/vn/ - Itazura Edition

Visual Novel General #1162


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>Visual Novel Translation Status

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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.

Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

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Can you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

xth for Quof

this was never funny or clever. It is time to stop.

If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it.

Can you fuck off with the OP?

More like whore edition

If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it.

If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it.
Fuck you user

Did you fuckers already forget "THANK YOU FOR ALL, TRANSLATORS" don't bully our guys

She's a bully.

I love cute bullies

What have fantranslators given us this year so far, aside from KO, Taimanin 3 and Yoake?

'Cause those were all pretty bad.

Japanese is getting real. Now the only verb you need to make into past tense form is the last one...

>prays to TakaJun shrine

Taimanin Yukikaze was a good fap

Really makes you think, huh...?

>EOPs need to wait years to enjoy Rewrite+ and Harvest Festa.

too bad rewrite stopped being relevant years ago :(

>tfw EOP and too stupid to learn Japanese
That's it I'm ending it.

I want to make love to Inoue-chan!

They don't need a thank from NEETs, what they need is money from SP.

They want and deserve love from fans and (inevitably) need money from SP

Yes, it does! How far are you in Tae Kim's?

Fuck off, chuue.

I wish she had her memories back. This section made me wish she had her own route.

what the fuck? girls only like normie book reading like harry potter.

How would a girl even enjoy the relationships unless bisexual or something?

Is this some kind of secret bait?

>you'll never investigate shit with inoue
>you will never be dragged in a war between gaia and guardian while inoue becomes your sidekick and you use your powers to protect her
>you will never save inoue
The fate of a side character

>ma-ryan-senpai got her route in fandisk instead original game

>write negative review of sekai project game
>it gets downvoted to shit

>he doesn't know SPbot

link it so we can upvote it

Am I the only one who doesn't use Reddit here?

What the fuck are you on about you fucking aspie

literally who



>responding to bait that was responding to bait with more bait
Well memed.

What the hell is going on?

Looks like they are playing PS4

I fucking hope at least one of these girls have a dick

You're being cucked by a girl

>have a dick

Can't find doing reverse search.
Can i have the source, please?


Looks like that nurse yuri shit.

Girl on girl action is worthless if there isn't a dick involved or really nasty fetishes

white robe addiction


Thank you user-kun

>Dovac dead
>Baldr Sky translation is still up in the air
>herkz and Sekai project fucking exposed by Frontwing PR guy on reddit
>that shit Nekopara clone bombed
Is this the end for Sekai project?

>VNDB says a visual novel is 30+ hours
>You finish it in a day

>Paying for video games

Doesn't this have a garbage translation?

>current year
>Still no Mahoyo translation
I will learn japanese and finally give the love Aoko deserves

shes only into shotas

Good job speedreading and missing half the text.

>I need to give steam 5 dollars to upvote
This is a fucking scam

Rape is also a form of love

thanks for confirming shiki akiha OTP

So you acknowledge that the product itself is excellent yet you dont recommend it.

There is a reason why your review is getting downvoted you sperg.

Why do people even link erogedownload? It's such a pain in the ass unless you pay and almost everything there can be gotten more easily somewhere else.

>tfw the French translation is unironically further along than English and is probably more readable than Commie's translation that had to be scrapped
Hon hon hon

she'll kick you in the dick

From a friend who has read it; it's apparently machine TL tier.

Which may or may not be better than the Commie TL considering the retard that was on that job.


>meme cartel translating vn
its gone too far

Not the user from before, but i want it too

It is very easy to use.

>Select the links
>Right click and select "View Selection Source"
>Press CTRL+C
>Start JDownloader
>Click on "Analyze text with links"
>Press CTRL+V
>Start the downloads
>A few hours later you can start playing

Would it kill you to pick a more flattering photo?
Here, use this

>a few hours later

You don't even have to do that much. You can literally point JDownloader at the page and it will work. You just have to do some captchas periodically.

>few hours
But you can just torrent and get it in half an hour, and it's not even divided into parts.

is Bible Black The Infection any good compared to the first one?

Does anyone know if there's a set of maps for Kamidori? I can't remember where all the collection points are and it's a pain in the ass to explore the maps every time.

Is gay ghosts any good? It looks cute but the art isn't that great. I don't really know what kind of story it has so not sure if it's worth the time to play it.

Nice. Don't mind them, Quof. We love you

How can moogy and conjueror even compete?

Great now I have to add Quof to the filter as well.

Fucking autists and their Ecelebs


any vns with characters like meiya? it doesn't have to be translated.

Fate/stay night

What are the odds of Fata Morgana getting an anime adaption?

You mean shit characters? Yeah. There's tons of VNs with shit characters.

it's quite a bit more popular in Japan than it is in the west, but I'd say it's probably a fairly low chance in the foreseeable future.

Hehe, nice one boss you got him good.

Thanks user, this is actually really useful.

Figures. Since Fata Morgana is more or less kinetic (since all the alternate endings are basically just short "what if you fucked up?" scenarios), I think it could work well as an anime.

I need motivation to continue Tsukihime. I finished Arc and Ciel routes, are the rest of the routes even worth it? It doesn't seem like there's much actual story left and I already finished best girl'sArcueid's route.

how would you do things like the backlog fucking up in the fourth door though? filters everywhere?

I wouldn't really call it a kinetic novel. Even if they are 'just' alternative endings, they're comparable to dead ends in F/SN and stuff. In-fact, I was pleasantly surprised with the effort that was put into a few of the alternative endings. Yeah, there's one true ending but still.

And a few of the choices were literally timed which completely caught me off guard. I actually liked it. I got Alpha Protocol flashbacks.

arc is my favorite girl but the last three routes are the best. read them

and then go read the manga which is basically just a better version of Arc's route (it is also canon)

>not oyabin

I quite liked some of the alternate endings too, I just meant that not too much would be lost from the overall story without the bad endings.

That first timed choice fucking killed me, at first I had been saving regularly, but by the time the choice came I hadn't saved in quite awhile. It took 20 minutes of skipping to get back to it.

Alright. Usually I would 100% the game anyways, but the it was just feeling so repetitive. I'll give it another shot.

I played Arc's route awhile back and loved it, and was looking forward to the other routes, but I couldn't bring myself to play the Ciel route.

Currybutt is worst girl so that's understandable.

yeah, that's the problem with going straight from Arc -> Ciel

Ciel's route is basically arc route 2.0 (even more so with the 'good' ending) but far-side routes don't even have Arc/Ciel being relevant really, it's all about the Tohno household, Akiha, and the maids. it's pretty far removed from the first two routes. even smaller scaled, less repetitive bullshit, and less expository dialogue (there's still quite a bit though).

i think people give Ciel a bit too much of a hard time. i also think it's because most people go Arc -> Ciel and they instantly realize that a lot of it is repetition and they get bored of it pretty quickly.

though in my opinion the conflicts between Arc and Ciel are even more interesting in Ciel's route, and Arc gets fleshed out a bit more, so it's worth a read. perhaps after you cleared the other routes. i really like yandere characters of Arc's clique though, so that route had a lot of extra goodies, and the 'good' ending is fun.

Ciel is a mixed bag. i think she's at her best when she's being bullied by Arc. those two really have good synergy in my opinion.

overall though i think the quality of the routes go like this:

Hisui > Akiha > Kohaku > Ciel >= Arc

It's primarily talking so it probably wouldn't require a huge budget.

Though I bet a proper animation of Door 2 would probably be expensive. Especially the ending.

Also my I have to say one of my favorite things about Fata were some of the choices.

The numerous ones in the last door fucking killed me. Figuratively and literally.


It's been a long time, can someone summarize Arc's route for me?