Tesla, Alphabet, Ford, Uber, Volkswagon. The Electric self driving car is the future, and these companies are investing in it heavily. How do we cash in?
New technology?
Self driving cars
self-driving is a meme. why drive at all when you can use the internet instead? only thing automated driving is good for is for sexual encounters.
Internet secks is the futuro
They're digging their own graves, the average middle class human will not own a car once cheap self automated taxi services become available. MP3s killed the record labels self driven cars will kill auto makers, or alot of them anyway
All of these companies are dropping their projects left and right. Apple already dropped their car project. Self driving cars was a bigger meme than consumer 3D printers.
Summary of self drivers:
Gov will legislate it to death
Insurance companies will lobby against it
Police unions will shill against it
Local municipalities will shill against it
Auto manufacturers will lobby against it
Lyfts and Ubers runways arent long enough, they will fragment and be sold off piecemeal.
people drive cars because it's fun and the car is seen as a representation of the self.
self-driving cars kill both reasons for driving.
you might as well take public transportation or just stay home. Most of the driving we do isn't strictly necessary.
this will get killed for the same reason public transportation projects do- the auto industry makes way too much money off the status quo. We've known since at least the 60's that car culture is absurdly wasteful. We've known how to fix it. But car companies have never allowed it and probably never will.
Even automated public transit have operators on board. I don't get why retards believe in the whole self driving cars will replace ___ meme. People are just delusional. I remember watching the news with my Great-Grandpa and they were talking about self driving trucks replacing truck drivers. He just laughed and said "We thought auto pilot would replace us, but the government still put us up there to get us killed. And they still got young poor men up there." talking about the Air Force starting to use auto pilot back in the late 40s.
Creating something that appeals to people riding in self-driving cars.
Solarcity has a big opportunity to gain 70% if they go through with their merge with Tesla.
Who takes fault in car accidents with self driving cars? The companies building them? I'm not sure how insurance would work, someone explain this to me
They have fully automatic drones as well. Auto-pilot did take some of those jobs.
You mean like a smartphone?
My state has no fault. You could slam into a parked car and both drivers are equally at fault. That's one way to deal with self driving cars.
Those drones are operated by Air Force pilots. Just because they aren't in the actual craft doesn't mean they lost their job.
That's stupid as fuck. What kind of backwater state do you live in? Let's give it to Mexico.
You would be giving 13 states to Mexico.
Transport/logistics companies will shill for it. They are as big and powerful as auto makers.
Good riddance.
>Insurance companies will lobby against it
no they wont. they'll love it.
people will pay for insurance for their self driving cars, and never get into crashes.
>My state has no fault. You could slam into a parked car and both drivers are equally at fault. That's one way to deal with self driving cars.
No fault has limits, and doesn't quite work that way. If you have someone on camera, you can still sue them to recover everything.
Source: Been t-boned twice in Michigan by people running reds. All costs recovered, including medical, and for the second one where it wasn't totaled, I got depreciation back.
Self driving cars will be the future and it starts with partly automated vehicles. There is a very high demand here in Germany and many other countries for example Japan. The reasons are barelly for the comfort but mainly safety and efficiency. First as business cars, rich people, then taxis and once driving manually is illegal (since too dangerous) everyone is going to use automated cars. In general the main use is going to be by car sharing. Car companies already know they wont sell many cars anymore in future and they are preparing for that. Manually cars have NO future.
Self driving cars are NOT the future. They don't solve the traffic problem. They will never reach the efficiency of public transport.
So instead I'm positioning myself into a place that has all the benefits of public transport packaged into a singular module - allowing you to own your car regardless.
MP3 didn't kill record labels. iPod/iPhone and iTunes did.
Of course they solve traffic problems. Traffic jams are 90% made by human mistakes in driving. If all cars drive automatically there are no errors, you dont even need traffic lights and with a car sharing system it would be even more efficient as less cars are needed. In some decades "owning" a car will be useless and probably even impossible if you are not rich.
BYD Ltd.
>Traffic jams are 90% made by human mistakes in driving
No, traffic ACCIDENTS are 90% human factor. Although accidents do cause disruptions in traffic, they are by no means the main reason for it. All these companies in OP have made it known that they will keep their self-driving data away from the government and you have made zero implications on how these cars will beat bottlenecks - the major cause in traffic.
Just hang around major thoroughfares fucking in a popemobile
What do you mean "a meme"? It is an upcoming technology. Pretty big deal at that.
Maybe, but typically when whole industries jump on board as early adopters, these things peter out. True innovation and earth shattering changes tend to be black swan events.
I can ride a horse.
bretty bud desu
This is just wrong.
People tailgate too closely for their reaction times, and have terrible depth perception. One person braking, or even just coasting for a bit can start a jam. The person behind him creeps up, has to overcompensate with the brakes, and it cascades backwards from there. If you have enough people driving in a perfect circle, you will end up with a wave of spontaneous traffic that flows in the opposite direction of movement at roughly 30% of the speed of the vehicles.
So all we have to do is slash the tires of any self-driving car we find, and eventually it'll stop being profitable.
>slashing the tires off of a car that is practically guaranteed to have active LIDAR and cameras, and which will detect the slash by the sudden change in tire pressure, then store, and flag the last several minutes of footage for later review.
What is a ski mask?
I fucking hate driving. I'm a commercial electrician and 90+% of my work is in the city. I spend hours a day driving in, around and out of the city. I would love, LOVE to not have to drive anymore and just have someone else do it.
Get in my car, set destination and then have a nap, eat lunch, write some reports or do a couple quotes. Far more preferable then dealing with traffic and getting enraged by other fuckwit motorists.
Seriously, fuck driving. After 10 years of CBD driving I'm over this shit. Bring on self-driving cars. Anyone that still enjoys driving is either an underage cunt or a fucking weekend driving asshole.
>people drive cars because it's fun and the car is seen as a representation of the self
Sure, you can slash a few, and if you are clever, you won't get caught if you want to do it for a long time, but that's going to be a lot of effort, and possibly quite expensive. LIDAR can get a very good 3D profile of you with today's systems. In 10 years it's going to be scary accurate.
Welcome to the botnet.
How many ladders and other shit do you have hanging off your truck on a given day? All that stuff is going to need to be stowed out of the line of sight of your LIDAR/camera systems. That's unfortunately going to delay adoption on commercial vehicles for quite a while.
Semi's are an entirely different plane of existence too. It's going to be decades before these systems become common those, if not more. Both because of the difficulties, and because large commercial vehicles are designed to run for years. There's trucks from the 70s and 80s that are over 10 million miles, and still going strong.
The biggest benefit will come from replacing truckers. These self driving semis aren't limited to 14 hours of driving, they can drive as long as they have gas. They don't get tired, or need meth to complete thier hours. Insurance companies will love it, very little payouts because they get into so many few accidents. Products will be delivered overnight for cheaper, and the freight industry will become an automated machine powering exponential growth. More trucks on the road, more roads will be needed, our crumbling infrastructure will need repair and trade schools/jobs will be how the middle class will recover from the mass unemployment that automation is gonna caause. It's gonna be fucking crazy nigga.
Look at how many fucking people still drive manual.
I currently hold Daimler and Dongfeng Motor for exactly this scenario
It will be interesting to see how long (or if ever) legislation will allow cars to be driven with no humans inside. THAT will change the way we ship products
My old shitbox was manual.
Manual's pretty amazing when your college town is a ghetto. Nobody ever asks to borrow your car. You can leave it unlocked anywhere and nobody will steal it. I prefer automatics with paddle shifting now, but manual definitely had it's perks.