No Man's Sky general.
PC Launch edition.
>What is this game?
A crash screen simulator.
>What do you do in the game?
When they will patch it, I'll tell you.
No Man's Sky general.
PC Launch edition.
>What is this game?
A crash screen simulator.
>What do you do in the game?
When they will patch it, I'll tell you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you serious guys? If you expected this to run properly than maybe this game isn't for you. NMS was never about running properly, idk where people got this from. Maybe you should lower your expectations, because for me this is exactly what I wanted.
>hating on a team of 12 people
Veeky Forums is cancer. Give them a break
post your current world
t. Sean
ps: game is so shit I'm upset I wasted 5min to download it
Not only Veeky Forums.brats on my ts are giving shit to the devs too. Kiddos.
Also how ars you niggers making fast money?
No clue, it's hilarious though.
>NMS was never about running properly
Seriously, wat?
>Maybe you should lower your expectations, because for me this is exactly what I wanted.
Oh, OK, Ill just sit here and play a content barren, buggy, glitchy badly optimized mediocre game and say I enjoy it then.
Lowering expectations in 3...2...1...
Refudned fucking immediately. This steaming pile of shit isn't even worth pirating.
now excuse me, I want to buy a Dodge for the price of a Lamborghini because this poor guys didn't know it better
I hate nobody, let alone a videogame and its developers.
It's my bigot PC that for some reason hates this game.
>pic in OP very related
If anyone finds planet piccolo it's my discovery
It's radioactive as fuck and purple with green trees and there's lots of aluminum and poison sacs
Is anyone else getting frame drop when they go on planets?
Like in space perfect 60fps all the time but one planets its just erratic
>make shitty indie game and lie about features
>sell it as AAA game
>expect people not to react
>dismiss criticism with "cod kids" and "they will patch it" and "you dont understand"
damage control is real
I've had no crashes and I'm getting smooth 60 fps on max settings @1080p with a 970 and i5-4690 @ 4400
only annoying thing i've encountered so far is you have to restart to change a lot of the settings
also the colors look shitty at least on the planets I've been on so I'm working on a SweetFX preset for it
IGN: Game of the year every year.
Literally better than Jesus
Anyone got the torrent link?
>streamers who refunded game on stream after saying it's shit
Admiral Bahroo
>MFW HG is positive review bombing their own game in a desperate attempt to save face
>I'm getting smooth 60 fps on max settings @1080p with a 970 and i5-4690 @ 4400
No your not because i have better specs than that and i'm not getting consistant 60fps
The only people who dislike this game are the people who don't understand it.
That's because you fell for the amd meme
>having a NoMansSky tattoo
You really need more room to store shit
I keep having to go back and forth between by ship
Can you buy more spaces?
holy shit my sides
10/10 landing right here.
I wonder if that guy is still around. What a fucking tool.
what the fuck is that picture
who here has the game but haven't played it becaused it keeps on crashing?
>You really need more room to store shit
That is one of the mini-game features of the game.
Doesn't look too bad
Jesus Christ.
>torrent it
>waiting for it to finish
What should I expect?
Anyone else stuck on a white screen with the word Initialise? I'm using the gog torrent
Works fine for me you guys are just trolls :^}
the new Pokemon Sun and Moon looks great!
I am beyond furious that I can't play this
I had this day all planned out. Now I have nothing to play...I'm stuck in the attic all day while my wife and her boyfriend use the apartment.
If I show my face to get out they might see me and she will be angry with me because i ruined the mood
Fuck this game
FFS calm down, it's been out for one day.
Explain the evolution of that.
>Literally spore
numale with extra tacky full body tattoo of a christian rock band's lyrics that nobody listens to
see pic: I torrented it and yet still mad
I feel very sorry for the anons that paid for being insulted like this
>19 fps
unbalanced systems that lets you stack up a shit ton of money
retarted animals
Oh god what
You don't have to go to your ship to transfer items there. You can do that from anywhere.
I don't know if you can buy more spaces, but if you follow Question marks on planets you sometimes find abandoned settlements that have small bonuses for you. I found an extra INV slot that way.
No fucking way
How embarrassing
>You don't have to go to your ship to transfer items there. You can do that from anywhere.
Oh yeah i know that, what i meant was when i needed to get sometime from my ship
Its a lot of going back and forth
>tfw bought this game on PS4 for 80 canadollars
all I can do is laugh at myself and hope for updates
pls respond
this with more crashes
Are there any cheats to get to the best planets?
You have to hold E. No joke.
Lush af
Its hard to see where you're landing, could've been done better
>update gpu drivers
>install Visual C++ 2010
>make sure your GPU supports openGL 4.5
Nice PS4
Press and hold E. the little E isn't a loading thing it's literally an instruction.
>want to try game
>have shit computer
Well at least I can tell myself that once I have saved up enough to get a decent machine, the game will be fixed.
>Current standing: Client
>the game will be fixed.
Yeah and it'll have multiplayer too ;)
you're probably running it at a higher resolution than me then or something is just fucked up with your system
I've also had flawless performance in games like JC3 that everyone whined about having problems with
you can do nothing, really
the great majority of people is in the same situation but keep silent out of anger or disappointment
I wish I was memeing
This game has gotten multiple 9/10s, how?
Easiest $$$ in their lives
Do grenades mine at the same rate as the laser? I know I hit a tree and got 80 with grenade and 100 with the mining laser, but does stone have the same 1/5 loss of you mine with the grenade?
How about phase beam vs photon cannon?
Also, what does a natural chrysonite deposit look like? I think it's the only thing that isn't a purple tier metal that I haven't found yet
I don't care about multiplayer, I just want to get on a ship and see stuff.
Shitty graphics and slow framerate aren't even a problem, I can't run any game smoothly unless its 10 years old.
Video games are about money, not art.
>The lesbian with the glasses on the right knows it's a sham.
So pc version is shitty and crashes?
Should I wait for updates?
I read the game is not that good anyway, not sure I want to go through all the shit it's in right now to play it.
>make mediocre game that's barely worth 20$
>show doctored footage, let Sony marketing build hype
>sell millions
>pay 15 untalented developers meager pay
>game sells millions on hype alone
>You are now 50 million dollars richer
Sold like 5k to a vendor and I was set for a long time
I like the concept behind the game, I really do. My only real problems with it so far is that after getting the hyperdrive, I feel like I've been thrown in the deep end. I don't know what to do now. I can barely explore worlds because you only get a jetpack and your feet. Taking off and landing again isn't worth it because it eats up plutonium.
I want to like this game for what it can be. I know it has massive potential. I also sympathize with the dev team. 12 people with extreme pressure from a AAA publisher and millions of people worldwide is a lot to put them through. I know that with some time these issues will be fixed, and that's why I'm going to hang on to my copy. Honestly, I've only crashed once, and for some reason on my system the stuttering and lag really isn't that bad. It's really my own mental block about these kinds of games that's keeping me from enjoying it 100% right now. It's just easier to follow a linear path laid down than to just decide what I want to do.
tl;dr I'm gonna be patient and have a bit of understanding. They'll get the issues worked out, they'll put out more free content for it, and everything will be cool. And I'll try to stop being a pleb and learn to unblock my mind with this kind of genre.
is this X "person team" thing a meme now? everytime i see someone reference the team size it's always different
it needs multiplayer tag somewhere there
I've played this game for about an hour. Whether oe not the game works for you, whether or not you like the game, whether or not it is a ps4 port... all this shit doesnt matter. The base game has huge fucking potential from what ive seen on a measily hour of play time. It will get better.
This reminds me of Wolfenstein 3D for some reason.
The singleplayer tag comes up first on the list steam has now. Didn't want to meme too much.
care to share a link? I can't find any good upload yet :c
a meme game taylor made for reddit
Reminder that they played with your feelings.
I agree.
It works fine for me.
well he obviously said above min specs
meaning 480 wont do
So i've managed to somewhat fix the hitching by switching to borderless windowed and restarting the game
>"don't be a cunt."
Wait for patches yes. It's not worth it right now. In the mean time, rise of tomb raider just got cracked so go play that and fap to laras cute butt.
I wish the star systems were actually structured like a star system, and not a bunch of planets all bunched together like a row of houses, and no gas giants? fucking hell
Torrent Mega
Anything about team size, expectations, multi-player, colors, spore, the price, or 'understanding the game' is either memery or shitposting.
I haven't played the game yet, so I can't have an opinion but I'll say this.
These "poor small indie devs" are charging 60 motherfucking dollars/euros for the game. Therefore their crap should and will be judged as an AAA title. I'm tired of these fucking shill arguments.
hows the mod support?
whats the extenct it can be taken
Old version for both. Game got an update an hour ago.
gtx980, latest drivers, c++ 2010 installed
cant start
first ever steam refund issued
I really hope they fix the issues and add VR support eventually. I would rebuy it in a heartbear