Why does nobody about this gem Veeky Forums?

Why does nobody about this gem Veeky Forums?

because they're not special like you

Omg OmGOMg le GEM

i dont think america ever got them.

lack of decent performance versions. (there are only a couple and theyre rare)

honestly the Legnum TT was better and i know america didnt get that one.

>unavailable in the US
>weeaboos spend their autismbux importing them while everyone else points and laughs

Everything is right in the world.


Because memes

Wasn't in FnF. The JAYY DEE EMM crowd doesn't know fuck about shit that wasn't in FnF.

Who /Gran Turismo 2/ here?

Don't let tell them,

I'm gonna sell my 34 for one when I get past Probationary restrictions and do a GTR Front-version

You were saying?

That's it,

My dream to build one.

Have you seen the build videos on that?

The GT-R badge is played out. Needs this on it instead.

I would consider it if the GT-R didn't exist

Hell, I came in here to say this.

Who else misses Gran Turismo? Despite vehicles sounding like trash, I've always been grateful toward PD for showing me tons of cars that I would have never known about.

Definietly have to have the Double Unicorn badge on mine

For 3 reasons
1: They forgot to swap on the plug&play Skyline GT-R front.
2: Only available with steering wheel in the right side.
3: Only avaiable as new in grorious nippon japan.

That said, the concept of a luxurious stationwagon with the suspension and inline6 + crunchstick AWD drivetrain of a bitchin' sportscar is something that gives me a erection.

Muh fuckin' dick

Why would you want it on the wrong side? :^)

Because I'm not a Cuntstrayan.

Someone's been watching MCM lately

I'm no britbong, 'strayan nor suffering from jaundice.

>not being part of the Cuntonwealth

m8, come back to us. We'll free the UK from the ragheads together and reestablish Anglo global dominance.

We'll throw in utes for good measure.

Instead you're O̶b̶e̶s̶e American

I want one, but with R33 front.

theres one round the corner from where i live, guy who owns it swapped an r32 and cash for it. uses it for his family. britfag btw they're around 3 to 6k

I see one every now and then in Vancouver and it's pretty cool looking. I can see why they never sold them in North America, no one would have bought them, they look strange compared to the bars of soap people buy here.

Sounds great too, I think it has an RB25

>i dont think america ever got them.
Nope. And that's a big point

Most of Veeky Forums is American. Skylines weren't sold here until the 2003 V35 models, and we NEVER got the Stagea.

Those words don't mix at all

Fuck imagine how cool it would be to drive that to and from work everyday