Previously: There is no previously. Thank autistic tunaface
Camden Carter
First for cute things and great friends.
Sebastian Murphy
Oliver Thompson
Fucking childish imbeciles.
Cooper Butler
Janitors really working tonight, poor guys
Sebastian Cooper
I have a feeling mods are just going to keep deleting these threads forever now thanks to that autist.
Isaiah Jones
Xth for no motivation to raid.
Jaxson Moore
Post one of your really early screenshots
Ryder Barnes
or it could be report spamming triggering the system.
Benjamin Foster
Can't wait for fishface to report bomb this thread with the vpn classic!
Zachary Jackson
We've had worse spam going on that has locked down whole Veeky Forums. This fish negro is a complete amateur.
Levi Collins
>JPMoot's finger trembles above the red button to nuke /xivg/ into oblivion >"Me waited fo' dis day fo' so rong"
Bentley Wilson
Its possible. But the general is mostly shit/waifu posting even without that retard, so eh.
Mason Young
I'm gonna piss him off as much as possible before that happens.
Nathan Williams
Why are there so many threads being made
Luis Nguyen
I made a proper thread, move on and let this one die!
Samuel Sanders
You'll clear A6S one day.
Thomas Clark
Wow, thanks!
Thomas Diaz
I hear that if enough reports are sent, the offending post is automatically deleted. As in by a machine. So all they have to do is report bomb to get rid of anything.
James Hughes
Back me up here guys
Charles Hernandez
Aaron Flores
Will this finally be the End of an Era?
Noah Young
One autistic fuckface got his fee fees hurt by being banned from the Discord for being an autistic fuckface and is now using a VPN to get OPs containing the pastebin with the Discord info auto-deleted via report-bombing.
Hunter Thomas
10, if I'm not mistaken. Might be more for a thread.
Jayden Walker
So it's a two way street. We're going to fix an inherent flaw in the system, and then tunaface bedshitter won't be able to do anything about it.
Brandon Foster
But user! I'm on a8s.
Levi Howard
Nathaniel Clark
god i hope so
Xavier Hill
There wouldn't be anything to "fix" if you fucking retards had not given it attention in the first place. Good job.
Jaxson Scott
how do I trigger fishface to cut themselves?
Parker Bailey
look at captain hindsight over here bitching that people on the internet have zero self control
Colton Sanchez
Idk, post picture of discord and how people are having fun there.
Jack Davis
All this on a Friday night. Everyone go out and get some fresh air/pussy
Jackson White
Is there even more than one discord here
Ryan Carter
I was saying this as soon as the retard decided to "grace" us with their presence.
Leo Phillips
I didn't tell the little fucking cunt to join the discord, but it was inevitable that they would be banned given that they are a broken useless individual. So again, it's their own fault for being batshit insane.
James Clark
look at mister "i told you so" over here bitching that people on the internet have zero self control
since time immemorial except for small groups it has been unreasonable to expect any substantial amount of people to not feed the trolls
Aaron Hernandez
I'm not allowed to cut myself apparently!
Alternate methods must be employed.
Michael Bailey
we aren't allowed to have fun in the discord otherwise we're called a circlejerk and get blocked
Cameron Flores
Not more than one that is intended for use by members of the thread explicitly.
Oliver Smith
>the second I fell in love with femroe Pugilist
Joseph Fisher
post pits
Colton Cruz
I still love you... you know....
Adrian Young
This was pretty fun.
Bentley Jackson
no one will ever love you.
Ryan Nelson
Brayden Gomez
Quit samefagging and fuck off.
Jackson Ortiz
do you really think this is because of your "opinions" or "ideals" at this point and not because you're an insufferable cunt
like at this point you flipping out and throwing these temper tantrums only goes to prove that banning you from the discord was the right thing. you are an utterly insufferable cunt and no one would be wrong in wanting you gone
Nathan Jenkins
Whoa!? They're not allowed to share opinions in the discord mentioned within this OP?
What in gods name are they doing over there.. are they stuck within middle school still? Thank goodness exists!
Truly a beacon of humanity in these dark times!
Be sure to like, comment, post, and subscribe!
Luis Walker
Guys I officially endorse this thread! Thanks!
Jose Ward
I wish someone reposted the discord logs here so i could enjoy it without the risk of getting a ban for sharing my opinion.
Asher Scott
When are you going to stop these desperate cries for attention and kill yourself? No one here wants you No one in the discord wants you No one wanted you in the other discords When are you going to figure it out
Evan Wilson
Now, "Aether Queues"? Those were a total circlejerk.
But the Discord is open to everyone. As much as I don't like it personally, let the people who want to use it, do so.
Brayden Thomas
Does this mean i can have fishface all to myself?
Lincoln Edwards
Is Beepy here? Are you watching TI? Who are you rooting for?
Gabriel Long
Why wouldn't you just join the discord and read them yourselves? Unless, of course, you're banned?
Bentley Thompson
Why are you contradicting yourself!?
To me nobody is insufferable, so the only logical conclusion is that you must be developmentally challenged to not be able to accept someone for having an opinion! That's really all that it comes down to, isn't it? When someone isn't spamming, or really doing anything merely more than holding a conversation with those talking to it, what is so insufferable about that?
Mayhap thou be the insufferable cunt thineself, surrounded by his kin? Can you not combat their so-called ignorance with your own so-obviously-superior intelligence?
What a shame!
Good thing this thread exists!
Nathaniel Barnes
Behave, dear. No more self-harming.
Caleb Campbell
Aether Queues were fine until Ippiki decided to join them all.
Benjamin Hill
god you only think this becuse youre a brainwashed /pol/ droid!!!! i am lovely and you cant see that because youre a programmed robot!! everyone else is the problem not me ACCEPT ME I AM ENTITLED TO YOUR ACCEPTANCE DESPITE BEING AN ABRASIVE HOLIER THAN THOU PIECE OF GARBAoops i shit my bed
Jaxon Williams
Julian Stewart
>tfw I win and you lose I hope this continues. Watching you sperg is amusing.
Sebastian Murphy
tfw you have a genuine developmental disorder and cannot consider perspectives other than your own and can't see how insufferable you are
this very post is insufferable so you are either actually this retarded or a very dedicated troll
Wyatt Barnes
This. The four did it to gear reimi and stratos up but they eventually started doing it to help clear and for fun. I remember reimi agreed to not use swiftcast because rheia didn't have it and t7 was a blast.
Christian Campbell
post rare abes
Levi Green
What's the best gathering profession to make money? What should I be using red scrips on?
Brody Nelson
I don't care who you are or what your drama is since this is /xivg/. I think you're cute.
Chase Mitchell
i hope fishface cuts him self deeper these light cuts are so cringe
Blake Murphy
>reimi >stratos >rheia
Yeah it was a circlejerk. Was even worse when Vjera forced himself in them.
Gavin Wilson
Vjera tried bringing them back after those four stopped because of ippiki.
Elijah Perry
Thomas Morgan
Post more that make that cat look busty please.
Owen Fisher
Shut the fuck up, ippiki. No one likes you. Who the fuck actually tries to set up parse runs when everyone else is trying to get clears? S M H
Isaiah Collins
How does this feel, fishy?
Lucas Wright
Catpost while I auto fly to ICC
Eli Fisher
hey briah do you wanna hang out later
Ayden Bell
>everyone who didn't like the gilgamesh circlejerk was ippiki!
I'm also paks, aether, tofu, and tanitsuki.
Kevin Baker
you just KNOW
Isaiah Price
heres a pic of me with my gf ingame and irl
Noah Bailey
Kys ippiki. Even vjera was more tolerable than you.
Kevin Johnson
It's not really a circlejerk when everyone is included, is it?
Daniel Nelson
Gilgamesh circlejerk detected.
Go get Mado to write a paragraph defending your actions again.
Carson Anderson
Landon Reyes
Where's the cheapest place to get a Heavensward + ARR bundle key?
Sebastian Murphy
Nice picture famalam. Unfortunately I do not know.
Justin Jones
Don't post a pic that's much more interesting than your question.
Ian Myers
Oliver Powell
Ow, my everything.
Michael Baker
Shut the fuck up ippiki. You were the only one banned from Aether queues.
G2A if you want to take a risk with maybe carded keys. GMG otherwise. There's probably going to be a sale before the next major patch.
Juan Ortiz
I need more Kan-e-Senna(sp?) in my life.
Camden Thompson
Joseph Butler
Protip, I am someone who used to participate in the queues, but stopped because of how circlejerky everything was getting.
Not everyone who disagrees with you has to be your magical boogeyman.
Jaxon Kelly
>Mado Isn't he on excalibur?
Juan Powell
Oh yeah? Who are you?
Xavier Lee
Sebastian Rogers
Christian Hughes
He was on Gilgamesh during that time.
Isaiah Stewart
Then why him?
Jaxson Turner
>This is in the OP and the cause of the spergouts
Whoever makes the next one be sure to fix the pastebin We do not need to be associated with this
Angel Gomez
That guy has a hateboner for that mado dude. Just ignore him.