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Soraka is love. Soraka is life. Banana lady edition.

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1st for stealing 1st

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Leagues biggest and milkiest bust

xth for Hextech and Lumberjack are the best skins and Mecha shit is awful.

1 or 0 decides which champ i ONLY play on my old meme account!

xth for counterplay

I bet none of you could beat Veeky Forums in a game of tic-tac-toe.

Soraka is a boring champion


>50/50 chance to get Kled with champ reroll
>Get nocturne instead
Well at least I'm only missing him. would have prefered Kled to nocturne though there was a reason he was last. Well, between the last reroll giving me galio instead.

Galio :^)

Xth for most loyal and most bust


Guys i'm 1-1 in promos to diamond 4

give me your fucking energy

I hope you tilt to bronze, faggot

i hope you lose so you quit and get a life

AD thresh

Nice b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8. Soraka is the best. :^)


but katarina is garens gf you cuck fuck off

You really love us that much user?

your cancer champ will fail you and you will lose this promo

Not yet, but I sure wouldn't want to be on destruction man's hitlist when he decides he wants to wife that shit.

meh , ranking is grap anyway , i play like a god yet im in bronze.
>inb4 is your fault
Nope , people fuck up matches and i have to lose lp because of them.
There's no point in playing rankeds

aw shit

>Optimus Prime

Shit taste confirmed.

Why Soraka has highgest banrate of all supports bar Sona? Is she that feared?

>somebody like gross gore who is literally mentally unstable has a qt muslim gf
>you've literally never even held hands with a girl

why is this allowed

Silver shitters fear the banana

So when league dies you guys think riot is going to be kind enough to give us a epilogue of the champions?

Do you have a bot to do this or do you somehow manage to be in every single thread imthem


Those dick sucking lips will leave you weak in the knees for weeks user.

And her team will always try to white knight when you smash.

>be toplaner with 3799G
>probably useless
>be toplaner with 0G and a triforce
>takes 3 people to kill you while instakilling squishies and having a fuckton of stats everywhere

Out of the last 26 games I've had, there has not been one occasion of a team that has built triforce and then lost against a team with no triforce, save for a 5v4 which obviously doesn't count.

It's a serious problem and needs to be addressed - Irelia, GP and the rest aren't broken, triforce is broken. Either they introduce a one-per-team item ban or the game is just League of Triforces.

>I play like a god
>In bronze
>But I can't carry
>In the game where people get 5cs/min at the most and you can easily outscale everyone and 1v5 the enemy team

You're a funny guy.

how the fuck Do I git gud at gp barrels?
I can lane and ulti well its just the barrels im terrible with is it just practicing a lot or what?
She's broken as hell because heal supports are insanely strong




braindead to play
annoying to play against
her heal is busted

Just stole a baron with Jhin W in a fucking close game and then steamrolled them

fucking kek.

Soraka looks like such a bitch in that picture. I would let her suck my dick with those lips.

do you have money ?

>british white male
>muslim girlfriend



Please leave, gross gore. No one is going to become jealous of your man faced girlfriend.

how is she best girl
Literally 0 good smut of her exist
unless you count the solly haruz thing

>Wanting to pay for another skin when base Sion has more lines and better animations

I seriously, SERIOUSLY want Soraka to suck my dick. I've fapped to Soraka blowjob pics so many times now that not playing her makes me feel guilty.

Champion.gg is only for plat+ and here she is listed as a 2nd most banned support. And her banrate is highest in Diamond apparently.

>He will waste his seed siring a muslim child
>A muslim man will instead sire a child with a white woman he could have been with

This man will be one of the firsts on the day of the rope.

post results

The worst part of my life currently is that I have done everything possible with a girl except actual genuine sex. and it's my fault we didn't

I'm such a fucking retard

Who's the best lane bully for top, Darius or Pantheon? And if it's Pantheon is he better enough to justify picking him with the trashy lategame in comparison?

have you seen his new vid, he will rope himself soon

>be former Gold shitter sitting in Bronze
>get to Silver off Veigar since that's how I got to Gold
>don't want to be one trick pony so try Zed
>die a lot
>try Yasuo
>die a lot
>try to learn ADC since when I get stuck bot I go Veigar or Teemo APC
>pick Ashe since female friend gifted it to me since I'm a slave to the bootie
>suck so bad

I really want to stop being a one-trick pony with Veigar, what do /lolg/?

>fake smut of you're waifu
lol user u have much to learn about devout loyalty


>she's probably from southern pakistan
>those eyes
>any other face would have been ruined with a nose piercing but hers wasn't

mid wukong


God dammit, user!

Do you really want me to be the best?


teach me then user
Just how loyal are you to katarina when I watched your stream you played her 0 times

Final Memelord Veigar


My sides.

I love you, based RNG user.

>That 5 man zrya snare
The real MVP


Now that I think of it, I've always wanted to be a baker how come Wukong isn't rivals with Jax?

>Still can't do shit right

Boosted animals.

>Paying at all

not without pounding muslim poonaner first

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

I want to cherish and love her, not be her user

Why is it after I take a break from a game for a couple months I always come back slightly better than before.

it was pretty much a disaster

He is a fucking turkroach
No wonder he is so fucked up

Heck yeah man. This is what I normally roll with if I'm going up against an AP mid for ad just replace the hp's with armors and you're good

Make sure to take thunder lords and use the E>AA>Q combo and you can take out half the health of most mid laners by level 2.

Don't tell me you people don't play lane bullies, I know for a fact a large number of you get off on making someone's life miserable.

>GP the only one being at least even
Really makes you think.

this is an extremely relatable feel

I dated a girl for TWO YEARS and we never slept with each other, not because we didn't want to, but because we were both cripplingly shy and couldn't either gather the courage to initiate sex, ever

there's no excuse I know

THat is one awkard looking teamfight.

She was banging other guys at the time
Im sorry

Is this you?

I sure hope that's a blue buff she's eating.


wtf is up with those mr glyphs?

Its a fly ofc.

>what is alcohol

no way he is turkish

he is probably italian

Are you SURE you were dating her, user?

I'll give it a try.

I used to Monkey King of many cleaves when I had to top, so I'm rusty on him, but never bothered taking him mid.

still not as much as a DISASTAH as this desu

6 or 7 decides which qt champ i autistically spam to mastery 7

i'm so fucking bored of this game, need something to spice it up a bit, and picking qts has never failed for me

are we gonna get anything for leftover project cores?


