/ddg/ - Dragon's Dogma General

Rook will save the general edition

You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
You don't need pawns, but they help.
Don’t miss your sidequests: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Make sure you understand the romance system before you get too far: dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved

>Wiki you lazy shit

>NEW /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

> Old /ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Character Creator Sliders

>Collection of small mods (model/color swaps etc.)

>Current mods available

>Hotkey Script for PC Players

>Modding on console and old pawns

>Guide to get DDO

>DDO Beginners Guide

>Screenshot Guide

>Make webms

>[un]official Steam group

Previous thread:151057724

Other urls found in this thread:


M-messed up last thread

No dying now.

Thread ded on arrival
Everyone too busy flying into free

Has anyone here tryed DDO?
I'm afraid since I'll be surrounded by nips.

A lot of people here have, but the awk factor is real.

I'm new to Dragon's Dogma anyway
So I'm not trying it until it's released in North America.

Ok. I bought the game and am downloading now.

I am reading the links in the OP but it's a lot of info. Is there any information I should absolutely know?

Wear armor for fashion, not for stats.

>level 200 already
>tfw still haven't gotten that last piece for Trappings of Evil

I'm relatively new to the game as well.
An user told me: If a person says a quest is urgent, do it right away.
You might have to use the wiki a lot, since doing some quests before others can cut you off from story line ones
Remember to frequently change up your pawn. They can be quite helpful, if a little too chatty.

>>level 200 already
Is there even a level cap in this game? Or can you be 200+ leveled.

You don't need a guide, but do take the advice about side quests. Generally you should try to do each one as soon as it becomes available. There aren't really any quests which isn't possible when you can first open them up, so there is really not much to fear.

Plus doing them makes you explore Gransys which is like the best part of the game.

Someone please post some good THICK sliders.

>Plus doing them makes you explore Gransys which is like the best part of the game.
Explored the water god shrine before I even got the quest to go there.

Should I do that run and revive /ddg/?

The level cap IS 200.


Pick one.


When I first saw people saying they were at levels like 155,I thought you could just keep going and going.

eternal ring huh

Remember to shill your pawns, fools

I haven't played in a while so there haven't been any changes, but hires and feedback are always appreciated

>You are close, now. So very close to me!

Just rested and looking for pawns around this level but anything up to 50 is fine.

Classy as fuck


Some please adopt my hobo. She's just starting out but she's got a good heart.

unlike me

Thank the based Clifftonia for that. Guy has an eye for fashion.

Why the lilac face paint?

She was dropped in a barrel of paint as a child and she hasn't been able to afford some soap.

It's very tragic deep backstory

Brings a tear to my eye user.


Hey guys.
Hehehe. Hey guys


you gonna run rusted staff or legions might?

I have no idea what that means. She's just a girl hobo looking for work.




Someone should make a Cloud character.



I don't even know why that picture made me kek so hard.

Your weapons strength is a huge deal - always upgrade your weapon at every opportunity. Status effects, consumables and abusing elemental weaknesses are actually incredibly helpful, so put them all to use. A lot of skills are kind of shitty until you level them up, so don't dismiss something just because of a bad first impression. Augments are passive skills that you can swap between classes, make good use of them. And lastly, don't worry about your stats from leveling up - you can more than make up with it between your equipment and augments, so just play what you like.

I am about to make that character finally. Let me finish taking that shit.

guys I fucked my thicc pawn

I wish I could fuck my pawns.

Did you clean up afterward?

Rook is such a gud little pawn
I only switched him out when I was at around level 25.
Still get him occasionally.

hope you took him out on a bbi run

Okay, I am going to do it now.
Also, has anyone else realized how slutty and ugly Quince is dressed up?

Alright, here we go boys, time for my Arisen.
Since my last 2 were males, this one will be female.
Also this one will be a Strider. Pawn is Ranger

Hey /ddg/, how's it goin?

Alright, I am liking it so far. Just a few more touch ups I believe then I am good.

Wonderful. ish. Wonderfulish.
What about you? How's your day been?

Wait. Is it going to get released in America?

yea, sure

Arisen finished I think.
I can't make good female Arisens after making Avrora. She was too perfect of a creation.

Good thing I noticed the weight was wrong.


It's like I am already being hit with nostalgia, walking out of that house, then hearing the music and seeing the sun.
It's weird since I only first played this game back at the end of January.
Heh, January. That is also my Arisens name. I'm funny.



>implying it will ever be released here
Yeah, and I can't wait for Dragon's Dogma 2

Just give up bro, let the general die in peace.....


No. I won't let it die.
I love it here too much.


I enjoy this outfit immensely.
I don't however enjoy how the lantern ruins the picture.


Aaaand the face ruins it....
Oh I hope I can get my pawn right.

Any mods on pc??

The only mod you'll ever need

You guys are nice


I'll make my pawn in a few hours after I wake up.


is there another cape that looks kinda like the mahogany cape but more black/red in colour? need a cape that doesn't clip with the sleeves on the carrion mantle that doesn't have a strange colour contrast

>tfw u nut but she still suckin.jpg

I think the BBI cloaks both work okay without clipping.

>someone hired my pawn and gave her a 5-4-4, a gift and tons of RC
Im so proud of her i want to hug my TV ;_;

Does anyone here still play in PS3 or its all PC now?

I started the game again this morning after 3 months pause and my support ranger pawn with rusted longbow and aoe has been rented 2 times only.

I will fully respect it, what are the class skill inclination I should look forward to make it more appealing ?

Hired yours. What a deep voice she has!

What outfit is that?

thats royal surcoat

Alright /ddg/, I am about to make my pawn in a few minutes.
Lets try to make the perfect looking pawn. Give me suggestions on how she should look.
I'm sure even with our different strokes, we can find some common feature we all like.
Female Pawn btw.

That's to vague to work.
Why don't you try to think of something and we give you advice to improve it?

Take pics.

make her look evil

I was planning on playing the PS3 version, but I liked how I could use mods in the PC version, plus how Dark Arisen fixed some of the console issues.

What would be a good 4 party member for daimon?

Me and my pawn are strider and ranger for back liners and with fracture dart for daimons rift move with octavia, a fighter with ascalon the holy sword and designated frontliner and punching bag.

Should i get a mage with heals and grapnel?
sorc with damage spells?
or another strider/ranger?

I'm terrified of putting my pawn out for everyone to use
Probably 'cause I didn't do much with my main. I just keep switching out at the riftstones

Other than a couple of VERY minimal bugs, and the higher graphic Quality, i dont think PC Dark Arisen is all that superior to the PS3 Dark Arisen
This said, PC is clearly more alive and will have a better staying power in a few years. On the downside, no Berserk armor sets on PC

But yeah, when i bought the game i could not foresee a PC version. DD was one of the reasons i bought a PS3 in the first place.

Can you have more than one mod running at a time?

What mods are good? Is nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/96/ any good?

I find pawns rather useless against Daimon (both forms). They will hopefully distract him enough to give yourself a break though.

If you are playing strider, climb is the most effective way. First form is easy enough whatever you do, but the second form can be a bitch since he hits like a truck. Brain splitter him until he starts doing his rift thing, then climb up (either face or chest), pop periapts and kiss away. Provided you have a decent weapon he will go down before he recovers from the stagger.

>No weapon vocation
Damn this sounds pretty fucking good

How the fuck does Ur-Dragon go from one health dot missing over the span of 1 day then dead in within 1 hour? I keep missing grace periods ;_;

What's that mean?

Says so in the link. The mod of the same name allows you to equip any weapon in any vocation (and there's another that lets you use any skill with any weapon, it seems)

>there's another that lets you use any skill with any weapon

This happens all the time, you snooze you lose man.

Wake up!
Don't be ded

Is Dark Arisen known to crash a lot?
It may be Steam/my PC messing around with me though. I've tried playing other vidya today and I suddenly crash. But I'm just curious.