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Reminder to get a free $10 credit from Amazon only usable with digital downloads, offer expires August 31.

1. Download Amazon Underground on android device or emulator.
2. Download Hay Day, search Hay Day Game on the app if you have trouble finding it. (you dont even have to log into the game, just download and install it)
3. Uninstall Hearthstone from you androind and download it FROM the amazon underground app
4. After 24-48 hours you should get an email confirming you got the $10

Things to know,
1. If you are outside the US, make sure you put a US address on your Amazon account, just use a hotel, that way you can get in game items cheaper
2. You HAVE to have a credit card linked to the account to make any in game purchases
3. If you use a referral code you get an extra $5, mine is CHRIS266680N.

Hope all this helps and remember there is a deadline and the $10 expires after 30 days.





Which is the most anime deck in Hearthstone?

Fuck me god damn it

Any paladin deck

>can't print good low cost cards because aggro will abuse them
>can't print high cost cards because they never get used because you're dead before you can play them
We need class specializations. Classes like Shaman and Warrior especially

>Uninstall Hearthstone from you androind

>not owning an androind

priest is the most anime deck because they're the underdog that can still pull some complete bullshit and win the game in style once every 10 games

>play paladin in tavern brawl
>protect your minions with divine shield and they will be able to take 2 on at the same time

funniest thing written in hearthstone


>not using emulators

the joke is android being misspelled as androind

>Turn one totem golem
There is nothing more bullshit in this game.

What time is ONIK coming out?

Whenever it's fun and interactive



so midnight when the servers can crash and no one is around?

If a server crashes when no one is online, is uptime still lost?

dont waste money, get the amazon app, you can easily get 3 wings for free with the refer code and hayday, 15 dollarydoos

>Vol'Jin, Horde Warchief is a Priest card under Anduin
>Varian, King of Stormwind, is a Warrior card, under Garrosh


Yes I know they're both dead

How much is one night in development going to be?

Did Amaz just bring his daughter on the stream?

Amaz has a daughter?

1. why are you watchin him
2 isnt he gay, unmarried and 20

what the fuck happened to all the good neutral minions

He is funny.

>Varyan and Vol'jin

hes probably molesting her since he loves twinks

but seriously why are neutral minions so crippled compared to class minions these days

anyone got the mira nudes?

What makes you think he is anything other than a loving and caring father to his goblin?

Because they can be used in every deck, its not rocket science.

explain the power level of zombie chow and deathlord then

Isn't Vol'jin in some contract with Death and thus kinda immune to dying?
I thought Shadow Hunters strike bargains with gods by offering sacrifice and shit like that, and he had the Death god on his side.

2 cards that generally don't see play?

Yeah, because they got banned.
Anyway, the explanation he wants is that Naxx was a huge power creep, minions from that expansion are too strong overall.

>priest will never get their only good minions back

Priest lost the most from expansions rotating out, tbqh.


I really feel sorry for you if your definition of funny is some dweeb screaming at the top of his lungs the second anything happens. Seek medical attention.

Dork Cultist was also decent.

Maybe that is good enough of an explanation on why neutrals don't get good cards anymore. Weird right, now it was spelled out for him literally the entire time.

I feel sorry for you if you are so cynical and jaded that you can't enjoy goofy silliness.
Seriously, I do. Life must be very gray and dull.

DO WE WIN GUYS????????

DO WE WIN??????????????????

>goofy silliness
jesus christ just do the world a favour and kill yourself

>mfw i will never be bitter, jaded and broken enough to demand others kill themselves for having a laugh

if I want streamer entertainment, I watch either reynad or kibler, they're like two ends of a spectrum - assholish pile of salt and the biggest pile of optimism and professionalism you'll ever see

meanwhile amaz is 'AAAAAAAA WHAT DO WE DO REDDIT????'

You have to be 18 or older to use this site.

>Naxx was a huge power creep, minions from that expansion are too strong overall

Deathlord: 5 mana worth of stats and a taunt, deathrattle: put Justicar or Loatheb from your opponent's deck on the battlefield; if it's aggro shaman, put argent horserider or totem golem.

b-buh mai Deathlord, a fair and well-designed anti-aggro tool, gib back, fucking aggroshitters ;_;

Something about Kibler just rubs me the wrong way, I can't put my finger on it. I guess he's just so upbeat that it seems unnatural.

Priest has SEVEN 4 mana minions now.

- Holy Champion
- Auchenai
- Lightspawn
- Spawn of Shadows
- Shifting Shade
- C'Thun 3/6
- Feast 3/6

Priest has ONE 3 mana minion.

- Shadowfiend

Priest has TWO 2 mana minions (Lightwell doesn't count).

- Wyrmrest Agent (Dragon only)
- Museum Curator

Why are Blizzard's design team incompetent boobs? Have they never looked at their own fucking curve graph when designing cards?

Deathlord would be unplayable without Lightbombs.

Aggro Shaman is a lot of fun and easy to climb with but I wish it wasn't.

Only the fact that I'm using Morgl's cute face rather than "Vaguely angry male Orc except he's not red, yellow or puple".

Aggro Shaman isn't really fun though.

Does anyone have the list of which cards appear in each wing?

After getting mowed down by Dragons or even a fucking perfect curve Tempo Mage anytime I bother with a slower deck then yeah being able to match value for value and trample over nine out of ten people is fun.

>Talking shit about based Thrall


>only class where it doesn't help you in any way to hero power on turn 2
>has no 2 drops

haha :D

Go away Chris

Dragon warrior's good against aggro shaman though.

How do I get rank 26?

>it's a c'thun warrior armor up to 60+ episode

turn one tunnel trogg? turn 2 dr. boom?

>tfw you beat someone playing a legimiate full golden (adventure crafts included) meta deck with a meme deck

I can't imagine what drives someone to spend so much money/spend so much time in this game to actually have golden decks.

>Remove his shitty minions
>Bait the brawls
>Deal with C'Thun
>Watch him deck himself out and die to fatigue

Trogg can be dealt with, Boom is no longer relevant. With 2 mana on your side there is literally nothing you can do to stop it for at least 2 two turns on average, and you are burning removal when turn 4 for the shaman is going to net a 4 mana 7/7

>trogg coin trogg
>totem golem
>game over

How do you deal with 3 C'Thuns after he Doomcallers with Brann?

It's impossible to fatigue out a C'Thun Warrior you liar.

And what I'm supposed to do with his golden monkey + ~7 legendary minions?

yeaaah, suuuure



>44 hours since I downloaded hay day
Where's my money amazon?

>beat someone thats playing meta deck with shit memedeck
>they add you to friend just to throw a salty hissfitt and removes you before you can respont

try making another account, I had to do it

its on hearthstone wiki

Vicious Syndicate is based as fuck. I'm glad we got an alternative over Tempostorm's meme shit

I've created 3. Got my first $10 a few days ago, but I want more.

steal it with sylvanas, transform it with tinkmaster?

how do you get the $10 on the same account multiple times?


haha epic my dude xd! such a fresh and funny may-may! Whe're do i subscrib? ?

Good C'Thun Warriors don't play C'Thun until they've Emperored it or Shield Slam.

Then they Shield Slam their own C'Thun to stop anyone from stealing it, entombing it, polymorphing it, etc.

That way they can always Doomcaller it.

It's fucking broken.

are you ok senpai?

discover a noose and hang yourself

Vol'jin is a shadow hunter which is kinda close to shadow priest so he is in priest.
Varian is a warrior so he is in warrior.


It's better against practically everything else. I like having a chance.


nice touch

It's the cocaine

>nightbane templar coming in wing 3
>Netherspite Historian in Wing 4

Suffering. I just want to play Dragon Paladin.

>wanting worse blackwing technician

How do I get this information

why is she so slutty


>worse blackwing technician

back to rank 20 with you

she's a lazy mustard for battle

>Menagerie Warden week 3

3 weeks until ladder is filled with hyper cancer druids again.

>faeria is actually really good
>will never have 1/10th the playerbase of hearthstone