2% Rate hike announced
2% Rate hike announced
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Fucking faggot. Panic sold my shares because I thought you might have caught wind of something.
No you didn't. Post sale confirmation.
I'm honestly fucking tight. NVAX went up 6 cents and I sold at 1.62 because of this shitty "troll" post. Fuck
you faggot. Should be banned for shit like this.
You're seriously a fucking faggot and I hope you die.
1. You didn't post sale confirmation so you're a shitty student LARPer
2. I'm not even the OP, learn to read IDs.
Sorry, just a little angry at myself for trusting Veeky Forums before looking up shit for myself. Made a split second wrong decision.
Lol this guy
Stock is up at 1.73. You're telling me that you wouldn't be pissed, regardless of shares? It's a profit missed out on because of something fucking retarded.
will start in 20 minutes from now, if people are interested
I wish. Omg I' could pay off so many loans.
17 fucking minutes to go. Are you fucking ready?
No you're guilty of attempting insider trading and also guilty of being an idiot because it was just a lie.
You bought fake weed and got arrested for it. Cept everything is fine because you still got a profit and the SEC will never care about Veeky Forums.
Fuck off
you missed on them sweet gains bro
Had you sold at today's peak of $1.88, you would have literally made $13 more than selling at $1.62. Lets not get into a panic over lunch money.
I bought back in at $1.73 and sold at $1.83.
>plebs are still giving a flying fuck about fed interest rates
>poor babbys still use a currency controlled by a small group of people who think Keynsianism is actually a successful macroeconomic theory
You know bitcoin exists right?
Made about $100 thanks to no hike. Almost made up for my MSTX losses.
lol 2% rate hike, nice one, OP.
found the NEET
>nocoiners on suicide watch