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first for torb mercy ship

Post healslut

>Zarya/whoever she shields loses their bubble if they shoot
>Zenyatta's OoD now have a 30% bonus damage, but the one being discorded also deals extra 30% damage on Zenyatta.
>McCree reload time increased by 25%, every shot has a small spread, which increases if the user is moving
>Lucio has a small cooldown on switching modes

There, I fixed comp.


this game needs more characters

its boring seeing roadhog, dva, omnicguy, zarya, pharah every game

Mercy should dual wield.

I am though.

>mfw watching a genji main desperately defend his main, babbling about how genji is underpowered and has so many counters like "if he gets focused he's dead"

I want to marry Roadhog!

>when you block graviton surge but your zen/lucio panic ults

Amelie Lacroix needs love

>that fucking chart

is this real?

how the fuck can blizzard defend 3 of their heroes having around 100% pick rate?


I need the chart that shows zen and lucio at the top from the last week

qt mercy

>People cry and bitch because Genji is hard to hit
>No one even mentions D va
This bitch is too fucking strong

She had love. She killed it.

Roadhog a best

In the butt

It needs every character to be as balanced as possible so they're all viable.

Don't worry friends, I will protect you!

hatless mcree when?
shit is retarted


>when d.va blocks your roadhog ulti while the mei freezes you

a-am I good


I don't crank it to cartoons, but Overwatch characters and lewds make me hard
Why is this
I don't have this problem with anything else

>roadhog will never tie you up and keep you on a leash because he owns you

why even fucking live anons

>ana ults when you're nowhere near the enemy team

How do you do the Lucio ball character swap glitch on ps4?

Not of her own accord.

>Veeky Forums filename

its autism

>tfw the two heroes I get the most kills with are Solider 76 and Pharrah

I want to play comp but I'll never be accepted

>Decide to play Widow
>Sometimes literally fail to hit a single enemy with a full mag
>Sometimes kill 4 people in 5 seconds with SICKNASTY XXXMLG40XXX HEADSH0TS
I don't understand.


>play comp
>climb up to 60, feeling good
>try to get to 65
>suddenly I'm hit with an overwhelming loss streak
>I'm lucky if I even get any medals at all in most of these matches now
>I am now rank 43
>go to QP to quell my depression and get some practice in
>play like shit there too, basically bring my entire team down

Nearly 100 hours of playing this game and I can safely say I've gotten worse instead of getting better. I didn't think that was possible. I'm killing myself tonight.

Soldier 76 is good in comp, and if you're in the 40s and below, you can probably merk people as Pharah, u gucci senpai


She gets plenty of it

why do i keep getting boosted 70s on my team that have friends they queued with who refuse to swap from genji when neither of them can get gold in dmg or elim when they're the highest rank in the server

APM 좀 올려볼까?

Just play them then, I doubt you're in such a high rank where you must play only the best heroes or you'll get shit on

Luck is a skill you have to learn.

>Have been playing for maybe 4 hours
>Only just now had my first victory of the day

Is there a way to play nothing but king of the hill?

Which gal would have magic feet?

So should I head straight into comp once I hit 25? Or should I just wait?

As soon as we get coatless Mei

I am too user, I am too.

>tfw 76 is the OW version of Big Boss
>everyone hates him

I never got this shit, like everyone goes on about McCree outclassing him in everyway, but 76's mobility and ability to selfheal back to full pretty quickly is fucking GOAT
I don't understand the meta for a moment

Yuri is shit

>I don't crank it to cartoons

Do what you like, might be better to learn the game some more first though

I'm super rusty, haven't played since early June and I'm pleasantly surprised most of the people I'm playing with in the 50s still suck ass.

If her sniper was projectile based sure, but it's hitscan so there's no reason why my aim would shift so drastically over the course of a few games.

What do you play?


Great job user, I'm at work. I just got promoted!

>Yuri is THE shit

Widow is used goods and you will never be as good as her Gérard

in a psychological sense, probably since she had her emotions suppressed and the only thing she can "feel" is adrenaline when on assassination missions and fighting.

but in a physical sense, no.

Thanks for the ****FREE**** stuff jeff in my 60 dollar game that can't be used on any additional DLC you add :)

>be tracer
>Get 1 shot by a torb headshot
Torb nerfs when?

The only way they could do that is to make her another hero because the hitbox would be completely different.

McCree, Genji, Tracer


fuck off hana

Thanks dude, glad I figured that one out

literally git gud

t. Torb player

Can I drop down from 65 after reaching it or will I have to be at least 65 all the time to get the season rewards?

it would have to be a lard alt-skin where she's gained so much weight that she has about the same proportions as when she's wearing the coat.

Well currently I'm level 17 if that makes any difference

Torb litreally cannot oneshot tracer unless he gets a meatshot with his right click and all pellets connect.

His headshot deals 140, just like McCree

Mei can oneshot headshot tracer tho

Fuck you his gun is all he has.

Poor old fucker needs buffed if anything.

Safest to just get as high as possible and play quick match only for the rest of the season.

Rewards are based on the maximum rank achieved.

Make her fat

>have 150 hp
>get mad when you get one shot


>OW Big Boss
>not Pharah
They even share the same type of militaristic autism.


Can someone gimme the rundown on how placement works? I thought going into it I'd be matched against other people placing, but I got put against a full team of 50/60s. Couple of people on my team didn't have a rank, like me, but the other two were in their 40s.

Get a load of this jabronie

What's the average rank so to say? Because I'm 60 right now and the players are pretty bad for the most part

absolute garbage posts
good thing we have janitors to delete this non-content

>paying for the origins version
Are you posting from your cuckshed at the moment?

Only if she kills a mercy or a gremlin and takes their gun.

Who still playing comp with all chats muted here? Been a pleasant summer. No, spamming "thanks" does not irritate me.

>former american hero
>chosen to be the face of an international organization
>edgemaster with a skullface blows him up in a bomb
>comes back edgy and grimdark
>survives in a world full of ghosts, cyborgs and monstrosities with pure skill and grit alone

76 is literally biggu bossu

During placement your rank is invisible, after 10 games it becomes visible.
Also, during placement your varies a bit more wildly.

76 actually fights though.

Unlike Big "Phantom" bossu

Mass reply posts are arguably worse. I'm almost embarrassed for you.

>browsing /owg/ at work


>tfw tell everyone the origins edition is a fat waste
>tfw it's got the only good 76 and Pharrah skin

this life is fucking SUFFERING

post top 3
>i'm a shitter

Sure is fun playing video games without autistic sperglords shitting up comms and game chat, user!

>sombra shit solved

It only took the devs telling them they were looking at the wrong fucking things.

>Playable characters of the game is non-content

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