/lisg/ - Life is Strange General #395

"Forbidden Love" Edition

Previous Thread: Life is Strange is an episodic interactive drama from DONTNOD Entertainment. Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Maxine Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay to rewind time. At the prestigious Blackwell Academy, Max must prepare with Chloe Price for the incoming storm of returning to her hometown after five years. Available on Steam, PSN and Xbox Live.

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But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath, but let your yes be yes and your no be no, that you may not fall under condemnation.



>As Max and Chloe are leaving the ruins of Arcadia Bay behind, there's one more tragic story unfolding
>Alice and Lisa stuck in Max's room, Alice hasn't eaten anything in days, the dorms are destroyed and no one comes looking for them
>"No one's gonna come save us, this is the end, we'll starve to death..."
>Alice...you can survive this and go back to your owner. All you have to do is... all you have to do is eat me."
>"What? No, fuck that. Lisa, you're my number one priority, I'm not eating you!"
>"Alice, think about it... how many times this week did you try to nibble my leafs? I'm a plant, Alice, you're a bunny, maybe it's time I accept my destiny... OUR destiny."
>"Lisa, I can't make this choice!"
>"No Alice, you're the only one who can"

>eat Lisa

>eat your own foot


Hello everyone!

We (a bunch of regulars and ex regulars) are organizing a /lisg/ sings. The song we are going to be singing is Glass walls.
As you may know the song has male and female parts. You can either do both or pick one.
Here is a download with the lyrics and the song: orph.link/lisgsings

>How do I record this?
Use Audacity or something, there are plenty of programs that do this. If you don’t have a mic just use your phone.
Try singing the whole song in 1 go, you can leave out the male or female part depending on which you do. This makes it easier to edit. If you want to do both just record it twice.
Make sure it is JUST YOUR VOICE. No song in the background.

>Okay how do I send in my files?
Email your files to [email protected]
You can add them in the attachment or upload them somewhere where the files can be downloaded from. Try to avoid Vocaroo as it makes the quality shit.

>When is the deadline
You can send in your files till the 15th of August.
If you’re a little later it’s not too bad, the editing won’t start right away but try to do it before then.

>I can’t sing!!!
No one gives a shit, it’s just for fun. Try to join when you can!

The post below me is appalling

Some threads are nice, but other than that it's full of horny edgelords with weird degradation fetishes. I fucking hate those people with a passion that could burn the heavens.
At least there's the cute fluffy yuri thread that's running on a semi-regular basis lately.

Fuck I can't even get the previews running smoothly. HD was a mistake.

I was laughingly picking the eat lisa one before and then when listening i cried

Since I haven't posted the full version yet and none of you have either

May your fluffly yuri thread thrive and a lot of nice, romantically endearing yuris come your way!

...The clips do include some effects? Might just torture my machine with them a little more.

They don't, I was bored. Took fucking 15 minutes to render on my toaster.


It's the opposite of forbidden love!
It's destiny and fate.

Remember: Bae > Bay, Pricefield is canon, most people survived the storm (including Kate), and everyone will heal from their problems over time with love and support.

I don't like Chloe-corrupted Max

>Remember: Bae > Bay

Could be worse tbqh. Are those Brooke's legs?

It is inevitable love!

That's hardly corrupted. That's just a clothing swap and a temp tattoo.

>Kate will never be as happy as Chloe and Max
>She will have to settle with marrying Warren


Look mom, I found the Kate hater again!
>complains about new uncomfy anons
>makes the thread uncomfy as heck anyway

Kate will never have to settle. Her sweet demure personality ensures that there'll be no shortage of people in love with her.

And since she is a pure Christian girl, she'll turn all of them down and go happily into the arms of Christ

After leaving the sin-bin of Arcadia Bay, she will find a nice Christian boy (or girl) and they will find happiness. Or maybe some between her and Victoria will happen.

Yeah. The shorts/ leggings are from Brooke.
I wonder if that's what Max wore when Chloe took her to her first MOSH PIT

(You thought the above line would be "Shaka Brah")


Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”

Max and Chloe are pirates though.

I wouldn't be too upset if that happened but I'm a fan of her spreading the gospel to her children (little Kates) too.

AO3 is now up.

Best pair.

A good glimpse into the beauty of Chloe and a confirmation of who she is when you see the similarities and differences across versions of the timeline.
The alt timeline was the result of Max trying to make Chloe's life better. And she did.
Considering the extreme different state of mind Chloe is in the bathroom when she dies (Before Max rewinds it) and between when she's in her bedroom with Max. Alt Chloe had a short life, but overall she was happy because she had people she loved stay with her. It was sad, but also beautiful.

Although I am glad Max undid those changes. Even if it means Chloe had to suffer getting hurt for five years, it gives her a chance at happiness long into the future.

I want to hug Max.


This guy knows what's up.

>password: lis

So go do it, Chloe. Stop rubbing it in our faces.

No I didn't, I rolled over the spoiler before I read any of it.

>Skippy from RBWGg

Max and Chloe Pricefieldpost so much. It's insane how much they think about each other.

Latest chapter of I Know Life is Strange. I really wish this was what came after the game, getting to go back and redo the week with all the knowledge.

Max told Chloe about the other timeline, but Chloe took it well. The flashback with Rachel was neat too. Catboiler really nailed the characters in this, they feel realistic and act like how I would expect once given the full knowledge of things. Especially Chloe, she's a lot more mellowed out after learning the truth about Max, Rachel, and now William.
I think if more signs of the storm start appearing then Max, Chloe, Kate, and Victoria will turn their attention to warning people. And just let David handle Jefferson.

Same name I had on pastebin. Just keeping things simple user

Look in his eyes, you just know.

I know. The two of them aren't even subtle about it.



That he loved his daughter, and that his daughter was in love with her best friend?
Yeah. I think he knew that. William was a great guy.

Seems perfect to me! Now she really can be Mad Max!


She tries to be hardcore but then gags after one sip of beer. Chloe has to stop herself from laughing and make sure Max is alright. Max can't drink that stuff so Chloe runs out and gets the two of them a nice bottle of wine to share.


The only short haired Max I like is the one Gaberoid draws. Short hair, somewhat messy, kind of stereotypical "dykish" but still very cute.

However, Max's original hair or a short ponytail are the best for her by far.


Kate is so adorable in a bunny suit

>password: lis


>gags after one sip of beer
Nah, she'd keep it down as long as it's Pabst Blue Ribbon. Gotta maintain the waif-hipster aesthetic

Which style Victoria do you like best?

i like the one with bling desu

Max is so hipster that she disregards hipster things. Like how Chloe is so punk that she rebels against things seen as punk.
It's a cute though. The two of them at a party (Or hosting one at their house), everyone drinking what they like, and the two of them sipping something Chloe got special because she knows Max's tastes.

I wonder what Max's poison actually would be. Probably something lightweight and sweet like Rekorderlig


>Top: Meh, no, like this one if you change the shorts, alright, "oh hey Chloe when did you get here?"
>Bottom: What we got in game was good, the jacket is kind of nice for the next two, this looks more casual and isn't flaunting her wealth, granny Chase.
I liked her final design but seeing her in more casual clothes would have been neat.

>friendly reminder that turning off your game at the decision screen is confirmed canon ending


Nah, that's for outgoing normie 18yos who often drink with friends so they get the cheap regular stuff that doesn't have any particular taste. Max probably drinks something a bit more obscure and hipsterish.

I could see her drinking Frangelico. I guess the most hipster one can get is some kind of local craft beer; or to be even more countercultural, local organic wine

Max drinks coca cola!

This kiss came in the morning after the storm cleared away and before they made their way into town.

If she drinks too much she will get fat.

She did, until she spilled it.
"Begone, foul soft drink!"
Maybe she puts some spiced rum in it sometimes.

If she drinks too much she will get sick. Same with eating too much sweets.

Yeah, this looks like something I don't wanna know the source of.

I like the lighting on this one. A sunrise or sunset so overwhelming that it's washing out the colors.
A nice moment of relaxation.


It's amazing that after five years apart, Chloe really doesn't act mad with Max. I guess she realized even then that they were both equally to blame for it. The only thing Chloe holds against Max was that she was back in AB and didn't come see her, which I suppose is fair. But in Max's defense she was thinking about doing but was nervous (Chloe was probably nervous about seeing Max too).

she got da 'beetus

Speaking of that... Max has been a student at Blackwell for a month, and already she's got creepcuck stalking her.

Warryn doesn't seem the type to savor an obsession. As soon as something better comes along, off he goes for some fresh stalking

No she doesn't!

I guess Warren is one to quickly get attached to people and develop feelings. It doesn't seem so much like stalking, more that he's trying to "play it cool" and failing miserably.
Which leads me to believe once he accepts Max and Chloe are together, and Max just wants to be his friend, he will find someone else and move on. Hopefully someone who reciprocates his feelings.


Pricefield, please guys? I want to see Chloe looking after Max.

How long did it take you to realize Victoria did nothing wrong and Kate deserved everything she got?



Get out of here



I didn't realise Cannibal Holocaust was an actual film, wow Warren.

Max got sick (Insert sad face here). Luckily her girlfriend was there to help. Got Joyce to make some chicken noodle soup at the diner and then brought it over to Max.

Please don't reply to b8 about K8.

Speaking of Kate, she also showed up to bring Max work she missed and make sure she was alright. What a good friend.
Max will be sure to return the favor in the future and treat Kate to tea, or watch Alice if Kate wants to go somewhere for a day.

oh, poor Max. she's lucky to have Chloe and Kate


It's beyond fucked up. It makes Warryn all the more creepy that he would be trying to peddle it to Max

One of the final scenes involves a woman being raped with rocks and hacked apart; done so realistically the director was charged with murder

That she is.

I wouldn't call it fucked it - it has a lot of cinematic merit and its the kind of stuff your average teenager with a penchant for horror would be able to stomach easily.

But I can't see it being something that Max would enjoy at all. The rape scenes are particularly brutal, as you say.
Ultimately it's just Divine inserting some of his film buff knowledge into the dialogue as a bit of a joke.

Reminds me of when I was a mid-teenager, I used to tell really offensive jokes because it got me attention and stopped people viewing me as meek. Perhaps Warren has similar subconscious motivations.

I guess mileage varies. I've seen the worst of the worst on the Internet and that movie still disturbed me

Yeah it could be that the writers tried to make Warren seem that way, they just hamfisted that aspect of him and that's why he seems more creepy than he actually is. Hell, I'm an awkward guy and I'll try to befriend girls without outright hitting on them. I'm also super successful and then I can hang in that cozy friendzone forever.

They may not even be bad character writers. Maybe they thought their target audience are so dumb that they had to make that aspect of Warren more obvious than it needs to be.

Same here. But whenever anyone used to try to argue that it was a fucked up film in the past, Major Psycho would show up and throw a hissy fit about 'infantilizing' Max.

>mentioning Major Psycho
Please stop. Don't summon him.

I think we're safe. I think he's gone.

It's supposed to be that. The "I laughed my ass off line" is nothing but "I am a strong male not afraid of physical violence", when it's just stupid. The conversation doesn't convey that well, but that's pretty awkward itself, which is fitting?

Don't forget that Max can answer that she has actually seen it. So trying too hard to argue it is appalling for Warren to even know of the movie could backfire. It's one of the more graphic, but also one of the more popular movies teenagers absolutely watch.

The "won't be having sex with you" line was likely supposed to be one where Warren physically cringes after he has said it, but he just doesn't for some reason. That could be an example of how the conversational intention Divine had in mind just doesn't translate. Which as I said above is awkward and does in turn make the situation more awkward (or creepy) too, which then kind of works out. But it's still hamfisted, just like his entire character ultimately is.

I can do that for now. I do think Max wouldn't watch that movie through though. It's a "classic", and Max could reasonably be interested from a more artistic, or at least observational attitude in the graphic experience of a movie like that ("the closest you get to the real thing, so they say"), but she really is too... infantile is not the word, but she's just not the person to sit through a film like that I don't think.