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Why are they nerfing Zenyatta??? He was balanced you could actually use him

Discord is too good for low hp characters

Post sick plays.


Rolling around at the speed of sound

source me up family

Could Sombra be Reapers new apprentice after Mccree left him?

Xbone player here. I gave competitive a shot for the first time, immediately got placed at rank 64 after the 10 placement matches, bumped up to 65 after winning the first game. Is this a good rank? Am i gunna drop down to fucking -25 after my first loss?

Enjoy your free golden weapon, user!

How? Dont you need to win some bullshit number like 300 competitve game?

Stuck at rank 50, how do I git gud?

Why is everyone so fucking timid?

I keep flanking and going around behind enemy lines to destroy turrets or bastions to make openings,or hooking/killing supports and DPS to weaken the enemy defense, or supporting and hitting Sound Barriers or Transcendence, and I keep finding myself completely alone (while my entire time is alive and not freshly spawned, mind you).

What is so hard to understand about the need to be aggressive and take advantage of openings? They play like they're in some single elimination mode where the amount they die matters. Even if they die, if they take more than one enemy with them or help us take a point in the process, it's worth it.

Why, /owg/? What is hard about this?

at the end of the season you get rewards based on your highest rank
the best reward is 300 competitive points which is exactly enough for a gold weapon
the rank you have to be to get it is 65 or higher and you reached the minimum requirement

I don't know what's worse, genji or the fact every time I hook him as roadhog he randomly teleports to the side, or god forbid, behind me

what a piece of shit

>matched with a five-man, game's in progress, we're one down attacking hanamura
>we lose because our five-mans' strategy is to just chill outside point b and have two mercies constantly healing a junkrat
>get mad
>"lol u salt its just qp bru i love being retarded"

dynamic queue is the most horrendous shit; i get that it enables teenage faggots that can't find five other teenage faggots to engage in a daisy chain of dicksucking to nonetheless queue as a dicksucking conga line of five, but some poor fucker is inevitably roped into suffering through whatever ridiculous insular logic (or lack thereof; sometimes it's just them being jackasses) they run on.

this was never a problem in the days of server browsers and server admins; it fucking kills me to see that this is the direction online gaming is headed. what a fucking sorry state.


>Rank back to level 1
>All Quickplay games are filled with only people who have prestiged
>They're worse than most of the low-ranks I was playing with before

Did anyone else notice this?

xth for busted animations

Yeah, it also increased my queue times at first but now that more people have reached that point it doesn't seem so bad in that regard.

its just qp faggot, go play ranked if you don't wanna see six dvas acting like retards. qp isn't even a real game mode, its pretty much at the same level as playing against bots. ever play league or dota? imagine having multiples of the same champ on the same team. Its not a real mode of actual play.

>muh mobas

Go fuck yourself.

solid genji guide ;)

just unboxed olympic tracer in my fourth box, jewly?

nth for Lena being adorkable

only interested in japgenji and americree tbqh

I'm not enough of a fucking babby to seriously complain about shit premades in QP, but to some extent I agree with you. There was a fourstack on our team and a 5 on the other, and it was clear that the fourstack were just a kindergarten class playing together as friends and the five were all on skype making callouts.

Me and a mercy who decided to pocket me did our best to carry their stupid asses but it couldn't be done when our lot kept running mei and torb.

But this is COMPLETELY fine, they're not shitting up competitive. This is exactly what QP is for. For friends who aren't great at the game to play together.

Went 7-3 and got put at 55 after my placement matches.

Is that good?

I have encountered more legitimate autismal 20 somethings and children on my team in the short time Overwatch has been out than in any other game I can remember.

It could be worse

yeah that's really good. I went 8-2 and got placed in 47.
I've played on my brother's account at rank 54 and I don't see any noticeable difference in gameplay though.
I think someone has to be at the bottom, and skill really isn't a deciding factor until you get past 65.

Has anyone noticed a decrease on overall skill level of the players past certain time of the day?


>Those comments

>not union jack

Just want that goddamn Summer Tracer skin but I'll never unbox it feels fucking bad

nah, I finally got americree so I'm happy with this event

>teammates can focus fire the one guy in front
>instead they run past to go for backliners and fail

>D. Va's mech displays unique warning signs on the HUD when low on health
>Bastion and Zenyatta don't

Not enough attention to detail

>hey let's give Mercy the ability to boost one heroes damage by 50%
>naw man that's too OP
>but zeny can give your ENTIRE TEAM 50% more damage
but yeah this is Blizzard balancing so the next patch Zeny will be unplayable again and shit like Symmetra or Mei become absolute pure cancer with some overtuning

I keep dumping salt on the sidewalk but the ice won't melt

The mech design is so stupid

Why do so many people think that Mei isn't dogshit and doesn't need a buff?

>temple of anubis
>win attack
>lose defense
>win first point attack
>lose first point defense
>last chance
>lose defense
>win attack
>coin flip
>they get attack
>they win
4 5 M I N U T E S


the mech is just a vehicle not a people

>brand new gpu
>random fps drops
>doesnt always happen. happens every other night
>literally perfect internet tonight until i played my first competitive game
>spend 15 minutes trying to get 3k xp because internet lags
>i got my crate finally
>duplicate widowmaker french skin

Is it 60 tick yet?


Same reason these people cry about Bastion or Tobjorn turrets

They suck

Anyone actually collecting these?

I guess people can't aim. I find her frustrating but I'm playing on Satellite internet so I'm constantly adjusting for my fuckawful latency.

Feels like if I had full reaction time, in her current state, I wouldn't worry about her much outside her ult.

>D.va's mech displays warnings on low health
>Pharah's Raptortion doesn't

Because she's really fucking annoying to play against. Backburner pyro wasn't even slightly OP but it still got nerfed because it was annoying to play against.

But Mei has been stealth nerfed with 60 tick being a thing now. You can shoot her right up till the last moment and then combat roll away/dash away/recall rather than getting rubber banded back into an ice sculpture

Why don't you ever play healers, /owg/?

So did that 60 tick kick in?

Healers are my most played class though


Pharah's view would be pretty cluttered if it was like the comic

But I do!

You can buff one hero and nerf one
which ones do you choose?

Buff Winston
Nerf Mercy

Mercy for buff, Lucio for nerf.



Buff Pharah
Nerf Reinhardt


Buff Winston
Nerf Lucio

>Always take the bullet and go Lucio if nobody else will pick a healer
>Almost always get multiple medals outside of healing, hardly ever die, fire off clutch ults
>Half the time my random teammates still somehow manage to not take advantage of the wall of healing I'm giving them

It's suffering, I'll tell you that.

Are you also the Genji collector?

Buff Harambe
Nerf D.va (longer nuke arm time, back to 4 sec)

buff monkey dick
nerf genji

In qp and comp. If isn't already live in your region then it will be in the next couple weeks.

If anyone collects Genji

>Pharah's E will never be a ground slam type ability
>Roadhog's hook will never have a reasonably sized hitbox
>Hanzo will memespam simple geometry for years to come
>Junkrat will never be taken out of the game

because shes in a precarious situation and buffing her can and will result in the meta revolving around her
it already happened once before when they buffed her icicle in beta, it only takes the smallest bump to push a character from "shit" to "meta-defining"

threadly reminder blizzard is shit at balance and always will be

Because losing as a healer with no teammates worth shit is worse than losing as an offense class with no healers.

Either way

no, I haven't really seen that many fitting names

It doesn't necessarily need to be exactly like the comic, but some yellow indicators of danger or "oh shit" would be nice. But I guess it makes sense for D.va since she's basically 2 characters in 1.


What golden weapon will you be getting /owg/?

Someone post that irish omnic character idea sheet thing. It gives me a chuckle every time so I want to save it.

Because the second you're down 5 to 6 you're at a significant disadvantage when the team fight occurs.

It's the flankers job to cause this scenario, not the whole fucking team

I think I've played with him, he was garbage

>Nerf genji

why does everyone want this?

If they nerfed him anymore he'd be near invisible because most genji players are already trash

bast and zen aren't mechs lol

>most genji players are already trash
So are most Widow players, but didn't stop them from stomping her into the ground.

Its fucking qp u autist

None because I do not play Competitive because I am not a faggot

>looking at buying 144hz monitor
>$275 in USD
>go to Australian version of same website
>$420 AUD
>look at the conversion rate
>$275 USD = $360 AUD
Fucking explain this. Also does anyone here have a 144hz monitor? Is it actually worth it?


So are most Mcree players, but that didn't stop blizzard.


But they're robots. Their optics must work differently than human eyes.

Probably for Junkrat since he is my favorite

>when tracer kills reaper she has a chance of mocking one of his voice lines

Which regions it has been confirmed to be live? Haven't noticed anything here in south america.

Because he is god tier powerful in competitive. Blizzard themselves have stated that almost every match has devolved into who has a better genji because the genji "counters" aren't viable at all. Winston gets his ass whooped, genji goes through junkrat's trap, mei can't touch him, Zarya can just get kited into bubble then easy kill, torb's turret gets smashed, syms turrets are weak as fuck

Genji has no counter in comp.
