Succulence Edition
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Succulence Edition
Old Thread: Current Patch Notes:
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Lulu wants to go swimming in Zac.
>Play Sej
>Play anything else
I guess this is my life now.
Why do i only have fun playing draven and ezreal now?
I guess Graves is fun too
Best girl.
Best waist.
Best wife.
Best husband.
Best chest.
Best hair.
I miss Graves poster
>Get fed as tank
>Charge in and rape everyone's face, might be able to 1vs5
>Get fed as mage
>One shot niggas left and right
>Get fed as assassin
>Charge in 1vs5 and one shot niggas left and right
>Get fed as AD
>Still have to play like a little bitch behind your peeler
>Die as soon as anyone jump on your face
post yfw pls tank top and you're first pick
Lulu wants to go swimming in Veigar.
I know the pain.
Season of the ADC my ass. fuck off with that bullshit riot.
>Support main
Whoa I bought the project icon chests because they were IP and I was tired of having Tibbers as my icon since forever, but somehow I managed to all this stuff from it, + 200 orange essence and a 2014 snowdown poro (which unfortunately I couldn't disenchant for essence). I really wasn't expecting all this.
So yeah, if you haven't bought those already do it. I'm sure most of you knew about it already but hey, I didn't so maybe somebody else doesn't too.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Dont we mean WITH?
Use the cores for the leona
Breast waifu
I got project fiora off that
I really wanted kat though
I want Lulu to go swimming in me!
What does the others do?
Instalock yasuo or yi dependobg who asked for it
I don't think you can get the new 3 project skins from those yet.
I go tank top anyway because other fucking niggers cant engage for shit, plus it is fun 1vs5 the other team and then get out of it as Garen
t. swimming pool
Would you fuck this cosplayer?
only if it was a boy
and thats why i quit playing this shitty game
Nice try.
>Pre-update Fiora was a good example of a champion that wasn’t particularly “low quality,” but to us she seemed full of opportunity to better execute a “Fencing Duelist” that would be super resonant with players
>that would be super resonant with players
>super resonant with players
Oh, Riot! You crack me up.
I want to go swimming in a player of your caliber :3
You're in luck
>you're in a lobby
>you get a VAYNE MAYNE and a Yasuo on your team
>you dodge because the enemy team is Kennen Kayle and Irelia
>you just know youre in for a bad time
>so you queue up again after 6 minutes penalty
>only to get VAYNE MAYNE and a different yasuo on your team
I think that's boxbox
>Heavily photoshopped
>Face looks ugly as shit
>Thick ass eyebrows
No thank
>vayne mayne has soulstealer vayne
Xth for Vlad
It's a boy
Shen's Q stacks no longer decay
lulu q buffs when
I cry a bit still
Thresh is so fun
>spam Q at tower before game starts
>wait in bush
>murder lane opponent with my 50+ 5% max health damage autos
Doesn't stack, just doesn't decay.
Urgot R is now global
what if tryndamere ult refreshed if he survived the duration
What caused those guys to be disabled?
Blitzcrank's Grab is now global
My mistake for posting a serious what-if with the designated 'lets post shitty broken things' image.
Karthus ult now also targets minions
your mistake was being retarded
>toplaner picks Tristana into Kled
>gets solo killed twice
At first I didn't understand how that could even happen, but later I got to watch as Trist used W to jump into the enemy team and get blown up while pinging us and saying "team?"
>go top
>yasuo, darius, fiora
>go bot
>ashe, jhin, lucian
>go jungle
>everyones out to get you and your camps
>go mid
>same cancer as it has been for years
shit game
due to a lore event and maybe a bug or two with the barrels
if fiddle killed anything while channeling his ult it would skip the channel
Q bug, launched and left him in the air allowing him auto atack from 5 billion metres in the air
instant recalling (everyone could do it but riven was the easies)t, yasou was also disabled for this but the re-enabled when riot went fuck it.
all enemy minions that spawned died instantly giving zed all the money and exp at a global range health assassin :^)
from what I hear after he gets his first blue buff, the second to spawn, his W no longer procs sheen items
>Trist used W to jump into the enemy team
everytime... everytime...
That zed bug was fun. How dies it even happen will be a mystery only a team of finest italian pasta cooks could solve.
>buy darius skin
>blind pick
>dont get top
>queue again
>call top
>nigger instalocks fiora
>dodge again
>draft pick
>enemy bans darius
>someone sle dodges
>queue again
>teammate bans darius
>same teammate picks shaco mid
please fucking kill me
>every time i pick kled i get a fucking dindu bot lane
>all enemy minions that spawned died instantly giving zed all the money and exp at a global range
Billion dollar company.
The funny thing was that zed received no changes that patch from I hear, it must have been a minion thing.
> will be a mystery
Zed's shadows were coded as enemy minions and the check that removed them was bugged.
t. Italian pasta cook
Undying Rage
Cost: No Cost
Range: 400
Tryndamere's lust for battle becomes so strong that he is unable to die, no matter how wounded he becomes.
Tryndamere becomes completely immune to death for 5 seconds, refusing to be reduced below 30/50/70 Health and instantly gaining 50/75/100 Fury.
If Tryndamere kills an enemy the duration of Undying Rage resets
No thats just his identity, you cant remove that away from him
>If Tryndamere kills an enemy the duration of Undying Rage resets
fucking kill yourself
what if it reset if trynd survived the duration?
R for retarded
>tfw you actually miss teambuilder
what the fuck
literally just instalock and say top nigger, I've been doing it my past 5 games and only 1 lobby complained
When someone does this I tend to just fuck the game up for them.
Ok :^)
I just got b& on my main scripting account bro bros
das gey mane
>remove dedicated "get to play what you want if you're willing to wait" mode in favor of "wait jst as long and hope you win the coinflip and they dont ban your champion and nobody picks it first"
I swear it's rigged. You'll be doing well and then your team gets all the yasuos, rivens and vayne mains.
Well Veeky Forums?
oh yea i forgot to say, play ranked now if you dont want any scripters, pretty sure the banwave is ongoing atm
xth for cute supports with sensitive horns
Just ban vayne
I wonder if the same type of faggots banned for doing this in overwatch are going to get butthurt again.
The new champion selection is fucking awesome. Gone are the old days of having to master all the five fucking roles in ranked, now you just need to be a two trick pony to be at least low gold.
How do I get good at Viktor, I want to be his Comrad in glorious ruski evolution
>missing the point