Oldfags edition
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Oldfags edition
Old Thread: Current Patch Notes:
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You get the point.
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
Claimed in the name of both games!
I-is there any good (lewd) art with characters of both games?
Best waifu
Just after this
League waifu magic tier list
>Arcane magic - deluxe sorceress tier
>Magic - sorceress tier
>Simple magic - magic trick tier
>Proto magic - natural or limited magic
>Magical equipment - tool assisted waifu tier
>No magic - standard waifu tier
Miss Fortune
>Quinn tier
Aren't you supposed to get a hextech chest upon reaching lvl 3? My account is lvl 5 and I haven't received anything.
Soraka is love. Soraka is life. She is the best support.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Skarner is cute! Cute!
B-but only Ahri has relevant waifu magic.
Soraka is toxic
God fucking damnit 31 minutes into a 3v5 game
Why is this crap justified? Its clear as day that they lose but no, they don't surr and my team is too fucking retarded to push and finish the game they run around in circles and hunt for the enemy, while I can't finish the game because I'm the support and have to aid them in this crap.
Who the fuck finds this entertaining? Its not challenging, its just a complete shit fiesta, a waste of time. I don't learn anything from it, I don't improve with it, neither does anyone. I don't feel any accomplishment even if I win. Its like a pro player makes an account to stay in bronze or some shit to stomp on people to feel good about himself. Its just so pathetic.
You misspelled Soraka.
xth for Jinx
If I play with her I rage. If I play against her I rage. Soraka, the cancer.
best drawfag
Morello is an idiot who panders to "flashy plays" and "mechanical skills". Soraka is perfectly fine.
Not her fault that you cannot hold your emotions. Stay mad.
>riot says that new champ likes to go ham early game and you should capitalize your strong early game
>in reality he has shit early game and have to build a bit of tankyness and play passively early to not be totally shit in his pretty strong late game
>Morello is an idiot who panders to "flashy plays" and "mechanical skills". Soraka is perfectly fine.
Morello on multiple accounts was right.
She's supposed to heal me. Not torture me.
>new thread always made 30 replies early
>first 50 posts of every new thread are always autists making le ebin waifu posts so everyone sees them right away
>rest of the thread slow as shit becaus no one has anything else meaningful to contribute
>rinse and repeat
Epic thread, lolbabs. I'll be back over at the superior dota2 general.
Why is TF disabled?
>still kick their asses until the last minute
was a fun, albeit retarded game
Something along the lines of Four or Sexy voices?
i mean, it's really your choice...
Why is he in jail user?
Come on now I made an OC tier list. Give me some (You)'s at least or sumthin
Please respond.
Sounds like you aren't supposed to
i swear to god
Not bad but a few things should be sorted out. Leona should be a lower tier and Cassiopeia and Sona should be higher up.
Don't swear at Him.
She has plenty of counterplay and her kit is quite simple, but also very rewarding when used correctly. I see no problem with her. I bet everyone who wants her to be gutted are butthurt damage dealers.
I want Lulu to polymorph me into a poro and refuse to turn me back until I've jammed my big poro tongue into her tiny yordle cunt to her satisfaction
>She has plenty of counterplay
>GW makes her main tool 40% less effective
Are you nigga serious?
hes cut haha
She'll polymorph you into biscuit and crush you with her foot.
Post em
R8 em
>her foot
I wish
I like you 5/5
dont act like people are biased because they play "damage dealer" when you are biased because you play soraka
your champ recquire barely any skill to do well and having to deal with her kit take way more effort than it take for her to play
>AP Shyvana is neat, but can I make a retarded Shyvana build that can carry a low-elo game?
>Suddenly it comes to me
>AP Bruiser Shyvana
>Bloodrazor/Frozen Mallet/Nashor's Tooth/Titty Hydra/Lich Bane
I have a problem
So the same as most Mages except with GW instead of MR?
She's annoying as fuck, makes the game unfun for the people playing against her and has so much power in her kit for so little cost.
A DPScheck some would say.
In normal ranked play, this is cancerous as fuck because people can not effectively focus down the same target as quickly as competitive teams would.
Soraka needs to just be removed, she isn't healthy for the game.
Favourite "Void" creature/10
A rat with wings but doesn't have wings/10
Great champ with a great skin/10
A couple mental steps/10
Haha yeah Soraka is so broken and unfun that's why she's pick/ban every LCS game.
Oh wait, it seems she has weaknesses that make her unviable. Hmm.
This thread needs more Vlad.
Post Vlad.
Silver is Elo hell
He sucks
>skarner will never be a void monster
>instead they deported him to shurima
I mean hes not olaf level strong early but you can really cheese people easily with a Ignite all in.
Losing Skarl isnt as bad you think because tendencies is where the majority of your damage comes from.
>stupid Fiora thinks she can 1v1 cause she knocks me off Skarl and I have shit movement speed
" what a broken champ "
By the way a secret tip: get attack speed on him like phantom dancer. If you ever get knocked off skarl you can get back on him in like 2 seconds flat thanks to the bonus AS applying tendencies faster
the problem is that she doesnt have to put herself at near as much risk as she should for her success case. Soraka easily darts in and out of a battle skewing the odds with her sporadic healing and if you have a half decent frontline she will almost never be at any risk. Even if you DO manage to get to her she can simply silence you land a single Q and begin kiting the fuck out of you (and god forbid she builds tanky/HP).
I dont think Soraka is OP by any means but she is pretty anti-fun for her enemies because you often feel as though grievous would or 5 man piling for her are your only options for dealing with her.
Newanon here, how do you show them off like that? It's no in the OP or the last threads OP.
Can you not fucking read?
>In normal ranked play, this is cancerous as fuck because people can not effectively focus down the same target as quickly as competitive teams would.
Sorakafags confirmed for retards.
Azirs voice is top teir too
Because he stole my heart user
no he cute
>Missing the point entirely
Okay heres the fucking short version.
You're stupid waifu is the worst thing in this game because when you pick her you made a literal stale-mate in bot-lane. No one else can do this.
Neither you or the enemy can go aggressive without the assistance of a jungler. All excitement from the lane is gone. This isn't some champion being too strong or being a time bomb, this is literally just turning off the first 20 minutes of the game.
Soraka by her nature makes sure nothing interesting can happen in bot lane. Trade damage then heal it back up, plain and simple. There's nothing challenging about her.
Soraka by fact is the only champion to completely neutralize her lane and thats a problem in its self.
I want Kled to let me smell his butt!
why does this look like connors
gunblade was pretty good on season 2 shyvana top it's probably still pretty solid
How are you leveling him?
His Q is so underwhelming
i'm going
W>Q>W>Q>E>R and then maxing W
>qtpie's stream right now
I think Jhin's voice is pretty sexy too
Someone should put Sarah Conner as the censor bar.
4/5 based mothafucka
When you reroll Champion shards you're guaranteed a Champion Permanent that you don't already own
If you own all the Champions but one you're guaranteed that one Champion
project fiora splash look so good
a shame the ingame look like shit
that's what happens when you don't play the game for 3 years I guess
what happened
Thank you, user
Friendly reminder to always dodge or ban yasuo if he is on your team.
also any nidalee mains who could give a tip or two on how to play best girl in the jungle?
>worst thing in this game
This is the existence of assasins.
He got a Champ shard from a chest so he showed the plebs how to roll for Kled
How the fuck do I fight in lane
I've been playing jungle so long I forgot how, and my main mid champion Lux is just throwing out es until theyre low and burst combo
How the fuck do I duel as even someone like Aurelion Sol or Karthus, let alone an all in champ like Quinn or Wukong
No Ahri. Disgusting.
nothing I got memed on by mechanics I don't understand carry on
Please stop.
Is Irelia still ridiculous or can I stop banning her
solid 5/5
4/5 bretty gud
I like everything about you.
Bear trap is fucking shit and only really good for clearing. You can bypass clearing problems with a simply Hydra rush however so I enjoy maxing W first then Q.
Lots of CDR is also pretty good because it puts it on a 4 secondish CD and its really vital to your DPS. Alot of people are complaing about rather to get lifesteal glasscannon or HP but I actually think AS and CDR are more vital .
>this guy though
4 outta 5
Harrowing when this year?
How to fix League: remove all forms of sustain and healing, rework relevant champs and items.
There, now can Riot hire me already?
>Clearly a top-laner selection
>"No ahri"
fuck off
>remove all forms of sustain and healing
You just removed all fun from this game for me.