What is shit in the R33 GT-R?

Curious to know what is shitty in an R33 GT-R. It's obviously not that fast as a 350 HP AWD but I'm curious to know what is actually wrong with it.

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Failed to live up to the legacy of its predecessor and was overshadowed by its successor. It's a strange in-between generation that while there wasn't anything particularly wrong with it, failed to meet the lofty expectations people had.

I don't like the rear lights

>Failed to live up to the legacy of its predecessor
In what way? Can Veeky Forums for once not spout complete bullshit?

didn't win bathurst

Personally the 33 is my favorite. But most people compare it to the god mode 32.
The 32 was an amazing car in its day.
The 33 was heavy and it didn't handle as well.
Idc about the fail at racing personally and would still buy one in a second if I could get my hands on one that's not beat to fuck

slower than the r32
WAY slower than the R34

How was it slower? I thought the R33 GT-R was significantly faster than the R32 but slower than the R34.

>In what way?
In that it didn't really do anything of note? The BNR32 went and rekt Australia and then got b&

R33 did what exactly?

r32 is famous because of it's racing history, the r34 because of it's culture, the r33 just kinda fills the gap. Doesn't mean it's shit though.

Except it's substantially quicker than the R32 in not only acceleration but also around a track, due to it being the longest of the 3 with the best weight distribution.

It's slower than the R34 as it fucking should be, because anybody who isn't a retard can see it's literally 1/2 the price and should therefore not be as fast as the car with the 6-speed alone worth $7,000.

There's nothing wrong with it at all. They don't have the reputation of the other 2 because morons don't think they look good, and that's the only reason.
They're an R32 GTR that is more stable at higher speeds and with less front end push in low speed bends, while being slightly better built with a much nicer interior and having an RB26 that didn't kill itself from lack of oil when you rev the shit out of them.

The R32 started the RB26 AWD legend so it rightfully deserves the place in automotive history it has.

By the time the R33 came out the competition finally had cars to answer the challenge, so it wasn't as successful at racing. However in race trim it was faster around a track than the R32. In street trim it is was heavier, but more power (don't believe the 280ps BS), better handling and much more reliable. However the styling is a little sedate.

The R34 went back to the shorter wheel-base and got nice aggressive styling (and lot of other nice goodies). However when the R34 came out, a bunch of racing teams using the R33 trialed the R34 but decided to keep the R33 for the following racing seasons. The longer wheel base of the R33 made it more stable and the better handler out of all the models.

But Godfoot said the R33 sucked, did Initial D lie to me?

The suspension barely changed between 33 and 34, the 33 already had the RB sorted out and the added length improved stability around long corners and hugely improved the weight distribution, further increasing stability and actually making it understeer less than the 32 despite the added length. The 33 also had the rear suspension changed which made it change geometry less between weight shifts, again improving it.

The R34 came along and had essentially the same suspension as the R33 only now back on a shorter car with slightly worse weight distribution. Combine this with the higher weight and with the same brakes+wheels+tyres, the R33 will actually outcorner the R34 despite the shiny electrics.
The only reason the R34 is quicker is due to the slightly more powerful engine ('276hp', seems legit) and the extra gear.

The R33, if judged purely from a performance standpoint, is actually the best of the 3 if you don't count how HAM nissan went with special 34s like the Nur.

Oh by the way, about that 276hp figure for anybody who's going to be a fucking moron.

It's '276'hp or '280'ps at 6,800rpm.

Look at the redline.

The fact that the factory boost gauge goes to 20psi should also tell you something.

That isn't a standard gauge

The R33 isn't as engaging to drive. It felt a little more muted than the crazy R32...a little more luxurious and a little more like a grand tourer rather than a crazy supercars eating tuner. I haven't driven an R34 but I'm guessing the shorter wheelbase helps this problem.

Nismo gauges were a dealer option and are very common, even the complete standard one went to 14psi despite 'stock' GTRs running

That's not a bad thing, especially when we start talking big power.
I'd be much happier driving a 600hp R33 than a 600hp R32 in the wet.

I know that, but the one in isn't a factory gauge. This is.

Nismo parts are still not factory parts but you're gonna argue with me regardless.

Personal preference I guess. I prefer the raw feeling. Like Tsuchiya says about the R32--it's like a wild horse

The R33 continued that wreckage

Well the simpler, earlier one, the R32 is simpler and cheaper. And the more complex, later one, the R34 is more complex and expensive. So generally if you're going to choose between 3 you're not going to get the "Middle" godzilla, it's not just as polarizing as the other two (In comparison). That said, being an australian i still see a lot of R33s and i consider them to be just as popular if not more then the 34s, R32s are far more popular than both however. I feel like it's just benchracers and daydreamers only seem to like the more polar options.

On top of that i feel it's design isn't as universally acceptable. (that said, a guy who owns a bottleshop near my uni has a mint original cond midnight purple R33 that's pretty sick.

The original R33 midnight purple in good condition is straight up delicious.

lol front torque dial looks siiick

Beautiful colour which is almost never correctly recreated in video games.

It's a special edition one too, but i can't remember what it's called.

Also if i was to buy a GTR it'd either be the cheapest R32 i can find or a nice R32. The 34 is in another price range entirely.

My own plan is to find an MNP 33 in good condition at some point in the future.

Wish 34s would hurry up and drop in price, they're simply not 2x better than 32s and 33s like the price suggests.

>Wish 34s would hurry up and drop in price, they're simply not 2x better than 32s and 33s like the price suggests.
There were a whole lot less 34s made. That plus it's worldwide notoriety means they're always going to be expensive.

No, but they are riding off the price hikes of the R29/30s atm, and also they were far more expensive new, just looked up the sales numbers too. 43k r32s, 16k R33s and 12k R34s and only 4k of the GTRs were "standard" 5.5k were V SPEC 2 and 1.3k were VSPEC. So the GTRs

Omg too stoned to form a cohesive sentence. Sorry for my poor literacy. Sales numbers are an interesting read though.

R32 didn't wreck anything, it was run by a team of cheaters. It got raped in the 12 hours btw

>found the assmad bogan

>>>started 29, won 29

I can only ask, what is wrong with you...?

> lost the 12 hours to a 1.3l mazda

I like it a lot more than the r32 and I could actually see myself owning one, especially with how much cheaper they are compared to the r34.

Losing to a much lighter rotary is nothing to be ashamed of brah

>lost the 12 hours to a car literally made specifically for bathurst with changes so substantial the 25 made for the road came with a fucking 120L carbon fibre fuel tank


The R32 won a lot because it was made in the Group A era. It had 4WD, a decent chassis and a metric crapton of boost. Nobody in it's class had all these three, the sierra was RWD, the BMW E30 was N/A, the commodore was a boat etc. And the fact that it was also succesful in australia too, since they drive right hand drive cars there too. That helped achieve meme status.

By the time the R33 came out, Group A spec races were over, and it only ran in JGTC. It won two championships(One by the calsonic team and one in the pennzoil) in the 4 years it ran, and lost once to the tom's supra and a McLaren F1 GTR. It had a good run, but because australia moved to it's own thing (N/A V8s) and the R33 stayed only japan for motorsports, it never reached the popularity of the R33, but it was still a quite good car. I sold much better to the R34 (213k cars to 67k cars), and while it was heavier, it still cornered well. It's just the R32 was already an icon by that point and the R33 was just overshadowed by it.

I'm pretty sure that the midnight purple paint is lead based and basically impossible to repair at this point.

R33 is my favourite. I think the R32 isn't that sporty looking, more a dull front. R34 is nice but looks like a blobeye STi, isn't as unique.

r33 looks like a sentra/s14 zenki

Zenki S14s are my favorite.

It's Japanese.

Huh.. the 33 handles far better then the 32 you meme spouting faggot.

I prefer the 32 because muh Bathurst nostalgia.. but seriously the 33 chassis is better in every way. Way more rigid.

Not really the same, it's just a passing resemblance


And if you add enough custom body work to an R32 you can make it look like an R34, who cares? There are definitely shared design cues but the two cars are hard to confuse.