anyone no wat car 'as da best sterring wheel????????
Wut car has da best stering wheel??????
You're trying too hard
It takes way less to shitpost on Veeky Forums, you overdid it.
sry m8 im a bit hih from last nite :DDD
No you aren't. Stop lying to yourself.
What are you, 12?
Smoke some gasoline next time
Why would you respond to a shitpost?
nah u idiot im nearly 19 and yeh i am hih i smoked a lhol bag of weed last nite XD
Just finished finals and I can't leave yet because my school hates me, so I am very bored.
I'm just so lost. This screams troll, in fact, it is, but something about it just seems genuine...
I guess if you go at it long enough you start to believe your own bs.
Go help user solve his starter issue in the technical thread
Eh, might as well. Thanks
cudd u post ur favoritte steering wheel b5 u leave my thread?
Sure, but you gotta tell me something. Be honest with me.
What do you hope to gain by this? As in, the shitposting, the purposeful spelling errors, why? Are you really doing all this just to confuse some anonymous denizens of the internet you may never see again, and if you did see them you wouldn't even realize?
Why can't you leave school?
ur steering weehl suck. mine best
This is vehicular autism
I'm in highschool...
This makes no sense, thats obviously a right side steering wheel and speedo is measured in km/h