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>tfw accuracy has gone up 10% since 60tick came out
Buff Winston
Revert Mercy nerf
Delete roadhog
>quit comp a couple weeks ago at rank 62
>now that all the shitters have invaded the 60s i get bullied in qp for being a high level only being rank 60
Just started playing a few days ago. How2getgud?
Hana song s mech
If you feel like shit after level 70, ask again.
I wonder if she's ticklish.
revert mccree to his launch state, to make the game more fun
How many men has she been with?
Apparently 60 tick is live I played like 6 games
I dont feel a single difference
Is it true that Blizzard is going to release Sombra, a new map, and some new skins before the end of the month?
File Name.
such a bad shop
>open bedroom door
>see this
What do?
Believe it
good post
me neither
guess we got fooled by the csgo memes
Depends. Every character short so far has been on a game map and that Sombra thing people solved sounded like she might be released soon.
I thank the lord every day that we have janitors to delete non-content like this!
sombra is going to be the hero that gets teased forever and is never released
also we just got new skins friend
a new map would be nice!
the bastion cinematic is coming during blizzcon apparently
what are these? Why does she have them?
>overwatch general
General means as long as it has to do with the game its allowed right? (D.va is only waifu, kiddo)
>playing tracer on the nightmarket
>get hooked by a hog
>he starts spamming group with me
>crouch walk with him to behind his reaper and plant a bomb while he spams a voiceline that starts out with a chuckle
>Discord orb automatically applied to target on first hit
>damage buff dropped to 25%
warpaint cute 19yo korean girl style
>Mei's thighs
Oh, you too fell for the "Saving coins for the summer skins" meme? :(
me too i have like 15k
how do people have this much money? i've gotten something like 1200g so far and i'm level 63
not that i want gold now because of summer skins but just wondering
>drop buff to 30-40%
>add 5s cooldown after you apply it to someone before you can apply it again
so you actually need to think about when to use it instead of just spamming it on whoever you're currently attacking
She's a bunny.
BMX time
Level 63 is nothing to be honest. After you keep leveling up for a while you mostly get the skins you want passively. The rest are just duplicates and free money. Eventually there's more credits than stuff you want.
Useless because all future updates will be like this one and only new heroes defaults will be purchaseable with coins.
>roadhog still casually hooks around walls, ledges, and fucking entire buildings at this point
>/v/ said 60 tick was supposed to fix this
can we nuke /v/ at this point
Does she fuck like one?
is your curse.
Pharah buffs when?
It's because the hitbox on that thing is fucking huge.
well have you watched korean porn?
no, link me some
What was the voice line?
Ana had the choice of using her nano boost on the Bastion who had just entered tank mode, or the Zenyatta who had just used transcendence.
Who did she pick?
I don't think you can buff her without breaking the game. Her only weakness is hitscan while flying.
Yeah, which is what every sane person has been saying since forever, didn't stop the idiots from proclaiming roadhog hooks are all the fault of tickrate.
nobody said 60 tick would fix that
it only fixes shit like it hitting tracers even after they blink, the fact that it has a huge projectile -> player hitbox and doesn't break when it goes through walls is just the way it's coded and won't change unless blizzard fix it specifically
Can they make No Healers tip a big fucking red one
Shits still getting annoying
>dueling someone 1v1 in a mirror match
>their lucio ends up healing them for like 10hp which allows them to not die and kill you
>they talk shit in all chat
See how you noticed them and spoke about her because of it?
There you go.
She's a fucking attention whore.
Bastion, zenyatta would keep him alive as he fucks everyones world.
>thinks 20 tick had anything to do with hook
How stupid are you?
>pick mei
>team rages
god it feels so fucking good
Korean porn is a myth
actually, i haven't purchased ANYTHING since release. all i have i got through leveling alone.
i was going to purchase some stuff, but when i heard new skins were coming out this summer, i waited.
i'm saving so i can buy stuff at 223, after the event, so i can maximize the amount of summer loot boxes i get from 201-223.
>mfw i've gotten 10 legendaries since summer loot came out at 158 and 3 have been duplicates, 5 have been inferior skins for characters i already have better legendaries for, 1 was 500 coins and 1 was cybergoth zarya
at least i like the zarya skin.
How do you buff her without making her OP? Her rockets do a shit load of damage, and her ability to remain in the air is a pretty big advantage over most of the cast. Never mind the fact that she can make a close engagement turn into a long range one in an instant.
I think she's fine as she is.
Oh well then that's just /v/ being /v/
True, very true
Personally, I think her jetpack cooldown is way too long. She's forced to stay on the ground too much.
Which Overwatch agent has the smelliest farts?
Go to training and shoot some bots.
The ding sounds come less delayed now.
Tracer due to British "cuisine"
he's only 189 which is 3 times more, with my luck i'd have 3000g at that level but he has 9k
you should teach economics
60 tick in comp only? or is it QP too?
everywhere apparently
RNG is RNG my friend. There's a chance he landed on a few legendary chests. He also could very well have purchased some loot boxes.
There should really be a "queue as" option with some bonus like +500XP if you finish the match
-option to queue as tank or healer
-you can only play the role your selected
-one tank and one healer per match is provided this way, of course others can be tank/healer if they wish so
-you can only change to a hero who can fulfill this role
-if you are on XP penalty, completing a queue as match will count as 1.5 match completed, rounded down (play 2, counts as 3, penalty wise only)
She boosted Zenyatta of course.
This game gives me so many flashbacks to league of legends.
>still can't preview gold weapons on skins
sauce on that info ?
If you stack enough defence heroes you don't even need a healer.
uh this makes zero sense.
Give her 25 armor or change 50 of her health into armor.
Give enemy the ability to temporarily disable her jetpack by shooting both of her thrusters.
wardrobe or AI/test course only demo when?
In what position does D.Va sit in her mech?
Is it comfortable in there?
>potg is symmetra going 1vs1 soldier
>soldier doesn't get even one hit and even misses his grenade
>soldier: "wow such skill"
various players testing the game as they usually do through shit like wireshark/netstats and then posting it to leddit
She's fast so...a lot.
Cheers love! The cavalry's here!!
How do you guys feel about the anklet Tracer wears in her summer games skins?
I think it looks out of place and doesnt really fit her style or the outfit.
she's laying down ass up
She lays down with her legs crossed
>Mei and Mercy getting buffs
I still don't get how does she fit inside, that thing is too short.
The only buff symmetra needs is a face remodel