in gain or loss of rank due to streaks persist even if you close the game?

They got hooked one too many times by a Hog

Those three are the "cancer" characters so they play them to tilt the shit out of the enemy team for easy wins.

That's a shop, but she does have a steady breathing cycle you can watch for a long while.

>The server closed to an unexpected error
>We were literally about to win in 5 seconds
Holy shit that is fucking bullshit

But you can feel super sexy playing a qt. That is something.

I've had two unexpected server closing errors today. One where the match was still up in the air and one where we were getting stomped. So far, a net positive, but apparently the new patch also did something unexpected.

i am 100% sure at this point its people intentionally crashing the servers to duck the loss

I will pay real money for Lucio to get "we wuz kangs" as a voice line.

I will pay real money for thongs skins

When will they make Symmetra better? I like her themes, especially hard light, but she feels very much ineffectual. Besides car washing someone, but that'll work maybe 2 times at best.

>tfw getting that headshot and hearing that elimination noise
>those French lines she drops as bodies drops
I love the qt blue sniper.

I will pay real money for Reinhardt to get "refugees welcome" as a voice line


nope. i care having fun with the game.
There's some faggot who was carried to the top 500 who is constantly begin a faggot, screaming on the mic like the faggot he is. We lose almost everytime with him. Without him, we win almost everytime and having fun times.

Any good skins will be RNG related.


>Parents walk in
>user, what is this, why do you have it on your computer

>comp rank isn't a good way to indicate player skill due to the system not being good
It's true.

Porn magic.

you killed a mercy rez person.

How long til summer games end? Also, can I buy the new skins with overbucks?

I really need that tracer skin

Best gold skin out of


And yet a team of rank 70s would stomp a team of rank 50s every single time.

Is this why I got both summer lucios, summer tracers, 1 summer zarya, k. dva, and nippon genji within 20 rolls? theyre shit?

where my thongs at

22nd and no

It ends on August 22. You can't buy skins with ingame credits, but you can buy boxes with real money hoping you get lucky

>leave quick play match
>Try to find another
>It either immediately puts me back in the same game or "searches" for 5 minutes only to put me back in the same game

too bad the game doenst put those team together


I will be your shield!

As overpowered as she is probably not for a while

That spell check is triggering me.