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/sthg/ - #535 - Chilli Dog insanity Edition
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CALLING ALL DRAWFAGS! Based on discussion earlier in the week, we'll be trying something new starting tomorrow to drum up thread events. Ant drawfags interested in taking live requests this Thursday are invited to participate. Requesters picking from the Idea Wall are recommended, but certainly not required. Any content delivered will be greatly appreciated!
To any artists participating in Drawfag Thursday that want requests a little less blue and a bit more red, please consider taking requests in
Swats plz show clemency.
Daniel Adams
Fuck, forgot to edit. It starts TODAY, not tomorrow.
Nathan Morgan
to that user making the drop dash hack, I'm interested in collabing with you on stage art and design.
will post shortly with some art I've been working on
Jace Peterson
Nah, it's more thread courtesy than anything.
William Russell
I wish I knew, user
Jackson Fisher
Ryan Powell
Mfw I post a pic that was just posted
David Smith
Why'd we remove the song of the thread part? :(
Nathan Williams
Colton Jones
again with this shit?
Joshua Bailey
Jeremiah Lee
Jayden Perry
Justin Barnes
they are so cute user
Aiden Bell
Yeah they are. I wish I had more pics but I'm on my phone.
Carter Wilson
that sucks
Christian Miller
Not this shit again.
>Embed Can someone make a not shitty thread?
Dylan Roberts
When does it start? I just woke up.
Aaron Green
(Not sure if that will link to the right post anymore...)
Sorry I said quick-sketch then got it here two days later, but here ya go user. Amy handstand.
So looking at the storytime last thread, wouldn't it have been a good idea to rally the other FF teams to Eggman Land, at least the closest ones, or is it because Sally's team has the fastest means of travel to intercept Eggman?
Carter Ross
The latter
Connor Morales
>tfw the only recognition the GBA Sonic games get is in a spin off starring Mario with some Sonic
Nicholas Barnes
Totino's Stuffed Waffles
Brayden Ward
I'm at class. Probably won't be home for another 3-4 hours.
Anthony Campbell
Don't sweat it. Like I said, it's more meant for a drop-in-and-draw kind of deal.
Brandon Hall
I'm down for taking requests.
Blake Reed
Amy trying to rap in the style of Adventure 2 knuckles hip-hop.
Benjamin Ramirez
Blind sonic is such a cute, I could always take more art of him. Though an user already did a similar request a couple weeks ago so put it low on the priority list. Including hello Kitty is a bonus but not required.
John Clark
perci flirting/crushing over tails
Evan Parker
Man, how many memes did the anniversary party leave us with? Totino's nachos, BZZZZ, blind Sonic x Hello kitty. Any other?
Jonathan Lopez
Your favorite character dressed as an RPG class that suits them, such as white mage Amy
Eli Clark
Connor Jackson
I'm not sure if I like this or not. It sure made me miss the Chao again though.
Alexander Hill
Blake Green
Napping Johnny. Nothing but classic sonic. Amy Rose's VA is stacked not a meme but goddamn, i'm even more of an amyfag now.
Xavier Lopez
Bit of hit and miss for me, but they knocked it out of the park with the Mania trailer music, though.
Adam Long
ive been away from this general for a while, any news about sonic 2017
Jordan Stewart
First Advance was ported on Android though.
Jason Long
Outside of the trailer, no.
Elijah Mitchell
I want to tango with Shadow
Henry Richardson
Why not waltz
John White
Carson Walker
>They dubbed Sonic Boom fully in my native language
Liam Allen
Is there a Japanese dub yet?
Lucas Barnes
The anniversary party was so good.
Justin Lee
Rouge having a nightmare about being flat. Bonus points if Blaze is present and flaunting newfound assets.
Cooper James
Nope. They only got game part of the franchise.
Ethan Harris
>Amy Rose's VA is stacked O'rly?
Evan Jenkins
Oliver Nelson
Peach/Amy when?
Chase Smith
>Peach/Amy >Not Amy/Daisy
Hudson Barnes
James Hall
Lesbians are fucking boring
Lincoln Reyes
Im taking summer class and for my final paper im writing about sonic
This isn't even the first time i wrote a paper for school about sonic in college
Andrew Gomez
>Lesbians I guess you've never seen Daisy's /d/ick.
Noah Brooks
tell me more
Xavier Davis
Female/futa is still fucking boring
Kayden Hernandez
Character design? Thematics? Game design philosophies? Give us deets, bruh.
Jaxson Murphy
It's a summer class so it's not too hard of a final
The class is about Media and Society, and our final is to do a media review. There are two parts of my paper–active audiences (im arguing that people interpret and give meaning to what sth means to them) and underrepresentation (simple argument about how the female characters aren't represented a lot).
Jason Diaz
>I want to look at men because it excites me more
Lincoln Perry
Got a problem with that?
Alexander Edwards
More boring than straight sex in the missionary position with the lights off for the sole purpose for creating offspring?
Owen Reyes
Jason Ward
Different audiences interpreting the franchise in different ways depending on which aspects of the franchise they are exposed to? That's actually quite the subject matter! Good for you!
No, but asserting that someone else's preferences are boring is just as unkind. But let's not get into it. This is /sthg/, not /pol/. I'm sorry for being a buttwad.
Ayden Ortiz
Jace Carter
Joshua Hernandez
Choose a Sonic.
Camden Rivera
X is cute.
Anthony Perez
>Not wanting Twin-dick Futa-Tails
Hudson Evans
What the fuck is going on
Gavin Long
I choose them all.
Asher Barnes
Elijah Campbell
But that's love user
And love is the most beautiful thing in the whole world.
/r/ing for Blaze being awkward around any Sonic character and spilling spaghetti
Landon Miller
>love >being just straight sex in the missionary position with the lights off for the sole purpose for creating offspring God I hope not.
Dominic Howard
Runners Sonic
Nathaniel Peterson
It's part of the experience, when you're in love, even the most trite of activities seems wonderful.
Sebastian Rogers
I fucking loved Riders' style
Jace Hernandez
>only game Sonics
John Hill
Ah, so if the filename says it it must be true? Fair enough.
Matthew Sullivan
exactly! who would lie on the internet?
Jonathan Ross
>ITT there is literally some newcomers to the Sonic Franchise where they didn't know Knuckles could also turn Super or EVEN HYPER.
What I don't even....
Also Battlebots comes on 7:00 Pacific/8 PM tonight on ABC. I would like to one day see a short comic by Archie where Tails and Rotors Bot goes up against Dr.Eggman's Battlebot