Starting a project and need a programmer.
Has anyone here hired/ outsourced/ given equity to a programmer and what should be avoided?
Starting a project and need a programmer
Avoid Pajeet
Avoid poo in loo
Ukraine will steal from you and install back doors to enable identity theft
India will take forever, ask a million questions and ultimately deliver a substandard result
US will charge the most and likely do the best job
Is the price advantage for outsourcing really even worth it then? I'm from Australia btw
its an advantage for menial tasks like data entry.
thats all pajeet is good for
Even on this point I would disagree.
Pajeet takes far too long to perform simple data entry or mundane Excel tasks and his work is riddled with error.
If you're going to outsource, do it in-shore. It's better for local economies and GDP, and your own culture better understands the underlying business goals.
we used to do outsourcing to pajeets.. we would have 2 pajeets working on the same data sheet.
We would compare the 2 sheets with MS Exell, and flag the exceptions and have them redo it.. Decreased the errors by over 80%..
Its very counterproductive, but 2 pajeets is still cheaper than 1 westerner.
Pick one
ive hired probably 100 programmers and outsourced and built companies with teams of 15 programmers.
1) ignore college degrees and resumes and take them straight into screen-shared testing. ive noticed if someone is leaning hard on a degree its because they suck, the best people to hire love doing what they do.
2) know how to program. if you cant code, hiring programmers is a shot in the dark and the odds are against you.
3) monitor their screens for the first week so you know how they code and how fast they go. most of them dont like this, stand your ground, its only for a week
out of the 100+ programmers ive hired, i probably fired 60+ of them in the first week (most of those in the first 3 days). when you're outsourcing, they are used to working for non-programmers, so they often dont work
if you dont code, you wouldn't know the difference, which is why step 2 is essential.
dont ever outsource to india, lotta reasons but surely someone will come along and say "ive outsourced to india and it was fine". im skilled in all the skills i've hired for, so when they suck, i know it
I've hired programmers as well. Don't do #3.
I am a good programmer myself and would quit immediately for a better job.
Just give them a straightforward task and look at the results.
its only counterproductive on their end, because there is 2 of them working on the same task, instead of 1 westerner.. but once you factor out, the wages. Its still cheaper to hire 2 of them. The errors are decreased at an acceptable level
You also need to hire a domestic business analyst to make idiot proof software requirements.
Give us more information about what you are trying to develop. If it's shitty app number #12941247 then just hire some eastern europeans.
Don't hire pajeets no matter what though.
>3) monitor their screens for the first week
I would quit immediately unless you are paying me way above the odds and if i found out that you do that then i wouldn't interview. i can't work effectively with someone watching over my shoulder.
Have you really been backdoored by commie bloc programmers? I feel like that's just a meme because installing non-obvious backdoors takes a lot of extra effort that may not be worth the bridges you'd burn.
I feel like the russian programmers I've worked with were among the best at what they do, and barely more expensive than pajeets. If I needed to outsource I would totally go with slavs over pajeets.
I concur. One wonders how many incredibly talented people chose to leave after facing this incredibly offensive circumstance.
I'm a talented developer. I can work anywhere I want. I'm constantly getting hit up by head hunters.
You're just one boss out of millions. I don't need you. Indeed, if you hired me, you need me.
And what's particularly interesting is that, with me as the developer and you as the boss, I don't have glassdoor ratings sabotaging my reputation - you do.
You might want to rethink strategy #3. You're setting yourself up to get an increasingly shallower pool of talent.
Yes and no.
We hired them to take data and analyze it in order to automate bulk uploads into a database with unique categorization from a raw string field.
They did this.
And later we discovered some of them also took the data and re-sold it. Lol. Fuckin commies man.
that's fucking hilarious
What do you need a programmer for? Mobile apps? Website? Backend cleanup?
The first two can be contracted out, but hire in real people to handle company databases/servers/anything backend.
What are the programmerbros in here like? My OOP design/nalysis, design patterns, are pretty good, but I'm a little weak on algorithms not having ever studied formal cs.
I'm a C++ programmer so mainly graphical work or image/signal processing. I hate being tested because I'm generally on the slow side to look at and work with super technical problems, but I'm still damn better than most of my friends who also program.
Working on it to improve too, naturally
Basically an ecommerce project with web design and app design required. I know basic Python but not educated enough on developing to have an accurate idea how much this will cost/ how long it will take.