>2 rajang in the arena quest Can I just burry underground as a cat and let them kill each other?
Adam Miller
Someone walk me through damage calculation. Or tell me if I am wrong at least.
Say I use the Epitaph Eternal GS (200 raw, 34 dragon element, -10% affinity and blue sharpness) Say our enemy is a Rathalos and I attack its tail (45% cutting damage, 20% dragon element) with an unsheathe attack (48 motion value)
First I calculate the average raw with the affinity in mind, yes? So 200*0.9+200*0.1*0.75 = 195
>raw dmg Now to calculate the damage I do "attack * motion value * sharpness * monster part", correct?
So 195 * 0.48 * 1.2 * 0.45 = 50.5 (don't know about rounding, let's just say I do 50 raw damage)
>elemental dmg The formula here should be a simple "elemental damage * sharpness * monster part"
34 * 1.0625 * 0.2 = 7.22 (let's say 7)
So in the end I would do 50 raw and 7 dragon damage to the tail of this Rathalos on average.
If I were to use a lvl strong charge (120*1.3=156 MV and 300% elemental damage) I would be doing 195 * 1.56 * 1.2 * 0.45 = 164.2 raw and 34 * 3 * 1.0625 * 0.2 = 21.6 dragon damage.
Does this seem correct?
Bentley Rivera
200 raw
>adrenaline+2 200*1.3= 260
>WE, Crit Boost 200*(1+(0.4*0.5))= 240
>AuL, CE+3, Crit Boost 220*(1+(0.4*0.3))= 246.4
why aren't you running adrenaline?
Benjamin Adams
I don't like getting oneshot
Mason Thompson
Unlocked HR turns. ID: 67-5169-6464-5831 PW: 7243
Chase Moore
>Generatjons is locked to 30fps What the fuck is this bullshit? I can't play this. Not after experiencing 4U's silky smooth 60fps. 4U looked fine. Why did they have to choose minor graphic upgrades over gameplay? This fucking sucks. I hate this game.
where should I be aiming cannon shots? What are its benefits over crag or clust? This arcing hurts its range
Charles Lopez
Still that's 33% faster.
Zachary Gutierrez
So, played the Generations demo they got up for download, and I just gotta say... It looks ugly. Like, I do like how there are now "swoosh" particles when swing a sword, but my god is there too many "generic anime attack effects" on everything other than basic attacks. Now, playing offline it looks... well, desu it looks ugly in offline, but online it just devolves into a rainbow barf centered on the target monster.
Luis Wilson
That's 33% faster. Still a huge difference.
Jonathan Howard
you'd be surprised how few attacks will actually oneshot blademaster adrenaline. the ones that do are all telegraphed
Blake Cox
Subscribed and upvoted
Christopher Mitchell
They don't give two shits about what anyone in the West thinks. Japs probably asked for this shit since Capcom is constantly bragging about using playerbase feedback for each title.
Ian Phillips
Going back to 4U feels weird after Gen
Juan Campbell
Guy from before, continuing Dreadking's Rathalos grinding.
Room ID: 50 - 3456 - 8541 - 1681
Currently doing lv4, come join, we have one slot.
Jace Bennett
Japs asked for more graphics and it's still stuck on 3DS? I thought they asked for second analog stick since 10 years ago?
Blake Martinez
Monster Hunter Generations at 80 hours of play has caused irreparable damage to my wrists, I can no longer bend them without severe pain or cramping up. I can no longer use my phone or hold a regular controller or a pencil without severe pain. Is there anyway I can seek a lawsuit against Nintendo for selling such a tiny device that causes severe damage?
Jeremiah Morales
>Thinking there's a major difference between 30 and 60fps and it matters in monster hunter. Next you'll demand they create a 4k handheld because you can't see what's on the screen.
Jose Cox
Where can I search for jap TAs with every weapon?
James Ortiz
Jacob Ortiz
>"remember to take breaks every meow and then"
Christian Harris
How about you go to a doctor first before trying to jump at someone's pockets.
Mason Moore
the human eye can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 fps :^)
Henry Butler
I live in america, going to the doctor would cost more than going to a lawyer.
Andrew Gomez
Alright folks, let's see those weapon usage stats.
Have you been loyal to your weaponfu?
Andrew Jones
that all looks correct. the only other factor I can think of is iirc some monsters have damage reduction in higher ranks or particular quests. and in rage mode, too, if any of that affects your calculations.
what are you working toward figuring?
Dominic Sanchez
I've played Monster Hunter so much that when I see the game whether it on my ds or in videos I feel nauseous and want to throw up. is this normal?
Hudson Gomez
looking for randoms 12-2321-4563-3306
Joshua Price
>I live in america We know.
>I feel nauseous and want to throw up. is this normal? No.
Lucas Jackson
I know what you have, the cure is to kill yourself.
Henry Hall
This. Resolution is a much serious issue than framerate. But nobody will bring it up because muh nintendo. Look at how much you can see here
Adam Edwards
I will never get the perfect cat.
Unless anybody wants to hand them out to impatient shitters?
Lincoln Williams
Adrian Cook
>no password >not listed under gathering >Didn't even give the room a name To the blacklist with you Traxxus
Joseph Foster
kek, you were holding it wrong probably
Nicholas Gonzalez
And when we finally do get a graphical upgrade via MHO it gets region locked and shitted on by /mhg/.
Hunter Carter
FoV. Resolution is fine.
Tyler Perez
Nothing in particular, I just wanted to get a picture of how much damage the elemental part of my weapon does compared to raw
It's sad, wish Capcom buffed status and element on slower big weapons, so many wasted final designs desu
Tyler Walker
Is that all it takes to end up on this blacklist?
Michael Mitchell
>namedropping Stay classy.
Jaxson Cooper
just tryna do random quests dawg i apologize in advance if i offended your tism
Jaxon Cook
New to /mhg/. I'm more and more convinced there is no blacklist.
Brody Phillips
If they pulled it back more the pixelation will be obscure even more
Carter Edwards
Thought it sort of an unspoken rule to avoid naming names. Weird.
Caleb Flores
Best Charm you've mined? Legit only, obviously. I mined a +10 Attack --- the other day. I think my best might be FastCharge +5 ooo though.
Angel Scott
Jaxon Ross
+3 silverwind +5 tenderizer ooo
William Rogers
Is it worth playing aerial hammer if i want to learn how to play the weapon for other games?
Aaron Taylor
John Smith
>Start+X >"Is something the matter, meowster ?" It might, MIGHT, just be the fact that you're there on the other side of the map macerating a pack of innocent Aptonoth, instead of helping me kill the 30 meter tyranosaurus dragon that spits fire and you just so happened to have been assigned to kill. Other than that, no, nothing's the matter.
Jaxson Bell
Find who this faggot is. He needs to get the fuck in the blacklist for namedropping.
Brandon Nguyen
FastCharge +4 OOO
Just fuck my shit up, senpai.
Connor Sullivan
>Set your cat to focus smalls first >Surprised its attacking smalls first
This is player error on your part.
Ethan Jenkins
Hammer main here. Just go Guild. It's the best for Hammer, IMO. The aerial gimmick is cool for knocking Raths out of the sky, but you spend so much time jumping around instead of just smashing the monster's head.
Aaron Anderson
>Steve flies into the air >run away like a madman >still get caught by his attacks
>Steve flies into the air >not this time mother fucker >hold completely still to make my self as easy of a target as possible >activate anime sword counter move >he completely fucking misses me
why does this happen with so many other monsters too?
is this the true way to dodge like a pro? hold completely still?
Camden Sanchez
I just started lurking recently as well, someone had posted the list in another thread and there were as many detractors as there were people suggesting names.
Maybe it's just some sort of meta meme and I'm out of the loop
Connor Parker
>oh no someone used the ingame name of a hunter in /mhg/, that's like... bad and stuff
Nolan Richardson
If it's unspoken, how would people know about it? Also if people wanted to be anonymous in Monster Hunter. They'd have chosen the name user for their hunter.
Caleb Brooks
let me guess, slopes
Tyler Flores
What arts should i take?
Eli Taylor
Anyone else using a PSP cap instead of the c-nub?
How much does the psp cap "waggle" for you? Is it completely 100% tight with absolutely no movement or does it move a bit if you press down on it all the way on its left, right, bottom or top points?
It works very well for me so far, fantastic camera control, but it does "move" a bit if you know what I mean. Move as in change its angle
William James
Nah, it just means he's a complete retard and could keep doing that. Retards should be blacklisted.
Colton Gomez
But it is. We have such a thing as etiquette.
It's not really unspoken, it has just been around for a while so we don't just repeat it. It's also the point of Shagaru meme.
Carter Thomas
I want to BE the Kirin slut!
Jace Myers
No, it's just that the Seregios dive attack has some weird hitzone and running away from it makes you more likely to get hit.
Adrian Edwards
It's like certain mannerisms. It's common sense or seems like the right thing to do. If what you say is true we might as well all namefag here.
Nathan Phillips
And what is the point of this rule?
>play with some people >afterwards go "hey tommyface, you did great, thanks a lot for being so patient" >WOW FAG DON'T NAMEDROP ME
Hunter Ortiz
Problem is that I didn't. Didn't know that was a thing more like it, Jesus I'm dumb. At least I got Glave pl8 on my first HR Glave hunt, feels good.
Grayson Perez
pls gib FastCharge +5 ooo
Grayson Murphy
Julian Gomez
>Whines about how retards should being black listed >Doesn't want to blacklist Traxxus for being a retard and not reading the OP Make up your mind.
Logan Myers
>anonymous board >What is wrong with namedropping? If you want to thank someone, do it in your lobby, nobody cares here.
Sebastian Parker
why is sns so good? it puts my greatsword usage in F2 FU and 3U to shame. (And rest.)
Ryder Taylor
Attack +7 Ice Attack +4 ooo
Andrew Jenkins
Someone post a list of everyone who uses the OTHER site. That's the official blacklist and those people should be named and shamed as much as possible.
Daniel Campbell
There are too many good water dbs. Which is best? Mizu, nibelsnarf, ludroths, plesioth, seltas.q, master saber?
Nathan Scott
>Did two Kirin Quests >Suddenly have all the parts to make the armour I-I'm not sure I want to go down this route.
Thomas Butler
>tfw you do terrible in hunts and could be considered one of the worst players on /mhg/ >but still can't find my name on the blacklist
I wonder who this blacklist autist is and how we didn't play together yet.
Jason Jones
Usually people just go by the weapon choice. >Hey gun user, make sure you eat for moxie next time. Or something like that. People still know who is who and no one gets their spot lit up. How hard is that?
Colton Richardson
What do I have to kill for absolute readyness?
Hot Hades Bayblade+ up is kicking my ass, need a crutch.
Wyatt Watson
Why the fuck would you be this autistic about it?
If someone had to say something to me and we're not in a lobby anymore, then I wouldn't mind him dropping my name in here at all.
What the fuck. You guys have severe issues.
Brody Rivera
Being shitty at the game is one thing, being a retard or asshole is a whole other story. But if you want to be on the blacklist so badly, just give us your Hunter Name and NNID.
Adrian Price
Owen Allen
3* Guild quest Wyvern Sand Runners.
Liam Watson
Gavin Robinson
>Affinity Up Frenzy status doesn't work with Crisis
Kayden Russell
>Plessy >Snibbidy Snarf Those shouldn't be in any sane person's "best" list. Other than that, droths and Tama are pretty cool.
Xavier Stewart
Cooper Nguyen
I have it, and it does move a bit for me as well. I kinda like the movement, though. Just makes it feel a bit more like an analog stick to me.
Justin Garcia
To that one guy who said that Lion's charge was useless on GS: Do you have a source?
It seems that it works out just fine.
Christian Reyes
>No longsword >No SNS with the sexy oils You are missing out homie.
Brandon Hill
Do it!
James Cooper
Right, just wanted to make sure I did it correctly. Because I tried multiple times but couldn' get the cap "in there" even tighter. I mean it's not falling out at all, it's definitely tight, just notice some movement still.
Anyway, thanks man. I don't regret this mod one bit, it's fantastic.