/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #486


>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - A Slice of Summer
8/8 - 8/15 - Rise of the Beasts (All Four Celestials Rerun)
8/16 - 8/22 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdown (Reruns)
8/23 - 8/30 - Guild War
8/31 - 9/8 - Scenario Event
Start of September - Lord of Vermilion Collab

7/15 - 8/31 - Swimsuit Characters
8/4 - 8/18 - 12 Million/Summer Celebration Part Two (1/2 Off Special Quests, Rare Monster Discovery Up, Daily Memeroll and 120 Gems, Other Stuff)
Sometime this Year (Hopefully) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, Ougi Skip, etc.)

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Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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Previous thread

Is there any real reason to play light? Dark with a two month pool and Six will outperform a light player that spent a year farming swords. Even dark's girls are cuter.

worst OP
fuck this shitty whore bitch

2nd for how to get free mobacoins

Reminder to protect Kumuyu with your entire life.

suck dick

>C A K E

More like C U C K

I love Magisa!

Did that chest just flip me off?



t. someone who couldn't roll her

>Even dark's girls are cuter.
Yeah, if you're a cuck

t. windcuck

I love Clarisse and all Clarisseposters as well!

>dark girls cuter
>midget cow, lesbian, married old hag
only passable one is vampy

>tfw no more crystals
>tfw can't whale
My only hope at this point is a surprise ticket with the summer characters in it but they already said they won't do it

Light only has Ferri
Amira and Jeanne both have love interests

What does summer sara's support skill actually do. It say graphos is slower but tougher as splash fight level rises. Particularly, I don't see what could be getting slowed other than maybe recovery time.

>Even dark's girls are cuter.
Objectively wrong.

clarissdumber with the obvious post

You forgot best girl

Literally who? Everyone already forgot about her.

Is there actually a way to get free mobacoins?

>Four WHOLE hours since last Kirin

>Amira and jeanne both have love interests
>implying lizard is a love interest
>implying Amira has any
yeah as evidenced by fucking nothing
Now we have a upgraded Heles as well.
dark are you even trying

Why isn't she more popular?

She's boring

>implying Amira has any
She's in love with a dark-skinned man who has an orange afro.

I like her SR more than the SSR.

her VA is a slut

Are we getting another legfes with summer characters or not?

Is there a guide on how make money to whale?

>doesn't appeal to hagfags
>doesn't appeal to lolicons

>you will never take Lennah to a pastry shop to eat a delicious frosted strawberry cake, letting a cheerful laugh as she licks a bit of the frosting that accidentally got in your face

And now I want cake. Goddammit.

Yaia a cute! She is such a thoughtful young lady, she even cooks for you! Absolutely pristine daughteru material. Sometimes I get tempted to start posting Yaia.

>not wanting a pure girl

Half of the reason I'm making a Light team is for Rosamia and Ferry. Don't even have any other SSRs there.

Wish I could roll the R/SR Rosamias so I could see their fate episodes.

>posting cuckbait
>cuckbait OP at that
fucking shitters

Heles would rather fuck Naoise or Seruel canonically

Jeanne is asexual aside from thinking Vii is cute

Amira has afro fag from RoB


who's her va?

Be a security guard working night shifts and get paid to just sit around and play GBF on your phone.

Rosamia is cute! CUTE!


All jobs comes down to dick sucking basically.

characterless weapon


>darkfags are cuckposters
Why I'm not surprised?
the fucking cesspool of /gbfg/.

My mom.

sucasa mikasa

We also have superior Zeta, De La Fille, and Song. Every other element has to watch as we hog up summer skins like it's nothing.

so what happened to Lennah any way, why is she becoming a plant?

How the FUCK did you know?!

literally doesn't canonically give a shit about you


IMPROVED summer skins.
Just you wait for when Korwa comes to light.

I love Jeanne!

there goes a perfectly good taco

What? She flirts with MC a shit load. Especially after you defeat her. She just wants your fucking cock

gib surprise ticket

only darkfags care about cuckfactors, lightfriends cares about cute girls and nothing more.

If you play this game, you're a cuck. Period.

Good analysis there, user
Tell us more, please

>Head canon
She literally gives you obligation chocolate on valentines, there is no romance there no matter how hard you try to force it

The only thing that happens after you beat her is her being happy that she gets to travel with people

>SS Korwa is dark
>Is as strong as pre-nerf Korwa
>Dark becomes 10x stronger than it already is
>All other elements just kill themselves
>Firefags already in hell waiting to greet them

Stop, you're exaggerating things, you're sounding like a darkfag.

Celeste is pretty generous, I managed to put this together in about a month. Too bad rolling lucifer made me question if I'd rather focus on light or not.

Daily reminder that MC in this game is a cuck. And if you self-insert or enjoy this game in any way otherwise, you're a cuck.

Summer Korwa will be fire.

Why do you think she'll be dark? This game favors light.

I hate this event daily, way too much effort.

In yar dreams ya git

>cute and happy girl ever going dark
never happening.

But I self insert as Djeeta. She's canonically a slut who gets dick from the entire crew daily. How am I a cuck?

What? Gran just only has eyes for his one true, canon wife Karteira

>Even dark's girls are cuter.
But Dookie is cute. Whereas Mika is Passion and Koume is Cool.

Kong is cute too.

Any game with daily refresh functions are probably way too much effort. Maybe you should just avoid them altogether next time.

>Celeste is pretty generous
No she's not. You just won the lottery.


But I already invested 30 bucks and two weeks time into this game.

I'm glad it happened to you so that it won't happen to me when I roll.

>10 roll
>bronze moon, silver moon, some R crap
>also summer Ramen

not even mad, guy's one of my favorite characters, plus I got a SSR from my daily memeroll

Having Lucifer is worthless on 5/6 fights anyways. Just get Six and stick with dark.

>Having Lucifer is worthless on 5/6 fights anyways.

>Rosamia, Sophia, Ferry, Zeta, Heles, Amira, Jeanne, De la Fille, Song
>Vampy, Vira, edgy Jeanne, rest is shit

H-Huh?? HUH????

but muh Beato

I've invested the same, except the bit about cash

>De la Fille
I don't think anyone actually likes her.

mostly because she's a below SR tier SSR, she looks pretty good.

>Using a badly google translated screenshot of sundome's blog

Come on user, at least screenshot the original or ask someone to provide a real tl

I know right? De La Fille more like De La Fea

She can be gotten with a rupie draw, that's how cheap she is

fucking hell, stop talking bad about one of the only two SSRs I have

But you can also get Lady Grey from Rupie Draw so what does that say of her

She needs someone to take care of her skeleton son

So if I don't get Heles for my light team I might as well just delete my Lucifer account and reroll?

you might as well, she's pretty good and cute, and limited.

Yeah. You'll never be able to compete with light players who have her, let alone dark players with Six who have only been playing for a couple weeks.

No it's not that bad, she has her uses, but she isn't enough to replace the holy trinity

She's a slut that will never love you.

I love you, /gbfg/.