/dbdg/ - Dead By Daylight General

Oh Shit Senpai Dwight Squad Edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.0.5)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


Meg is for hillbilly, NOT trapper.

>survivorbabbies will defend this

>the hatch is ok as it is!


>the hatch is for skilled players that were screwed over by their team! never mind that it requires no skill and can be used by anyone

The solution is simple. The hatch doesn't open when you're the only one left. It simply unlocks. Opening it takes a bit of time, and you can't jump in for several seconds after being hit. The killer can also close it again, forcing you to re-open it.

You now have to try to repair generators, or at the very least make it look like you are so the killer will give you the time away from the hatch needed to get it open and jump in.

These two thought it was a good idea to use the cheat corner at different points in the match. Probably not a good idea to heal in it, retards.

I bodyblocked them and forced them to bleed out one at a time.

>get fucked being altruistic one too many times
>next match, repair generators while teammates run into Billy's basement one after another
>Sam Fisher my way through the last two generators and even bounce back and forth between gates until I get one open
>sole survivor, get a pip
>still feel shitty about not helping teammates

I think I'm just not cut out for playing survivor.

I'm kind of baffled that the devs haven't realize cosmetics are the key to keeping players going. Where the hell are my killer costumes?

You can sometimes pick them up from there. Put your ass to them/the corner and just spam space.

you'll get used to it

I'm sure we'll see paid DLC with lewd outfits for Meg eventually.

I'll try it next time. Still had a bunch of people to chase nearby

The hatch could definitely use some work, but the game wouldn't work if we take it out. Unless there's, like, half a generator left, having only one survivor would turn the game into an utter chore for both the killer and the remaining survivor.

The problem is that a sole survivor basically has two binary states: hidden, and dead. Yes, theoretically a survivor could escape from a killer while being chased, but this requires the survivor to be significantly more skilled than the killer. We shouldn't base our judgments on such a scenario. Most of the time, once the killer catches sight of the last survivor, the game is already over, and the chase is just an obligatory chore with an inevitable ending.

This makes the "one survivor" scenario ungratifying for the survivor (who has nothing but several minutes of high blood pressure and no payoff except a modest spike of endorphin in the unlikely event they survive - with fewer points than an ordinary match, no less) and BORING for the killer, for whom the rest of the match is a lengthy walking simulator followed by a brief follow-the-quest-marker experience. If the survivor escapes, then the killer's just spent five to ten minutes seeing absolutely nothing, and if the killer catches the survivor, they've spent three to seven minutes doing ALMOST nothing because there's no challenge involved.

Now, the hatch in its current state needs some serious tweaks - the "hatch standoff" being the most obvious example - but it at least keeps some excitement in the game for both the survivor and killer as they both scramble to find it.

If you take away the hatch, the "last survivor" scenario is - whether the survivor escapes or not - not challenging and not fun, unless you either enjoy "play perfect or fail completely" gameplay as a survivor or stroking your dominance boner as a killer.

These are the type of people who cry about Killers dodging games.

Even when i faked leaving did the camping Claudette not bother helping that Meg.

Why would they unhook them when you're that close? They aren't going to get away.

This was before i left.

Just to break up the "no your perks are more broken" argument, I do wanna say I'm kind of impressed by the game's design.

Thinking about adding in something as simple as giving the Killer the ability to crouch would add in a whole other level of gameplay. Basically it creates a whole new character.

I actually that might be what the new killer, the crawler, can do. It can just crouch down to become this rapidly moving lump of limbed darkness that can make it even harder for the survivors to spot.

where the fuck do you guys keep coming up with this "crawler" shit. The new killer is an insane asylum doctor, there is literally proof for this.
As for shitty perks, there are definitely changes that need to be made to both sides perks. Insidious is borderline useless considering you still have the big glowing red light beaming from your forehead, either they remove that or make your guy completely invisible when you go insidious. Also too many of the survivor perks are simply outclassed by the teachable sprint,etc etc it should be more about making an archetype than choosing what's best on paper

when are they going to optimize this game?

>At an E3 conference, the developers described the Crawler as making the game "more vertical".

That is clearly the trapper though, just fucking bugged out and stretched and shit.

umm then why is there a picture of her with the trapper on a lunch date?
go to bed billy.

God that is creepy as shit

Only retards believe this

That file name got me.

Honestly the only thing that keeps the hatch from being the worst thing in the game for me is that I almost always have enough for a pip already by the time its even open.


user, the red light goes away when you go insidious.

does anybody else randomly disconnect from games a lot
i play with my friends pretty much every game but i'm the only one whoever randomly disconnects from games. it's happened to them like once or twice but it happens to me like 1 in 5 games.

This guy got glitched and won't bleed out. I can't pick them up either. The Meg who was healing him was frozen too, but at least he disconnected. Guess I need to disconnect and lose a pip!

i was getting it a lot after the 1.0.5 patch. seemed like 1 in 5. seemed to stop happening the past few days though. no idea why

>Walking with random rank 20 level 50 Dwight on the outskirts of the map
>He feels like healing me even though we're not even fucking 50 feet from where he just stepped in a trap
>He starts healing me
>I sprint-cancel it, Trapper's behind us
>The dwight STANDS THE FUCK STILL and we're in a narrow pathway, I get downed
>Trapper runs over and kills Dwight
>I somehow wiggle free, juke two of his hits, and sneak the hatch as he leaves to grab another trap for it

I can't help but feel like he let me go on purpose but fuck you Fixpcs or whatever your goddamn name was you colossal shitter you deserve everything bad

Dude had 180 fucking hours too, why is it always the Dwights

>me and 2 friends playing
>random dies pretty early
>killer is hillbilly, he's terrible and a retard
>can't get any of us to the basement in time because he doesn't have iron grasp and we fucked up all his hooks
>get all the generators but he has NOED3 and downs us all
>all of us bleed out because he knows he can't sacrifice us
>still get a pip anyway
why are killers so whiny and entitled bros?

how did he hit you if he's a retard?
You're not very good at juking i take it.

>infiniting jake with a toolbox

How did he get the three of you if he was terrible? You have no excuse unless both the gates were right next to each other.

let's not beat around the bush here, you can't juke in this game. the auto aim and lunge take that aspect away.

they were. they were on two walls next to each other near the corner where they would connect

>tfw you get caught and die but your other teammates escape and the killer keeps hitting you while on the basement hook
slap me all you want bro, it's not gonna bring your hooks back, and it's not gonna get you that tick.

Except you can, if a killer tries to chase me I just run him through the gauntlet of going from pallet spot to pallet spot to window spot back and forth until he gives up

>you still pip because you juked him for so long
>he doesn't
the best feeling

sorry i don't infinijuke, i don't enjoy cock.

>blogging survivorbabby gloating when all he did was eat hooks
>gloating when he still got caught like a retard when worst comes to worst all you have to do is hide for 2 minutes

you sure about not enjoying the cock

i know i don't suck cocks, unlike every crybaby killer in this game.
killerfetuses ladies and gentlemen

>Break every hook
>Complain about bleeding out on the fucking floor

I'm not gonna say you were asking for it..

i wasn't complaining. like i said, i got a pip. i knew i was going to get a pip by the time i was downed in game. i was just pointing out an observation about how your average killer is, mentally, a child.

Lobby dodgers are bitches.

What precisely was childish about his gameplay? Because I don't hear anything wrong about how he played other than you getting NOED cheesed. Is he supposed to pick you up knowing it's 100% impossible to actually put you on a hook?

Gotta love these devs.

Good job.

Infiniting is entirely different, it's abusing a set amount of windows to continuously loop infinitely where the killer has no chance of catching you.
Running around the entire map knowing landmarks and using them to your advantage isn't the same thing

Let us know the damage bro

What is happening here?

i play both sides you dipstick

how is the hillbilly you beat a retard child if he can't drag your cheesy ass to the basement?

Oh hey you got pual

I'm curious how far you can get as a perkless killer. You can reach high rank with no perks as a survivor if you somewhat know the maps, know how to juke (using places like those wooden structures and the tractor on the farm), and know not to run everywhere. I haven't seen anybody do it as a killer yet. I suppose hillbilly would be the easiest assuming you were good.

yes, he absolutely should have picked me up. even if i would keep wiggling off his shoulder, he would have gotten points for chasing and downing me repeatedly, and i would get points for being chased. it would have been a mutually beneficial situation, but no, he had to go and be childish about it and wait for us all to bleed out.

I couldn't even tell you because that was one of like five or six similar matchups. I must be the only one hosting DBD in the Toronto area tonight.

I think I averaged less than one sacrifice per game, but I only ever lost a pip early in the night by like fifty points. I even managed to break 10K a few times. I've played a lot more survivor than I have killer, so when I come across a half-finished generator I can usually guess where they're hiding and get those chase points in.

The only thing I don't like about playing with high-level survivors is that they sabotage my traps. Those are the funnest part of my job, dammit. Even looking around and seeing zero hooks in the area isn't as bad as looking down and seeing one of my babies shattered into pieces.

Looks like he fell through the floor.

>Open exit gate
>One survivor got downed and is getting camped
>"You know what, fuck it"
>Run over, bait the killer away, pallet stun him and block him away from the hook with it
>Unhook him
>Survivor just flies backwards and gets stuck inside it

Well fuck me dude I tried

I agree. I don't know why killers waste time letting people bleed out. So what if they wriggle out? Catching an injured person close to you in your line of sight isn't difficult and you get more points than letting them bleed out.

You'd have more opportunities to escape if you didn't break all of his hooks. Stop being childish :^)

>still possible to destroy traps

way to not refute my point at all. it would have been OBJECTIVELY better for him to pick me up, because more points would have been circulating in the game. it would have been better for everyone. maybe it would have put him over the line and actually would have gotten that tick? no skin off my ass considering i already had mine.

The problem here is that you're assuming 1000-2000 bloodpoints is more satisfying than getting you salty enough to post about it online

please leave

I love how shit half this community is

>le salt xd
back to twitch chat with you
i'm not particularly upset, i have my tick and he doesn't, the post was really just to give killerfetes an even worse name.

>you're assuming 1000-2000 bloodpoints is more satisfying than getting you salty enough to post about it online
Most of the time it is. Personally salty steam messages or group invites after a match get old fast. I'm glad this game doesn't have in game or after game chat so I don't have to hear people bitch after every match.

You have to be a top tier shitter to get the bleed out treatment from me.

When does our rank reset? Im rank 14 and I'm not sure if I should keep trying.
Also post more dbd memes


is there a killer that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH dwight fairfield? let alone sacrifice him. and i'm not talking about rank 20 dwight fairfield. i'm not talking about rank 13 level 2 premonition dwight fairfield either. hell, i'm not even talking about rank 7 level 3 leader dwight fairfield with the flashlight item and focus lens addon (with the teachable perks and being able to both teach and learn them), equipped with his murky reagent, a pizzaboy uniform, control of the flashlight's direction and infinite pallets to juke on, with jake park's perks implanted in his bloodweb tree so he has saboteur level 3 and can perform hook sabotages while being an expert in getting great skill checks. i'm also not talking about level 3 leader fairfield dwight with the toolbox with addons that make it eternal (which is capable of sabotaging traps and hooks), his two original perks (which at level 3 grant him the ability to see teammates within a 36 yard radius and a 9% speed boost to fixing generators) and a fourth perk slot on his loadout, capable of using premonition, hope, spine chill, lightweight, plunderer's instinct, dark sense, this is not happening, deja vu, we'll make it, no one left behind or even teachable perks from other survivors, equipped with his skeleton key (capable of using fairfieldgaeshi) and a chalk pouch because he is a master of unhooking himself and infinijuking, a perfect survivor team (that will do generators for him), control of both the generators and the exit gate, with jake park’s teachables implanted on his bloodweb, his three not retarded teammates guarding him and one friendly wraith floating behind him AFTER he escaped through a window from jake park sacrificing himself, entered every man for himself mode, exploded a generator everybody was working on and hid in a locker so he can escape through the hatch while they are on the hook.

>play with rank 10-20
>get to play the game it was meant to be played and enjoyed
>survivors use stealth

>play with rank 1-10
>play with faggots who have the same 4 best perks equipped
> survivors run around in the open because if I hit them they can just run into an infinite juke building and heal themselves
>sabotage all of my hooks to give themselves more chances to run away and heal

Hmmmm, gee, I wonder if I should lobby dodge or not...

Don't try to unhook your friend next time jakeypoo.



Why is it always a friendly wraith? Why not a friendly trapper or hillbilly?

>playing trapper
>some Chinese newbie playing Claudette in lobby
>surprise her on a generator, get a smack in
>chase her around a corner to see her jump into a closet
>seems kind of a pill to hook someone so wet behind the ears so early in the match...
>get an idea
>drop a trap in front of the closet and walk away

She did eventually get out without tripping it, but I don't know how.

Bell spam makes it much easier to convey that you want to farm.

You can spam start the chain saw

Yeah, but it isn't as recognizable as bell spam, and I'd frankly be afraid to farm points with a hillbilly. Not that I farm at all. When I hear the bell spam I assume it's a ruse and just rush the generators and get out.


That just makes people think you're zooming all over the map.

If the survivors were the killers and vice versa, what would their concept and perks be? Jake would probably have some camouflage stuff. Hide in a tree. Can see tracks left by survivors hiding in tall grass.

The saws not even going the fuck are you retarded?

Dwight would have a gun

Why cant SWF just keep searching for games

Because devs.

And a perk that makes skillchecks more difficult. And one that tells him when a locker is used.

>Hook a Meg
>Cloak up and go AFK in the most awful corner to show I'm not hook camping.
>No one does anything to rescue the hooked Meg

People are still going to think you're zooming all over the map, especially if they're hearing you from a distance.

I'm just telling you the facts, there's no need for you to have a tantrum about it.

Ouch. Almost every high rank runs Saboteur sadly, I feel your pain man. I had nothing but frustration when I started facing higher ranks as my Trapper too.

Did they teabag at exits or do any shit like that? Also, you may be aware of this, but Secondary Coil and Fastening Tools help greatly to counteract hungry saboteur assholes.

Aren't Trapper addons bugged so that your traps have a higher chance of just...floating off the ground, making them much easier to spot?

>kite a billy for half a game
>get the gens done eventually while he chases others
>I'm hurt
>exit open, one guy on the hook
>go to save him
>almost make it out but I get downed
>the guy I saved ran straight for the exit without looking back
>billy carries me to the exit and drops me

Well that was neat, this guy is pretty cool.

No, no, you can mash M2 and you rapidly just get a brief 'vrr'ing sound like the sound that indicates the chainsaw's ready to be used again after he bumps into a wall or something

Distressing isn't that bad actually in my experience testing it out

There's a few perks that get slept on. I actually kinda like We'll Make It now that I've been using it for my unhook daily. I slapped a double heal speed on it and patched people up in like, 2-3~ seconds. Especially good for killers who just chill near the top of the stairs waiting for the easy hit.

We'll Make It is good if you're the altruistic sort, but most friends just bring medkits with addons to nullify any need for it.

I love this game so much I can't wait to play with even more unfinished content.