League of Legends general /lolg/


Cute porcelain bf edition

first for ashe nerfs WHEN

3rd for best girl

xth for having weird and disgusting sexual encounters with Jinx.

am i cute ?


if you want someone who's tanky, has cc, and damage, try volibear




Wish I could use a female yordle as a sex toy.


What do you drink when you play /lolg/?

Smirnoff ice because it tastes good

Jaegermeister when I want to get drunk

Shyvana for cute!


Wish I could do it with Veigarette. Never has a lolg meme provoked so many boners in me.

wish they would bring those to the local korean store. There's only soju and Chilsung Cider

So is kled going to get nerfed? I've been playing him a lot and he snowballs extremely hard.

i thought that said vegimite then

....smirnoff ice? Are you a grill, cause otherwise...

The only other "beer" I drink is Coors.

The Smirnoff shit is because it tastes good, nothing more.

But user, that's heresy



it better be good or i'm gonna fucking kill myself


how does someone play a champion so autisticly and be so bad at them

Try Blue Moon, Samuel Adams, any pale ale. These are very tasty, and you will slowly enter the world of real beer

you should see me try to farm with any other champion

why is the support Q weaker then a midlaner's Q


what's best: AP soraka or utility items soraka
Pls respond

please kill yourself not even joking this is the one time I say it and actually mean it.
Here is the last (you) that you will be getting from me.

natty ice because it tastes like how solo q feels


nice hitboxes, lolbaboons

cutest girl!


Name a champ more fun to play in ascension than K6.
you can't

someone PLEASE post the psg webms


Illaoi. Tight corners, no vision, makes a facechecking ult so satisfying.


I have it at home, 2 or 3 actually



18 key frags, but no chests. I thought the chests were supposed to reset every month?

>Meriipu gets lucky while playing like shit
What a surprise

You think Kled and Skaarl ever...?
I mean, even yordles must get hot and bothered some times.

Just buy some you fucking poorfuck

Chest resets every season
Key chances reset every month.

Now that Wolf does absolutely fuckall can we call kindred Lamb instead

Sometimes I wonder if you play like shit on purpose in order to give us these webms. If so, thank you, 'cause I laugh like an idiot when I see them.

Forgot to say that im not home tho, sadly.. I was thinking the same thing when i read what user said heh

You're telling me you've earned a chest on all 130 champs?


>He plays more than 3 champions


sona no armor

you can only earn chests once per season per champion. If you want dank free shit you're going to have to branch out a little.

I wish I had the replay of this from shyvs viewpoint

it looks pretty weird

I just watched the TSM vs P1 matches, that was the most fun to watch since worlds. Just straight up soloqueue with rengar and reksai

The nerfs were too much, she's hardly played anymore. Last 30 ranked games and I haven't seen her once ;_;

Could someone post the Sengoku Rance edits with Panth please?


Praise the hyperspear.

I have seen Yorick and Aatrox more than Kindred. I had forgotten that champ exists.
thank god

The best part was at the analyst desk with Dyrus.
Poor guy had to shave his head.

>tfw starting to get back in the mix

diamond soon summoners

what is the range on that pole hory shit

Havent played since proto belt update, when is it safe to comeback and have fun anons?

you can comeback and have fun now user

jojo picks gain my trust, just waiting for champ with a stand at this point

does annie count as one ?
also euw or na ?


Is the armor pen build on Lucian a must or can I go the standard Essence Reaver->Zeal item->IE?


Riot will never be able to create a champ that can healthily exist while having +10.0 attack speed. It just doesn't work in this game.

So,when's the yorick updating coming out? Im guessing around Halloween time?

>implying all stands are punch ghosts

Probably 6.19

Anyone know accbros skype?

>lulu mains

I have spent way too long not sorting through my league recordings

I still have 400GB of recordings to go through

>look at me, i manage to stay 0/2/0 without feeding more

can you stream your ranked games

He did half his job though, Killing the adc.


Ok that was fucking hilarious.

Heirophant would make for a good control mage.

so how many of you guys got ip banned

>lee's q missed when it was directly on the middle of you

I swear.

>against a fizz and I'm lulu

You forgot that.

what the fuck happened to lee sin's q

this game is awful

>not using a particular filename THERE ARE TWO MOSQUITOS AT MY COMPUTER OH GOD

are people even interested in me surfing around low plat

and white album could be a good jungler
hol horse or sex pistols for adc
hot pants or crazy D as a support
and idk, 50% of stands could be a top laner

how often do things like that happen

no, and theyre not interested in your awful webms either

the turkey ones? every 2-3~ games maybe
the euw/eune ones? maybe every 5-10 games


The little blush just fucking sells it for me.

tfw i just shroom every portal and people literally can't enter the center area without popping one

teemo will carry if he goes on-hit
not even kidding