/ssbg/ - Super Smash Bros. General

- Update 1.1.6 now available for download!

- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com/threads/436806/

- 1.1.5 Balance Patch Notes:smashboards.com/threads/433162/

>Resources and Guides

/ssbg/ has an OFFICIAL discord now made by Chronos:
It's open for everyone and has no moderation - If you can't get along with others use the blocking function.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>ctrl+F my name
>0 results
Delete this thread and do it again with Moxy in the subject

Im in this thread.

First for latest smash con upset:
clips.twitch tv/tourneylocator2/BreakableArmadilloPRChase

RIP m2k

Dont forget, /ssbg/ has an OFFICIAL™ discord and has for quite some time:


Damn it m2k why do you go offstage against luigi

REAL new thread, without the meme OP this one has.

this was posted first

Fuck off, just because you don't want to use discord doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't

At least this one has the real discord link

>If I can't make a new thread with my circlejerk discord in the OP then no one should be allowed to use discord

Who cares.

Tornado is fucking bullshit.

It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't drop half the roster below
As it is it just gimps anyone whose recovery isn't top tier like villagers or sheiks

This is possible since day one. You're crying a bit late about it.

>a bit late about it.
You mean STILL. Because that's what I do, I always thought this is stupid.

It's just not an issue. Even if m2k tears are oil for the cogs in the machinery, it's still nothing to be concerned to be about. You should be aware of it, but there is no need to "fix" it.

This TUESDAY (8/16) Theres gonna be yet another Wii U 1v1 tournament. Consider signing up so you can show me how good you've gittened. Plus its always fun.



What's the best way to "troll" in For Glory? I want to give everyone a bad time.

Report everyone

Spam grabs and pummel especially when they are at killpercent already
Tag your name as "bodied" etc after matches

I play 3DS.
I'm not good enough to even reliably grab people. I need a character that is just a piece of shit and can evade/fly under the stage.

prepare for fg hell if you do this though

That's why I don't do it, I just know how to upset people

>I'm not good enough to even reliably grab people
>wants to troll FG

git fucking good

Welcome to the new Veeky Forums Smash Tournament Series:

The /ssbg/ Smash League

The Smash League will be a new format of competition, a Round Robin Tournament in which everyone plays vs everyone in a point-system ranking.

Points will be achieved by:

Winner of the Set: 3 points
Loser of the Set by 2-1: 1 point
Loser of the Set by 2-0: 0 points

After finishing all the rounds, The Top 8 players with most points participate in Rustlemania a Double Elimination Tournament for the Championship. The Bottom 3 will enter the next tournament with a score of -5

NOTE: The League begins in August 22th but that doesn't mean you have to play that day, you could start playing 3 days later, for example.

You could play 1 set per day, or 5 sets in the weekend, doesn't matter. The objective is to play with anyone and get the highest number of points to pass to the next round.

1. Double Elimination
2. 3 Stocks
3. 8 Minutes
4. No Items
5. Customs NOT allowed
6. Miis and Custom Miis allowed, default size only.
7. No Equipment
8. Best of 3 *NOTE: If players want, best of 5
9. 15 days to complete the rounds

Join the new ssbg Smash league

Wii U:




The League would be played in the course of 15 days, you dont Need to play EVERY match in just one day, you could play one set in monday and 5 in friday, for example.

It's expected to be a 18-24 man Tournament, but if more people get in, it will be divided by pools

Let's try to Make /ssbg/ Great Again ®

Ok guys, here' the FAQ

>What is The Veeky Forums Smash League

The Smash League is a new Tournament series, based in a point-ranking system where the players with the most points pass to the Next round, an Elimination Tournament, for the bracket.

The Tournament is based in the Round Robin format, where players will be classified in a table and everyone will play vs everyone, just like the NFL Or La Liga (pic related)

>Ok, how do i gather points

Each player fight with another entrant in a set of Bo3 (if more people want, change it into Bo5) and depending of the result, is the number of points he gets :

Winning : 3 points
Losing by 2-1/3-1 : 1 point
Losing by 2-0/3-0 : 0 points

>How Many rounds will be played

It depends with the number of players that join the league; for example, if the league gets 18 players, there will be 17 rounds + Elimination Tournament/ Playoffs

>Hey! It starts August 22th but I can't play that day/won't be home / no
Internet/ Have homework to do, etc.

Don't worry, the league starts that day BUT, that doesnt mean you have to play that day, you have 15 days until the league ends so, you could play 1 set per day Or 5 per day, doesn't matter, just try to get as Many points as you can.

>17 rounds? That's a lot for a day!

As I said before, you could play 1 round per day Or 5, you don't have to play all rounds in one day

> What if I lose twice? Do I get Eliminated?

No, This is a Round Robin Tournament , doesn't matter if you lose every match, you will play vs everyone in the table

>What if we get 30 entrants? That's a lot!

After the 24 entrants, the table will be divided by pools, the best 2 of each pool will pass to the Next Round

>Can I invite some friends?


>Let's try to Make /ssbg/ Great Again ®
But you're one of the reasons /ssbg/ went to shit, pame

Is it true you stopped doing Pokken tournaments at /vp/ because you kept getting your ass kicked?

>chazo hosting pokken tournaments for more attention
I can totally see this
>he stops because he gets fucked on stream
I can totally see this

>Wii U players complaining about no Tourneys for them

> Wii U Smash league: 11 players
> 3DS Smash league: 15 players

not a tournament, also no one is complaining

>tourney made by one of the worst shitters in this general
>collecting people outside ssbg

>good tournament you should join


Reminder that the tourney organizer is an autistic screencaper who made pic related

Don't get on his bad side or he'll seriously start stalking and harassing you

Sorry kid, even Chronos is ok with this.

Try again, scrub.

Looking for doubles.

Fuck off chazo. What Chronos thinks about pame means shit.

Pame is still an extreme autistic who will relentlessly shit on anyone he doesn't like.

>even Chronos is ok with this.
pretty sure he just doesn't give a fuck

I have no idea what you guys are talking about but not giving a fuck and ok are literally the same thing

>gets BTFO


2/10 too easy


Watch the stream instead of shitting up the thread, everyone

Our boy trela is on

Reminder that the tourney organizer is an autistic drama starter who made pic related

Don't get on his bad side or he'll seriously start stalking and harassing you

Who will win?
3/4 Wii U team or
3/4 3ds team

our boy brian ydg?

I liked trela long hair better

>Getting butthurt about the bantz

> In Veeky Forums

This isn't reddit, get the fuck outta here

Is it me or is DK vs. Lucas a terrible matchup due to his huge hitbox?

I guess people like you get too butthurt over a little shitposting, eh faggot?

Of course it is
Lucas can bully the shit out of DK with his multihit aerial spikes and projectiles

>Being this mad

The fact that even Chronos doesn't have a problem With it, unlike you, makes this so funny.

Stay free, kid.

Chronos doesn't have a problem with the tourney but if you are saying chronos has no problem with pame, moxy, and the other fuckers than chronos's discord is proof of that

I am satisfied. The last thread actually hit the bump limit with discord still being a factor. People shouldn't get mad at others for trying to share ideas. That type of shit should be encouraged.

>Nairo trying to style on a girl

>gets rekt instead


You should have been there in the beginning of the last thread.

Chazo was d-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-e-d to sink the thread by forcing his own thread with his own discord in the OP

was pretty funny

>He's still replying


Stop, You're just embarrassing yourself

Fuck off pame

I care little about that even if he did. The actions of one person mean nothing if the majority choose not to acknowledge it. Its a really trite offence when even the offender knows full well nothing major will happen as a result of his actions, minus the butthurt.

As long as there are the discords, /ssbg/ will stay.

>Lucina winning dubs on stream


>As long as there are the discords, /ssbg/ will stay.

This is the complete opposite of what has happened, retard

real talk: I was against the idea of discords but the open discord made by chronos actually revived this general
when was the last time ssbg reached bump limit? or got new players to join?

Yet here we are on /ssbg/. The complete opposite would've meant the obliteration of the general entirely.

In fact, the last thread moved faster than any thread I've seen in the past few weeks. Something changed.


>chronos actually revived this general
fuck off penta chronos should have banned you ass too just like moxy did

Do not interpret my meaning as "discord is keeping the general alive", but having more mediums of communication is generally a good thing. I don't see why there has to be absolutes; I'm sure a lot of people don't otherwise why would they be used?

Discord is an option, not a necessity
I agree with you

The difference between chazos, moxys and chronos discord are: chazo and moxy ban people they think of as shitposters while chronos keeps it open for everyone, even pame can post there without needing to suck up to him

only person who got banned was moxy though since he actively tried to pretend people from joining his place and made newcomers join his place instead


Chazo actually made another thread
This user was right

Holy fucking shit

God that's pathetic.

Why did this thread have to die when they had the right idea? Please make the next general without any discord links. Only smash related stuff should be in the OP.

It's a smash discord. Many Veeky Forums generals have discords nowadays.

Get with the times.

Fuck off chazo

Play as Ganondorf and do nothing but spam Side B into d-tilt. It doesn't work in the actual game but on For Glory 1v1 mode its a Godtier tool.

It isn't smash related. I'm the furthest thing from that filthy nigger. No one else finds discords retarded that you need to try and make me out to be someone else?

Do you people actually talk about the fucking game?

>It isn't smash related.

I guess these aren't smash related either

Let the people use whatever they want, fuck off

Yes once shitters stop talking about nonsense

watching tourney at /tourneylocator2, only dubs today I think

Hey Veeky Forums I'm new here I've been sent to For Glory hell recently and I can't join any tourneys but I can still do 1v1 if any of you are up.

Who's your main

>playing FG
>realize the guy I'm fighting hasn't blocked the entire game
>switch to Charizard next match
>win with literally nothing but flare blitz

This guy is beyond helping

My main is Fox but I play Cloud on for glory because its basically free wins

Also Mario mains should commit mass suicide, I thought Cloud was broken but holy fuck this character

I need to try this out one day.

Let the people use whatever they want
So let them fuck off to those places instead of advertising it here, you mouthbreathing anal prolapse


>people whose only method of winning is to kill you with kill throws

You promised anons. Please don't let me down like that.

Literally every Ness

this, put all discords there or none, none makes more sense

Mario is fine. Mario handily beats Cloud offstage though. Fox should be a better MU. Just ff fair the fucker off the stage and abuse your great edgeguards.

Obviously don't get caped

>Plays Cloud
>Complains about Mario
Cloud is just as safe as Mario and has actual range and killpower.

So you're saying they got you to kill percentage using their throws exclusively? Somehow I think you just need to improve.

Can you just fuck off? We have lively threads that keep reaching bump limits again after dying for weeks and now you want to "fix" things?

/ssbg/ is fine now as it is, keep the official discord in the OP because only moxy and chazo care about their own discord links in this thread

Get the fuck out you shitters

I dont play Fox on FG because I dont like trying to play him with input lag
Half the stuff I want to come out never comes out so I'd rather play something braindead

>Reading comprehension
No one said anything about doing damage, just finishing stocks, and every Ness finishes a stock with backthrow because it is ridiculous.

>lively threads
>90 posts
>22 posters
lmao only because of samefagging

we have lively threads cause I'm posting and I don't like the discords in the OP unless they are all there

No, you fuck off. If you want and enjoy discords so much, stay in them. None of them have any business being posted here. If people want them they will seek them out. Stop segregating the thread when it's the thread people should be discussing smash in.

You make it sound like you get Mexico-tier lag regularly. Does your net suck? I know there's always going to be lag, but it sounds crippling in your case

Really now?

>what is a discussion

all me, guys!

It's only you niggers who shit themselves over this right now, everyone else (22 people) doesn't give a fuck

/ssbg/ can have a discord but there are a handful of autists who can't handle it

Exactly. They used their overall skill to best you. The fact you got thrown was an outcome you should have foreseen and beaten.


Who said they used grabs exclusively?
Im talking about people who refuse to kill you with anything that isnt a back throw to the edge or an up throw soley because theyre so shit they cant land any actual kill moves
Its easily avoidable and counterable its just infuriatingly annoying because you play the whole match trying not to get grabbed