League of Legends General - /lolg/

Noxus Edition

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Fertile Demacia's.


I love Ssumday :333


let's see it

Jhin BEST husband.


discord.gg/55NNu nth for Discordfags

They both do really different things. Rumble is ok right now and in my opinion brand is sleeper as fuck.

That being said, when it comes down it it, I find brand more fun. But I also hate toplane so idk

Her legs are way too short desu

>have 19 ward skins
>ever since the kled patch i only have 9

Thick waifu

>lux still wearing her medieval tier armour in robot future
>lux still being human in the robot future let alone alive

I disenchant every ward skin I get for 200~ orange essence. I only use the dark star one I got from loot, it's fucking sick.

its been almost 3 days since I put in a request for RP with my drawing. when will rito reply?

i own all of them but i haven't even opened it since the patch i like the crab one enough

xth for pure angels

i finished my s1-g5 promos and succeeded

normally I get around 20 now 28

xth for Vlad's beautiful large alabaster penis

how do we unJUST him lads?

probably because it was a terribly balanced match

buff udyr so their jungler can actually play something

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

he don't give a shit no more his team is garbo in every single game they play. their website doesn't even work anymore


>Enemy Jayce destroys my bronze-ass yasuo
>Goes 11/1 and can 2v1 yasuo AND our equally shit lee sin UNDER TOWER
>Enemy groups 5-man and begins pushing bot lane
>gets our inhib tower low (about 1k health)
>from there the enemy team begins to run from their base at the inhib tower without minions, tanking the turret to try to get it
>every single time we run up and booty blast them for clean aces
>Jayce begins entering fights at half health for whatever reason and we just burst him every time
>We win the game and everyone on the enemy team is arguing about the call to get the inhib
holy shit is silver always like this

smurfing is harder than I thought

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>one of the big 4 assassin reworks is lb
>another is an AP assassin
>Ahri isn't considered an assassin by riot and eve/akali are getting an eventual VGU
>the only other options are Kass and Ekko
>Ekko has no identity right now
>yfw Ekko gets a full rework already

what about Diana?


She's considered a bruiser by riot

i want to unf lulu

buffs when ;-;

rhape shyvana

0 chooses the champ i 1tp on my first smurf

B̶̷̬̗͙̞̩͇̰̲̤̬͙̤̠̩͓̝͘͜ͅA̡̞̫̲͓͞ͅĆ̵͢҉̙̭̝̤̖̣͖̞͔̪̬̹͇̞̙̲̩K̴̵̨̛̯̗̤̻͘ ̸̧̞͓̳̪͕͈͓͈̕T̡̡́͠҉̬̩̼͔H̴̛̫̺̖̪̼͕͓̙́͞E̴͇̟̱̻̖̦̜̝̦̘̟̮͕͇͇̳ ̧̫͇͉̥̫̹͇̬F̛͍͇̯̲̤̺͎̼͓͇̜͡Ú̪̩̩̞͚̻̥͙͢ͅÇ҉̴͖̤̖̩̲̪͔͍̟̯̲̪̮͔͘Ķ͖̺͕̱̖̥͓̰̯̹̠̥̜͞͝ ̶̫̣̫̥͘͞O̴҉̧̻̘̼̪̫̤̜͝F̴̢͓̟͚̬̱̜̻͖̱̭̝͕ͅF̸͍̞̻͢?̴̹͎̫̫̗͖̦̘͙͉̖͝!͟͜͏̛̮̯̳̘̭̤̺̤̳̜̲̹̺͝?̺͍̖̥͎̮̥̜̩͚͓͎̥̝͜͢!͇̤̱̺̩̰̳̖̱͙̖̲̟̝̱͓͕̠̖́͠͡



>We`re 4 premade
>Everyone except me gets stomped in lane
>Get blamed because i didnt ss when the score was 1/9 (i was 1/1) at which point i had assumed the loss

EVERY TIME. If people are premade they can go 0/9 yet every single one of them will blame the guy who`s not premade.
And then riot asks why people hated DQ

What lane you want to play

>tfw no irl sona gf

>kha only has one assist and no kills at 17 minutes
>enemy nidalee is 8/0


What u smurfing from? Bronze 3?

I am a support main so not support.

>playing support
>we just killed enemy bot but we're low
>no wards up, Shaco mia
>carry starts to recall in the bush closest to enemy turret
>ping to retreat cause Shaco is most likely near
>nope keeps recalling
>lo and fucking behold
>get mad cause I fucking told them not to recall in the bush
>tells me its no big deal
>it is when I see the same exact thing over and over again
>later adc barely survives fight and walks back down lane
>rather than walk to the safety of 2nd turret or even all the way back to inhib turret
>stop at the bush in front of 2nd turret
>ping repeatedly to keep moving
How can I save my carries from themselves? At what point do I just accept my carry is retarded, and I need to move to other lanes?


How is Jhin ult even balanced?

>ult bot when an ally comes to gank
>collect free double kill

Finally i can buy gragas

It would be fine if it wasn't for that 4th shot extra damage

Kogmaw jungle

This is why I do mage support and carry instead regardless how brain dead your adc is.

I p much only play thresh already on my main. but I feel bound now

>playing support


>vayne's tumble bonus damage will go up to 70% AD in 6.17

god help us all

It lets me live out my early game power fantasy

One shot build incoming

anyone want to play a normal game?

>playing with a tristana adc
>shes below 25% hp
>jumps in to engage anyway

Guys, what champion should I buy with 3150 IP for mid-lane for climbing (gold 3 elo)?

Choices: Anivia, Karma, Gangplank, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Heimerdinger.

>twisted fate disabled

who the fuck do I pick mid now?????

I can't fucking out waveclear and out roam these zeds on any other champion

Karthus for memes


Fizz, Lissandra.


Anivia has pretty insane damage, aoe slows, wall and great passive. I'd go with her
Taliyah, Talon

I want Lulu to kidnap me and make me her own favorite personal lick toy so I have a reason to exist



>"i don't get it, how the hell are we losing this game?"
>Hit Tab
>AP Hecarim

Oh. That's why.

Should i craft it?

>Want to watch Sword of the Stranger becuase the animation looks cool and I always enjoy a good samurai movie
>Afraid after watching it I'll want to play Yasuo


But le oneshot every 120 sec xd!!@1

Does she have a really passive playstyle?
I main fizz and play mostly assassins. I'm afraid I'll go like 0/10 with her cause I'm flashing into the enemies to assassinate them ayy.

Add me ign Quetzalcuddle

>le yasou is bad maymay xd
>>yasou mains
fuck off kid, go watch your moe blob garbage.

>It would be fine if it did no damage


Welp, triggered a Yasuo main. I guess I should have seen that coming.

how is ashes ult even balanced?

>ult bot when ally comes to gank
>collect free double kill

but Riddler-Shensei is the reason I spammed Shen enough to get mastery 7 >///

I'm not saying that, but missing 3 shots and getting a kill with the 4th is counter to the idea of sustained damage that adcs are meant for.


> sick of endless yasou bitching
>"reeeee yasou"- (you) "shut the fuck up" - (me)
>le yasuo main xd

this is a bad meme
remove 480 meme points from your account

I love Lissandra! and her ice cream!

graves doesn't do sustained damage either

Yeah i love that rammus skin

How can it be a bad meme when it gets proven over and over again countless times across innumerable matches all over the world?

full metal and guardian of the sands are better

>graves doesn't do sustained damage

You need to go back

>tfw playing alistar with a yasuo on the team

he doesn't he does his burst then reloads, there's a period where both graves and jhin are not attacking you therefore they are not doing sustained damage

>tfw pepes will never be rare again
I just stole this pepe btw, broke through your firewall without even trying, nothing personal... kid

so, by ur logic, every ult or spell with cc is unbalanced because get cc>die.

All adcs have periods where they don't do damage. Nothing in this game doesn't.

That is what usually happens if you get cc'd xd

But first three does almost no damage anyway; they only serve to slow the opponent's so the 4th can hit.

>tfw playing X champion with aoe knock up with yasuo on the team
>yasuo NEVER ults off my knock up, not when I'm ganking for him, not in teamfights, no matter if I check if he's got ult