Can we stop this meme already? It's not even funny.
Levi Nelson
It's not going to stop lad. It's not going to stop.
Xavier Morris
Bentley King
Juan Collins
holy shit this is amazing
Kevin Foster
I WILL win Jad this time
Jeremiah Kelly
>only one combat style Oh, this is going to be hilarious. Remember to post here on what fave you die at.
Aaron Smith
>needing more than one combat style at fight cave
Anthony Hill
>t70s dealing physical damage aight
Ethan Perry
Michael Gray
>one combat style, using fury >no emergency rocks for jad >sign of life >no stat pots >no shield for healing >no obby armour >no tokkul zo
Get a sara necklace and a shield at least
Adam Stewart
>fight CAVE
Mason Phillips
Also >not using flasks
Hunter Taylor
After being on suicide watch I finally went back. pls @
Luis Adams
Friendly reminder to ignorelist Outer Path a.k.a Demising TSB a.k.a Young Lunar a.k.a Base Camp to improve your runeGame experience.
Brayden Watson
Owen Watson
Grats Still a shit boss desu
Ayden Harris
You get half a gz g
Lincoln Kelly
how big is that streak?
Noah Roberts
Stats and I think you don't have enough bolts.
>Trying to give shit advice fuck off faggots
Austin Powell
Not bad What are you streaking?
Jonathan Williams
>Your new task is 171 Greater Demons >Your new task is 151 Greater Demons >Your new task is 181 Greater Demons
I've stopped picking up charm at these guys just because of how tedious they are.
Lincoln Parker
What are the best spider perks?
I'm thinking precise 5 + aftershock 3 on scythe Impatient 3 + devoted 2 + biting 3 on top Crackling 3 + absorbative 3 on legs Mobile on shield Aftershock 1 + planted feet on sunspear
Brandon Turner
How are they tedious? What's your ranged level?
Cameron Robinson
Go dung and get charm imp.
Ian Powell
70, I got Karil's so they're not tedious to kill as much as they're tedious to do. And that mostly has to do with the fact that I get assigned 150+ demons every time.
>100k tokens >Grinding alone pls no
Nathan Watson
You'll want venomblood on something as well, otherwise that's the proper setup.
Josiah Russell
It's not that bad. I've done 1-95 solo so far.
Bentley Phillips
Make that either crackle3venom if you're willing to do PC into forever or absorb2venom if you're willing to tolerate slightly lower dmg reduction.
Also, theoretically, you should use a strykebow with as1 (and mobile) as your shield switch so as not to lose as stacks on shield switches if you want to minmax even further.
Xavier Miller
Just spent a whole day doing dailies and quests. Bets on how many parasols I get
I also have an unclaimed treasure hunter key ticket in my inventory, so make it 22
Leo Wood
Ayden Robinson
Thanks. Didn't even thing of using strykebow, suppose that makes shield switching easier
Brandon Lopez
Temmie too please
Nicholas Lee
Large woodcutting, prayer, herblore, agility stars/lamps Medium cooking, ranged and summoning Small fletching, fishing and dungeoneering 4 prismatic small stars and 2 lamps 40 silverhawk feathers 1 small combat crate 8 cocktail shakers 2 big mystery boxes which both unpacked into a small prismatic lamp, small prismatic star and small protean pack
>you will never have more parasols
Levi Johnson
i'm 87 thieving, i want 91 but monkey knife fighters are crushing my soul what do?
Brayden Lewis
Can't you boost it to get to 91? I think the minimum was 86. I could be wrong though. Try coshing victims.
Jason Richardson
can i enter the final pyramid plunder room with boosts?
Gabriel Roberts
Jace Robinson
No, but you can afk prif elves.
Joshua Ward
What's a good entry level boss I can kill that's more profitable that slayer?
>more profitable than slayer What's your slayer level kid
Aiden Smith
Robert Edwards
boosts decay over time I will be able to pickpocket only 1 clan for 1 minute before having to apply the boost again that doesn't seem very efficient
Anthony Allen
Gavin Allen
pickpocket rouges at lvl 52 wildy best thieving method if you don't have access to prif workers
Luis Campbell
Then there's no profitable boss for you to kill
Ryder Diaz
81. The other guy isn't me.
Jose Robinson
Could you explain?
Dominic Foster
Jaxson Lewis
Shit stats?
Jason Martin
What would you consider entry level bossing stats?
Jordan Roberts
With access to stuff like dark beasts and lava strykes, having such a shitty prayer means he's not going to last any profitable boss for a long enough time to actually make it profitable. Also none of his stats are maxed
But that was the guy who said 97 slayer. 81 slayer guy's most profitable kill is probably Gargoyim, which may or may not be less profitable than even Molebitch.
Either way he gets added pet chance so I'd say farm Mole, Chaos Elemental (but learn how to deal with pkers) or Barrows.
Samuel Walker
I wouldn't bother bossing effectively until I have 90 stats and at least a t90 weapon. Drygores are cheap as fuck. You can still try with maybe an SGS but it's going to suck.
Camden Fisher
Good point. Their prices did skyrocket recently. Sold my old sets yesterday for 8mil.
Josiah Cox
new 4chin banner
John Nelson
Either of overloads/95 prayer and t80+ weapon, this is very very bare minimum for shit bosses, ideally you want both overloads and 95 prayer
Nolan Rogers
I'm using fury blades now. I have enough for dual drygore maces, but Fury blades last twice as long, so I feel like I should hold off on drygores until I also get t80 armour. Any thoughts on that?
Owen Green
Nah, overloads aren't a must. I remember doing QBD with only 83 herb and 70 prayer. I averaged 2:30. It's shit but I can still fit two kills per dose of antifire.
Liam Sullivan
I think you should spend all your money on herblore so you can make super antifires and do QBD, which can be done in 500k worth of gear is a huge step up in gp/hour from anything you can kill now
Eli Sanders
the xp is trash, even with exoskeleton, ardy cape 4 and wildy sword 3
Ethan Powell
Alexander Jenkins
What were your other stats?
Carson Jenkins
Only if the guy has bane.
Alexander Wilson
~80 range and 90 def. Armor was armadyl at the time and rcb as a weapon. Also no summons since it was shit.
Lucas Jackson
Christian Thomas
What are my priority stats I should raise?
I'll give this a shot. I forgot to mention my summoning, but I'll have to take it from 47 to 60.
Chase Flores
He has 80 range, royal bolts work fine against her
Carter Cox
>I averaged 2:30. You would have been better of doing slayer. Overloads are a must if you want to do bossing efficiently
Joseph Bell
should be only a little bit worser than prif workes with demonic skull
Benjamin Fisher
Dragon bane.
I remember using Royal Bolts on her and my time was like 4minutes. It's really shit. You can still do it but you would be better of doing something else.
Isaac Edwards
nope, doesn't work with demonic skull
James Nelson
Who is the owner/administrator of grindanfc?
Asher Morales
Christian Hall
yeah looked them up now they pretty bad exp atleast its afk
Jeremiah Baker
Young lunar
Lincoln White
Do slayer to fund 95 prayer and overloads and yak/tort. Raise all your other cb stats to at least 90
Nathan Diaz
Dylan Foster
jesus christ lad
Jordan Lee
w e w e w
Benjamin Phillips
is there an updated spreadsheet of the most efficient pouches to make for each level
going to prepare for dxp only wanting to hit lvl96
Aiden Powell
literally rs wiki
Nathaniel Perez
Geysers at 89 for blues, yaks at 96, lobsters and locusts I think for lower levels
Oliver Gutierrez
When is dxp? Did they properly announce it? All they said that it might or might not come on september.
Angel Walker
rs wiki has the exact amounts, just half them dor dxp.
I bought all the supplies I needed for 85-96 yesterday for a little bit above mid.
Brandon Johnson
Mod Mohawk is cute!
C U T E !
Bentley Hall
>Outer Path/Demising/Lunar/Base/whatever-the-fuck still hangs around /rsg/ Why the fuck doesn't he just leave? Hell, I don't know why I'M still here, and people actually LIKE me. Maybe he's just so petty and socially stunted that he think he'll actually be able to "get back" at us somehow? I won't complain. It's entertaining. But at this rate I'm almost worried he might kys yourself himself.
Elijah Johnson
>he might kys yourself himself.
Colton Young
I'm more surprised he hasn't been banned from the chat yet. How the fuck can the person in charge stand by and watch this shit unfold?
Isaiah Parker
It's against our constitution to ban people.
Nolan Richardson
>Banning people for being annoying Just add to ignore and be done with it.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Adrian Sullivan
>Outer Autist thinks anyone will care if he quits
Benjamin Brown
>arma crossbows >probably can't use guthix's blessing or ice asylum good luck
Nathan Sanchez
Jacob King
He's right though, we need a punching bag. Without one the entire general will fall apart and turn into /rs07g/
David Ramirez
Back from the grave.
Angel Long
Since you guys say weapons are WAY more important than armour, should I spend my money upgrading my T70 Ranged and T75 Magic weapons to T85 weapons, or upgrade my T70 armours to T80 armours?