Videos that sum up the average car brand driver

Videos that sum up the average car brand driver.


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Holy crap that paki was a loudmouth retard but the other paki literally committed vehicular manslaughter. And he had a kid in the car too? Christ some fucking people.

>those two coppers showing up being worthless as fuck

Jesus Britain at least give them guns like the rest of Europe, what if that fucker was armed and started stabbing people?

Ahhh, good old Britain. Making ourselves look like twats has never been so easy...



I'm from US and I don't get why everyones so mad about UK from this.

This shit looks hella fun to watch. US is so boring. If 2 morons want to fight and destroy their property, I don't give a fuck. Power to them.

This happens in the US too just not in your mommies sheltered suburb where you reside in the basement/crawlspace

>rev your American car to 4000rpm
>shit i just blew my motor

top kek American cars will never ever be taken seriously by anyone outside your Mongoloid country

>power to them
Murrika in a nutshell.

Yeah except its some niggers or white hicks being retarded.

in uk I see people disrespect police and rev engines and ignore cops- its funny. In US its either some 16 year old in a civic who does then gets fucked by police. Its no fun, and its rare. London is prime place for nice cars and road rage - at least it seems.


I mean, Asians.jpg

>all those shitskins having a mini-chimpout in the middle of the street


What's even going on here? Why didn't white bmw just drive away?

if he drove away everyone would have known he was a little bitch

crashing his car into that other guy's econobox and pinning the dude's leg between the two cars in the process was the right move imo

>17 minute compilation
I watched 8 minutes and got bored...

It looks like the fat packie outside the car broke the white BMW's window

>faggoty white guys boxed him in down the road
>faggoty sandnigger buddies of the loudmouth sandnigger blocking the street with their bodies
>everybody ganging up on the guy getting screamed at, sticking their hands into his car trying to steal his kid, pull him out, and simultaneously keep him in his car

running that dude down was the right move like said. if you're getting jumped by strangers because some guy wants to jump you there's only so much you can do

>except its some niggers or white hicks being retarded

And in the UK it's sand niggers, chavs, or gypsies.

Sand niggers are better than white trash and niggers.

In videos I see they're rich as shit and give zero fucks. And at least theyre well groomed. They act like douchebags tho so idk

oldie but goldie

>in videos I see they're rich as shit and give zero fucks

If the only exposure someone had to US niggers was from music videos then they'd have the same impression of them to be honest. You think sand niggers and pikeys are better than US niggers and white trash but.. trash is trash no matter what color it is.

>keep watching, expecting crash
>no crash or other drama

Integra owners are pretty fucking boring

>miata owners

they bought ff honda over miata what you expect

How can one man have so.much.swag.

>some nignog takes the opportunity to steal the kid

since the cars appeared to have a coming together you are legally required to report the accident to the police.

moving away will fuck your licence and cost you some serious bank.

I'm not watching 30mins of Miata. Fuck you faggot

Except he and his passengers (child?) are being assaulted. Wouldn't that be a good enough reason to drive away to a safe area before calling the police?

here's 3 mins of miata:

Typical middle aged Vespa owner

>30 seconds of footage showing the garage and loading the car onto the trailer

@ 1:30

>that speed
>that steering geometry


but fun.

also bear in mind, that scooter is on 10 inch wheels

I love Italy so much. Great weather, brilliant food, nice scenery, beautiful women and a totally carefree attitude to just about everything.

You forgot about the ballistic madmen on vespas.

hey retro, how the fuck are you?


Thought I hadn't seen your name for a while... I'm not bad but this thing is probably going to try it's hardest to bankrupt me soon so we'll see how long that lasts.

Never thought I would see a video that made a scooter look fun to ride..

ITV: Ignorant minorities owning nice things for the very first time.

Really nothing special, you can see this everyday at your local ghetto or section 8 approved building.

>only sandniggers
what the actual fuck

focus st

you have a lot to learn