Fighting Games General /fgg/
Bullet is a scrub character.
How accurate is this?
>blazblue shit
nobody plays this game
chun has 5 power
What game should I trainingboar?
It's retarded and inaccurate.
All the white guys in the FGC should turn into girls desu.
karnov's revenge
>3/5 technique
>1/5 mobility
make that 5/5 technique and 4/5 mobility lmao
Chun has low STR but high DEX.
Gief has highSTR but low DEX.
Chun beats Gief.
Who was your first fightan vidya waifu?
Cammy if I'm being honest.
SmashCon starts now with a 64 Combo Contest and Smash 4 5v5 College Teams
twitch /vgbootcamp
Anyone here going to SJ?
aren't you the shill who lost 11 0 in skullgirls? go play the game instead of shilling lmao
shit taste butu
Bison is bullshit online.
low quality shitpost
First of all, no, no it's not shit taste. Secondly I was.....15?
sf never appealed to me when I was a kid and when I played mk I only cared about sub zero, so probably taki
I used to pick Hibiki a lot in Cvs2EO if that counts
Why is KI so fun? Every button is satisfying to press. It's like it was made by humans who are into fighting games.
Thnx 4 the points faggot :^)
Of course not, they're extra haram.
Capcom only allows stuff that's mildly haram, by arbitrary standards that change constantly.
>f-fuck off with community driven fighting game tournaments
>washed up sellout letsplay whore #2843 is streaming? OH MAN!
alright i did it guys i registered for ECT!
i'm going to go 0 - 2 in pools and sully the fgg name since im a silver shitter :>
Nerf fucking when?
between mai and cammy bouncing TTs
Don't be ashamed of being silver user.
It's equivalent to 3k PP in sf4 and 4k MMR in dota 2.
Hey look, its James Chen everyone!
Hi James!
Ibuki so far
Lil' Miss Fivehead over here.
Nanpa juggles are bliss.
Who would stream a game two weeks early. It would just get taken down.
>no it's not shit taste
>Bison 4/5 mobility
Silver is closer to 1.5k PP, gold would start at 2.5k PP and platinum at 3.5k PP.
does anyone else feel like they get worse at fighting games the more they play
>you lived to see a future where Mori and Team Blue ended up making the better current airdasher than Ishiwatari/Team Red
if you told me this back when calamity trigger came out i would have told you to eat at dick, but the difference in quality between centralfiction and "hard knockdown into 50-50: the game" is fucking immense at this point.
How do I deal damage with Ibuki? Like I can usually poke them with a low mk or forward hk but how am I supposed to get closer to them and do some damage?
sure if you keep play more and more casualized games where dash and mash is promoted and literally good reaction is being handicapped for muhreads gameplay
>fighting game
>getting triggered off a reaction image
2/10 you tried
Rogue from mvc
>how do i deal damage with ibuki
uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
James Chen has had a boner for Cammy since I've been like 4.
Chun Li is an OLD WOMAN and a HAG.
Vanessa Williams (VF3).
Followed by Asuka Kazama.
Good stuff.
Good stuff.
>James Chen has had a boner for Cammy since I've been like 4.
so he's stefan99???
Of course it's Angel.
Some things just never change.
SFV sucks lmaooo
That's not a stream, that's a two second video.
old hags need fucc too
BB went through all the phases GG went through. GG essentially restarted itself back to XX, and introduced new mechanics with that base. I think its in an alright state considering they are taking the series in a new direction sort of.
I hope we at least get a mocha brown color option in VF6, none of the ones in VF5 matched her look in 4. Hell, I hope we get a VF6.
RIP chocolate abs, you were too good for this world.
I really want Vega's claw stance to get buffed. He doesn't feel like Vega without autofootsies.
Christie from Tekken 4
He's gonna catch a dick across the face if he keeps talking shit like that.
Reddit is down
can I hang out here?
Only if you start sucking, user.
sure youll fit right in since /v/ has been hanging out here a lot recently
Is Wolfkrone our guy?
as much as michmich is
>sjws gave her a bodysuit under her gi
fuck this gay earth
I know she doesn't have the highest damage in the game, but I'm certainly doing it wrong.
Why do people care so much about rage quitters in SF5 but nothing in SF4 when it happened just as often?
But that body suit is fucking hot. On top of the fact that no they did no such thing. If anyone made her, it was her dad.
except it didnt because in 4 you lost over 100 points for doing it, just because people like ltg did it doesnt mean it was that common
What is this supposed to show?
Because in SF4 they were punished and you would feel good even if no points were gained
Any tips? I'm juri. No idea what to do against bison when he pops v-trigger
it exposes fighting games are just boxes interacting with each other with pretty pictures slapped on top of it
Question for any Potemkin players out there, are their any variables that affect PB range? Was playing some matches against a friend and his PB would sometimes whiff even at point blank for no discernible reason. As far as I know I wasn't in blockstun
>obviously designed to wear nothing under that gi
>they did no such thing
Yeah right they did the same for Juri you have to go back to NeoFag if you want to be a cucked SJW apologist.
you a rage quitter senpai?
fighting good cammys is the only matchup that makes me want to just give up
i just cant handle the shimmies and throws
I usually main Alex but when I play Nash I have a lot more fun and win a lot more so is that just Nash being a good character or me preferring to play a character like Nash? I don't know who to stick with
>nash has a better dash
>rashid has bigger damage out of a shimmy
>v-trigger bison has a better dash
>ryu has a better dash
the only reason you feel that way is because average cammy players are really bad
sonicsol is the biggest diaper in the discord
post fighting game jazz
who let chariot in the discord
Now I know why I remember that name. He lost a shadow game, and got banished from /dng/.
why dont you ask on the discord you spineless retard
our guy
That was actually pretty good but skullgirls is still shit
Was it whiffing as you exited blockstun or waking up? In Xrd you have 5f of throw invul after exiting blockstun and 9f on wake up.
yuri was designed before women even had the right to vote
fuck off with your stupidity
Kek. does ltg get called out for his tranny abuse or does he get a pass because he's black?
wtf do you do against a Ryu who won't stop abusing his j.LK hurtbox
>arturo/sabin joining the fgg discord and becoming best friends with PISSS
What the FUCK happened