/fgog/ - Fate Grand Order General

Previous: news.fate-go.jp/2016/jccfoh/

Summer event on 8/11

Summer gacha part 1:
Scat welfare Assassin 4*
Tamamo no Mae Lancer 5*
Anne Mary Archer 4*
Mordred Rider 4*
Kiyohime Lancer 4*
Everyone is limited.

Singles are 3 quartz now, and Ten is 30. Forever.

Grail Ascension added, Max level is 100
To reach level 100:
5 grails for 5*
7 grails for 4*
9 grails for 3*
10 grails for 2*
10 grails for 1*

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones, & androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Camelot Spoilers

>Max Servant stats

Other urls found in this thread:


Oops I'm retarded

Sakura when

Made for breeding.


Look forward to your free 4* Caster Semiramis in the 2017 Summer Event

>/vn/ has Naruto in the OP

How is the average /fgog/fag relationship ?


Wondering if this general is filled with normalfags.

tamamo thread

Keep this up I need to be reminded to keep my quartz safe.

Hopefully she is released soon.

Who cares

Found the Narutard.

Daughter when?


Shuten Doujin soon

>people claim this isn't the best general

>best general
Still trash by definition. I do think it's nice that we've gone a whole year with no tripfaggotry.

Xth for best archer

The only tard here is you, for being such a beta faggot that you need to go to a different general to whine about your hurt feelings. Keep your garbage in your own thread.


>best general
>with all the shitposting

I love my waifu.

I finally did it. After testing a few times it doesn't seem like the CE's NP gain effect activates with his NP's hits.

Remember to watch the new CM


It's impossible to have a general without shitposting.

shitposting is the fuel of the general.
It's like you don't start a day without eating your own cum.
you would feel weak.


>elastic sword
>different color modes
>swinging so hard she opens a tear in time and space
>a satellite cannon beam

I really hope they give her an animation update and a NP interlude to give her Teardrop Photon Ray. Regular Photon Ray should be her opening Buster animation.

>seibahs uncensor
That's just confusing.

Where's kiss virgin but 2d better than 3dpd ?

I just hope it's only sex and not some ryona/guro shit.

Etrian Odyssey general.

>3DPD is better
Bring that user to me.

Just go for kissless.
It's not like you will have any kiss soon.
you have good taste by the way.

Battle Continuation. She could take it.

>not kissless
>thinks he can appreciate 2D like the rest of us
Just kill yourself.

>spreadsheet autist
>shiki user here xD

friendly reminder to not hold it in

unleash the beast

I like the sword. Should make for some cool animations in FGO.

Yeah, but surly there are general with much less shitposting than ours.

W-who eats their own cum?

I'm here user, I'm just not delusional enought and still have hopes for my future instead of being a NEET

>muh party
>muh story mode balancing
>muh EoPs
>F O E

>it's literally a dildo now
Hard to take her seriously tbqhfampai

wait, you don't?

Iskander can take it too and I'm not going to fap to bara doujins.

Of course not!
Why would I eat my own cum?

What's wrong with being a NEET?
I live the comfy life here.
Don't you look down on me you filthy pawn.
Good luck into the normalfag lifestyle though.

>he doesn't recycle his protein and zinc for maximum efficiency and health, as well as easier clean up

Question cat

When I fap it usually end up in my face and in my mouth so I just swallow.
It's good for the body, it's full off good stuffs.

I'll go for kissless then

Question cat why is Lancelot a shit?

Thanks user, good luck to you too
I know that even living a normalfag life I would come here to shitpost
fuck you Veeky Forums, I would never not love you

You either take her seriously or she penetrates your butthole all the way through your intestines and reaching outside your mouth with her sword.



good taste champ

>I know that even living a normalfag life I would come here to shitpost
That's the spirit senpai.


>Carmilla isn't the swimsuit welfare
>Carmilla will probably never get an alt apart from more Liz crap
Feels fucking bad

Bwaka bwaka, cat is not question, cat is answer.


I remember having a couple married anons in this thread


>he doesn't F O E

That is g-gay!

Fat Kiyo.


>masturbation is gay

>marrying a real woman

It is when you e-eat your own cum!

>swallowing your own saliva isn't gay
>drinking your own piss isn't gay
>eating your own cum for its nutritional value and ease is somehow gay despite there being no other male for something gay to actually be happening

I'll bet you Bear Grylls eats his own cum

who doesn't?

Of course he does, he's pretty normal outside the thrill seeking.

>>drinking your own piss isn't gay
You drink your own piss too?

And Bear Grylls is the exact opposite of gay

It's kind of gay if you think about it, you're basically giving a handjob to a sexual organ of your own gender.

>doesn't eat his cum
>doesn't drink his piss
What the actual fuck is wrong with you

Fuck off roleplaying fags

When will the beach invite come?

Once or twice a month at best.
It's really good to purge your stomac.

By that logic, jerking off a chick with a dick would be gay. But it's not, because since the dick is either on you or on a girl, there is nothing homosexual happening.

t. gay in denial

>tfw the FOE you're thinking of isn't the same as everyone elses FOE


Am I really the weird one here?




Quick /fgog/ show me that cute wallpaper of yours.


Nobu a shit voice.

Fuck you

I want Honnoji Event Part 2 just so I can hear the cute little Nobus again

>less attack than CA Hassan
J U 5 T

xth for best vampire

Out of all the people in the thread, you are the only one who doesn't eat his cum

Cute and comfy

She looks so happy though

PQ is just an EO reskin so it's close enough.

I'm really starting to dislike how she stole the spotlight from actual good Hassans.

It isn't about being weird or being normal or fitting in

Eating your cum lowers blood pressure and prevents stroke and heart attack

We're not trying to make you do something gross, user. We're trying to save your life.

>Cursed Arm has more attack then both 3* Hassans
Why is he so best?

>stop liking what I don't like

Remind me, are dataminers still dead? We'll need several hours to see all the gallery stuff?