I thought Veeky Forums loved the Fiesta ST. What the fuck happened?
I thought Veeky Forums loved the Fiesta ST. What the fuck happened?
the drift-wheel-drive cucks got angry at people talking about a fun-wheel-drive car being fun to drive and shitposted it right off the face of the board
>driving a hatch
Top cuck
why aren't you constantly talking about one car?
ford shills are away
Its shitposting season dumb ass.
>user gets buttflustered and projects hard
No, its WABBIT season!
The same thing that happened to the WRX. It was affordable and thus attracted retards.
People with different taste aren't "retards"
You misunderstand. There is nothing wrong with the vehicle; the fanbase is autistic. Look at the sort that own WRXs these days, or the average 86/BRZ driver. It goes from "this is my car, I like it for X" to "I IDENTIFY AS A FIESTA ST, *vapes* CHECK YOUR DRIVETRAIN."
I finally drank some monster for the first time today
It's fucking disgusting, it's like a mix of stale cider and bleach
Tastes like shit the first few times but it gets the heart pumping. It's an acquired taste, but not one you really want to have to get used to either.
I was expecting something along the lines of Rockstar or Relentless, but it's absolutely awful
Is the FiST crowed really moving towards vapelords? I thought it was limited to FoST drivers currently
I'm the only person with a FiST in my town, so I don't really talk to other owners aside from Veeky Forums
trying working at a brewery that makes a metric fuckton of the stuff. I would drink it occasionally when I worked there, and even straight out of a filler it was pretty trash
although, off-varieties of monster (extra dry, khaos, recovery, etc) are actually pretty good
The fiesta is OK considering it's fwd and new. I would never spend over 20k on one though. The seating position is terrible, and the turbo runs out of steam fast
typical focus fanboy
*fiesta my bad
There's a fair bit of crossover. Can't afford a FoST? FiST it. That's the price of affordability.
Only gm cuck hate based fords
It was because people didn't like the idea of a fun fwd car. Dunno why, but they took large offence to it
mfw i actually like vaping
whats wrong with being a nic addict but not wanting cancer?
I vape too, but you have to admit the flat brimmed cloud chasing faggots are pretty fucking terrible. And unfortunately, that's what people fixate on when they think of vapers.
Cmon now, do you have the first clue about what your inhaling when you vape?
Not too far off from your typical cancer stick.
Maybe people got tired of people circlejerking it?
The culture associated with these is disgusting. It's why I would take a base model manual Fiesta over the ST. At least I'd be saving lots of cash.
GM shills.
Jesus,did he find those sunglasses rummaging through his dad's closet looking for his porn stash?
constant FiST shill threads
It's generally appreciated, but pretty much this except the season never ends.
seems like a good dd to beat on dont know if i could love it like my civic tho
Honest question, how do you sit comfortably in this car? I am only 5'11" and the top of my head is constantly brushing against the ceiling, I have lowered the seat and it just doesn't work. Also the back seats...wtf were they made for midgets?
>Veeky Forums
>liking cars
Pick one then kill yourself.
>tfw seriously considering getting a FiST
>Veeky Forums suddenly hating it is making me question whether it's a good decision
Out of curiosity how many people do you know who drive subarus?
That's what I thought bitch
>for the record I don't drive a subaru
the threads change every week
one week it's
>wow how come no one is talking about the STs
>wow yeah it's great cost to value
then another
>why do you guys talk about the STs so much, is it good?
>wow it's fucking shit buy a wrx