/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #110




notorivinyl.jp/ CPN: OSG4.1





>Instagram (DM me pictures!)

>List of Sticker Websites (Updated)

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers.

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you are still here user, I would like to get that printed for the next run. Toss me an e-mail at [email protected]

I want to die.

thanks backyard tuning, my shitbox is now furry trash like me.

R8 my current collection. Just took off a bunch my old ones so I can out some new ones on. Also just placed a $30 order with based Notori

You have only 3 good stickers, and one of them isn't even a 10/10. I'm so sorry.

Not bad senpai, but you sealed your own fate with the BLC slap.

Yeah I'm not really superstitious but my car got totaled by a dumb woman driving a f150, and i took off my bad luck club slaps but they're never going on my next car

So, no one currently sells the 藤原とうふ店 (自家用) sticker?


Fuckin Notori always hooking it up like a breh

Notori does, notorivinyl.jp/collections/cut-vinyl/products/fujiwara-tofu-delivery

He even sells Pizza delivery ones too

So he ships from Canada? Now that doesn't seem too bad, considering I live the farthest away in NM.

What guild are you in, kid? I bet your 3s rating is laughable.

I actually just started back up again after not playing for three years.
My best 3s was in wrath and it was only just over 2k. I was the 4th best pve resto druid on my realm at the same time though. So I had that going for me, which was nice.

he did, then came back I guess.

>wrath pve resto druid

You might have played the hardest to play healer, but you still a bitch.

You ain't wrong tho

That order finaaly came in. Sorry about bugging you.

You're still gonna get raped when Barron Trump makes futas real though.

So a while ago, I bought a Peek-at-you sticker from watracing for my Golf.

Here's the thing though. I didn't buy just one.

I finally bought the car the other one was meant for.

Fucking sexy.

You need 12s, not 7s.

Ayyy, finally got my order, sorry about that robust-kun. Everything looks great, and thanks for the extras!

Awww, thanks, user.

Sorry, what?

15x12 for the rear.

Tire width? They are 12s, though. 295, to be precise, since I live in metricland.

Thanks for the stickers, inb4.

Got the shitbox dirty today


but.. w-what is it?


My new mullet mobile

Not bad. Not bad at all.

For some reason it kinda reminds me of the car from Redline...

It does, doesn't it?

I consider the car in that film (the yellow line version of it) to be the ultimate muscle car. Every other car is measured by that standard.

Good taste, user.

Looks like a lot of fun.

holy shit user.



Glad you like it.

Hey guys, has Yummy been around? Been away from Veeky Forums for a few days. Tried reading older threads.

Yummy I want to purchase 2 stickers from you right now

However, I just want to know whether you are making more stickers or having a new print run. Want to know whether I should wait to see your new designs or if I'm good to go on placing an order for your current stickers now

Lemme know!

hey notori u should make a snapchat

add me bois~

What would I even put on it?

show us ur dick

Animeme booty stickies and the process


Are blue dials comfy at night?

not him, but showing my interest in this

So much for powerlevel hiding


I'm kinda here, just really busy. I don't have any plans for new designs currently (except maybe an eX-R for baikus). I don't have plans for a print run right now. I have one design for the next run but it's not happening soon.

Had a bit of a towing mishap yesterday so I'm trying to get everything sorted. So if anyone has emailed me, I have seen it and I will get back to you but I might need a few days due to that.

Ordered a few things from Yummy Notori and Vodnik the other day, what should I expect for shipping times?

>not complaining, just curious

depends on the time of ordering. I should have my thursday/early friday batch done by monday.



apparently notori's stuff arrives in 2 days now


>i don't know what shipping time is

>stickers from Yummy coming some time next week
>paycheck as well
>car will be fixed up in time for the next following monday

Hey guys, there a discount code for Yummy? Went back 2 threads, didn't see one

Missed it in the last thread, did someone find that Shia Labeouf slap?


I don't see it on there, does he not sale it anymore?

looks like no

>Mfw people put this shit all over parts of the car left transparent for a reason
This is seriously on the level of cut springs, hellaflush and stretched tyres.

I will never understand safety compromises for 'bling blong'.

>see EPIC as hell sideways sticker on a $3,000 shitbox
>its in *hits vape* J A P A N E S E *blows sick cloud*
>incorrect grammar
weeaboos should be round up and gassed holy FUCK

Sempai, if you know Japanese good, maybe you can help us write better grammar?

What do you expect? They just plug some dipshit phrase into Google Translate and copy the first thing that comes out.

Blue is the worst, because it flares. Day and night.
Red is cool during the day, but red wavelengths mess with your night vision. Green and amber are where it's at.

I have orange and it's very easy on the eyes. Overall, more towards the red end is better, but straight red is not ideal.

>Red is cool during the day, but red wavelengths mess with your night vision.
This is completely incorrect. Red lighting preserves your night vision.

hah cute

>complains about grammar
>posts this "weeaboos should be round up and gassed holy FUCK"

I used to have a Pontiac with red gauges. Shit was so based.

thanks for remembering my mistake with the lain bears notori

Haven't been here since I got memed by Bomb Squad
Are people here reliable now and can I expect to get my stickers in less than six months

We try to get delivery times to under 3 months

I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

No. Traffic camera flashes are red for a reason. So it doesn't completely blind you at night.

The ones around here are white, but I agree with you. The cool end of the color spectrum is generally worse on the eyes and causes excessive strain especially at night. It's for this reason that products such as Gunnar Optiks and f.lux exist. It's also why most headlights and flashlights have a yellow tent applied.

Almost makes me want to buy a Matrix.

"While this is true, a light source that has the least effect on night vision is not the same thing as a light source that will allow visual perception at the lowest possible level of illumination."
From astromax.org/activities/members/kniffen.htm
So what I understand is that red has the lowest impact on ones night vision but doesn't provide the same clarity at low light levels, from that I take that red should be best for reading an instrument cluster but not anything with detail. From personal experience I like red more than orange and hate blue.

What are these rims?

I want to into stickers, but I don't watch anime.

Is this thread for me?


The only animu I watch is initial d and there is still enough not animu stuff that I buy a metric shitton.

Cool. Same boat, only ever watched Initial D because of that sweet, sweet animated heel-toe.


Not really.

it's about 2-6 business months.

if you make sticker designs instead of bitching about it, then very yes.

i think so. the only one i watched was initial d.
Got into stickers cause of middo naito kurabu and drift/car clubs over there.

> 2-6 business months
I've gotten my stuff from shitboxmeme in about 1 week, but I'm also in Canada, from Notori iirc it was about a week when he wasn't drowning in orders.

Has anyone made a gum tape death match slap? I feel as though my Si really, really needs one.

I'm no artists, so if anyone feels like being a total bro and design one along these lines, that'd be pretty neato.

What the fuck is gum tape?

It's just sticky tape.

its a type of packing tape, the "gum" refers to the type of adhesive it uses

Fuck off normie.

What about including the Formula 1 cigarette lighter shingo uses in the design?

I'd like to get a vinyl with something like this on it.

Which of the links in the OP should I give my business to if they do custom printing? I don't care if it's more expensive than the competitors as long as it comes out super clean and HIGH QUALITY not some faggot printing it on wallmart sticker paper with his hp printer

Thx for the support bb. Expect to see it for sale in the next shitboxme.me run.
On a side note, would anyone be interested in a C. Falcon inspired slap?


Fuck yeah dude

pls respond