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Meimei is very hage

Ozi is very hage

Bastet with damage shield added to her multiplier when?

Buff the earlier awokens first. Parvati, awoken greeks, all need buffs

>each combo adds a 10% damage reduction
Just fucking do it BungHole.

Hope that oku sets the precedent for combo shields and it'll be an extremely likely future buff.

boy I'm glad bastet shits don't design stuff for this game

kill yourself cluckade

Just you wait, my little brother just applied to work for Gungho last month.

sucking a guy's dick outside gungho offices doesn't count as an application

>heart cross 50% shield is OK and not game breaking
>a modest combo shield that would probably cap off at 25% for a large combo (probably less tbqh) is unacceptable
Lmao this retard. This is literally the only way to make awoken Oku relevant and still retain his combo gameplay.

My dad works at gungho and he said they're shutting the NA server down in November

Thank you

>that sillhoutette
I didn't buy Gremory or Bastet from the start

Who /ozi/ here? Can other leads even compete?

>heart cross 50% shield is OK and not game breaking
wow cool, I remember exactly where I said that
>a modest combo shield that would probably cap off at 25% for a large combo (probably less tbqh) is unacceptable
wow cool, I remember exactly where he said that

What should awoken Oku get?

Ozibro reporting in


who fucking cares

they'll just release another twenty 6 star gfes right after him

But awoken oku soon... Right boys? He'll save dark...

>no eyebrows
get this trash fanfic out of here

>mfw awoken okuck gets the same treatment as awoken izanigger

This desu
Sick of this GFE meme. Will it finally kill pad?

That would make him decent, fuck that. He should get the same treatment as awoken bestcat

Awoken Oku won't happen because that one guy hasn't posted in Every Thread Until Awoken Oku yet.

No, because the whales will roll the REM anyway.

So make him top tier during his awoken debut?

>awoken izanagi
>not btfo by a fucking farmable that came before him

He's still a good card even if Myru is a lot better than him.

after awoken izanagi came out no one should have any hope left for other awokens

He even admitted to missing a couple of threads some time ago.

So what's the best use for Awoken Vritra? I want a good dark devil team again but he doesn't look like he enhances the old RSonia/LuBu/Beez formula all that much

small chunk of MP to fund buying Beach Myr.

Just GFEs and once-in-a-blue-moon top tier farmables from here on out, boys.

Where did it all go so wrong?

I believe in a heart cross Ame since red still doesn't have one. Lack of jazz hands might make it a pain though.

Awoken U&Y will save us.

Awoken Ame will go straight into the trash. Red is the color of shit from here on out.

Their AS breaks hearts, so I don't think it's likely that they'll get heart cross

They should get orb crosses but that'd kill their TPA offensive maybe.

>blue cross increases damage
>green cross increases shield

That's too annoying

>no Eschamali
>soon no beach Eschamali

I'm technically alive but only feel dead

So it's a given they will get it then.

PAD is longer about comfy, it's about testing the playerbase's patience.

Dual crosses are a blight. Go tryout kenshin and see how you like it.

Advent of heart-cross desu
Wish I could mind control everyone who plays pad and then just boycott Gungho until they stop releasing GFEs

I like this despite it being annoying.

>that much ass for a 10-year-old

Save me from this cross match hell m8s

That's what you get for stealing Sumire from me.

The legs are completely fugged in that pic now that I look at it. I can't tell if the artist was going for a distortion effect with the water or not.

and meant it's no longer comfy.

Old descends are still fun to run through, newer ones with their fucking resolve, skill drain, over damage absorb, 1HKO attack+status shield+damage absorb, and all that other shit is just annoying and not fun.

I love having a random sky fall completely ruin everything by either going over the damage absorb shield limit or putting the enemy in rage mode. Even better when it has resolve and you push the HP bar too far down by accident with no chance of actually killing it..

Even biweeklies are getting in on the act.

kek what the fuck is going on

It's fun if you coop :^)

Sumire literally bathes in the cum of thousands of men daily to maintain her white skin. You're not just getting cucked by 1 shota.

You got bride Escha at least, right? Now you know she really loves you.

>active changes red to blue and heart/jammer/poison to green
>leader skill gives 5x for blue/green/light/dark match, 2x for blue cross and 50% damage reduction for green cross
it would be decent enough and interesting to play

That's what the heart cross leader skills should have been like. Giving both a shield AND an absurd attack boost at the same time was overkill.

Let's say on average a man ejaculates 4cm3 (0.004L)

Average bathtub volume is say 220L

220/0.004 = 55,000 men cumming into a bathtub for Sumire to bathe in.

>leader skill gives 5x for blue/green/light/dark match, 2x for blue cross and 50% damage reduction for green cross
Literally impossible unless you pop CCTW.

you generally don't need to make both crosses every turn

>Literally impossible unless you pop CCTW.

yeah that's what gungho said about regular crosses too

Even making a cross and do a B/G/L/D combo at the same time is a fucking pain.
>yeah that's what gungho said about regular crosses too
No, that's what they said about making 4 crosses at the same time to do a gorillion damage.

>tfw Sumire is no longer worth a shit as a lead with beach miru on the scene

>Even making a cross and do a B/G/L/D combo at the same time is a fucking pain.
ronove must be impossible to play for you then

Where'd this Yamatsumi (or whatever) cuck meme with Sumire come from?

>he doesn't know his myths

>le cuck buzzword used to describe an official pairing
Love this meme honestly

post yfw gungho fucking lied

About what tho

does it really matter?

let's get angry

>when gungho fucks ya waifu with their cuck mythos

I admit I am angry at Gungho.

>mfw 2 gold dragon as stream rewards

Why did you crop out the black man behind her?

>mfw Gungho refuses to put Ozi in the game out of fear from achieving an R rating

>fucking someone else's wife makes you a cuck

I don't know why people think LakshmixVishnu is canon when its a "myth". therefore Lakshmi is my waifu and vishnu does not exist, so I cant be cucked.

Dang, she's literally made for the BBC.

>he then proceeds to post proof of Lakky and Vishnu as a couple
Wew lad.


My favorite picture. Shows how they're OTP.

What's with this Ozi meme? The artist did a great job though.

get this trash fanfic out of here
>he doesn't know who Ozi is

I literally can't believe that people still don't know about ozi. Smdh.

Is this general so dead it's relying on cuckposting to stay alive? Am I in /v/?


Who is generally better fuma or Valk?

Depends on the lead too much. Valk is shit for heart cross for example

these days, fuma. he doesn't heart break and has killers.

This. What really needs to be released is a card that fucking completely debuffs a boss. Make it a 4 star REM card so it can't be inherited and then give it mediocre stats for balance. All of this shit thrown on bosses has blown way past difficulty and straight into the unfun pain-in-the-ass zone.

Post cute for new thread.

It's not new now

Give it up, cuteposting is dead.

>debuff skill
They should make a new pantheon that features this. People will want them and we can finally get new cards that aren't GFEs.

they should make it a 9 star gfe that's restricted to a specific gala

They need to make each one debuff a different gimmick. That'd force people to get the whole pantheon.

Honestly, Paimon and his futa friends should've been a second Archdemon pantheon instead. They permanently fucked over godfests with that amount of GFEs

Raildex collab soon