/mbgg/ - Mobage General #591

This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.

>For a full list of games played in the thread, read this:

If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.

>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store:
Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks.

>Upcoming mobage doc

Link to previous thread: Remember to REPORT and IGNORE shitposters instead of giving them the attention they want and helping them shit up the thread.

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Loli Mamuru claims first post.


>game gives five(5) waters to enemy and two(2) to me
What honest bullshit
This tennis game is gabage

Cute cat

So in girls frontline, what should I be crafting for in the start?

>getting fucked by rng in a mobage
What's new

What game is there that I can play while offline? Anything works.

Potion maker


Wish there was some kind of "I just started, now what?" section in the guide.

>Foul Tempest is great since it counters Death Breath mirror matches.Also for wiping out early swordcraft boards.

I'd agree if I wasn't gunning for the combo. It's good for preserving your own board or resetting for sure but the deck is not about maintaining the board as much as drawing into the pieces and having the shadows to set up an OTK. deck is looking to trade 1 for 1, get the opponent down to 17-13 health, maintain enough Shadows for a Death's Breath or Tyrant. 17 damage Tyrant is gonna need about 24 Shadows and an evo point so I need to be stingy with the stuff plus what else would I remove for FT that wouldn't affect shadow generation or board pressure?

Ideal answer: basic team is 1 handgun buffer, 1/2 SMGs as tank, and the rest for DPS (ARs/snipers/MGs). Craft what you're lacking in your team.

Meme answer: see pic

I would to craft a good smg first for tanking, but the starter sten is pretty good for that too.
Any 5* or UMP, and the UMPs have a rate up right now.
After that anything else for dps is fine.

It is kinda depressing that I still have 3 SSR. The only thing I am getting from 10 rolls are a lot of SR dupes.

It is a good thing that the game isn't grindy and it doesn't take a lot of time to play and deplete your stamina and BP, so it doesn't make me want to quit.
Also, the characters are very likeable, but I don't like how pointy are their chins from certain angles.

Only 3 here, too. And two are Yui.

But I've been slacking on PvP, so there's still that 4* ticket to collect.

Thanks. Any recommended recipes?

400/400/400/200 is the basic starter recipe. That's enough for any rifle, ar, hg, and smg. You won't get any mgs though.
I'd save mgs for last anyways since they use up more ammo that you might need for leveling.

Do simulation battles as soon as you can, losing doesn't lost you anything and they're the best way to level if you can clear them.

My fourth was from the single 10 pull I did to try to get Maid Yui, and it popped out Sylvia. Still have 2200 gems waiting for something else

Holyshit guys.

Nice 5 cores.

Guncolle is lagging a lot today when everything was smooth yesterday

Do I need to update the app, clear something or is it a problem with their servers?

I should add that I'm on 1.030 version right now and bilibili servers

I'm surviving with only 1 ssr. Haven't use any gems or ticket. Waiting for maid yui to be added back to the regular gacha so i can use my tickets on her.

Have you tried executes? They fill the same role as Void while also giving you a tool against other slow decks like Purgatory and Haven.

Hell Unleasher's 2 shadows is nice but he's also extremely slow, and you have no board clears to begin with. Urd might be better for the better tempo body, +1 shadow, and the ability to duplicate your draws/rabbit damage.

you can literally play through the entire game with your shitty starters and quest reward characters

server issues

>rates up
>still doesnt get her
i even use the 416 meme recipe

Anyone want to trade mobage acc?

You should probably give more details

>people doing fault serves to burn stamina
Man that shit is nasty

I got her using those meme recipes thought.

What are the chances the new onsen set has OP buffs like storm?

Destiny Child CBT
>need korean number
Never mind then.


>that zipper
Oh my

>Drew vampire queen with my 50crystal pack after a week of no legendaries
>Draw frontline general and wind goddess in my daily pack

Eh, not bad. Wish I'd get some useful legendaries though..

any more?


>Look up rest of the cards
>All these lewd poses where you can almost see under the towel
750 gems isnt going to be enough is it

Well, now I actually regret wasting 3k gems on Swimsuit gacha.


I can confirm that making an account on the original servers with email in girls frontline on iOS and then moving to an android device does work. If you're lucky enough to have an iSomething laying around that's probably the way to go. I won a shitty first gen ipad mini from a raffle a few years ago and used that to download and make an account to play on my more powerful phone where the biligames version would get stuck crashing on login.

>Join /mbgg/ discord for girls frontline
>There's a bunch of people unironically using emotes

I guess I'll stick to discussing it in the thread

its a bunch of randoms that found the discord. message GF for access to the private channel.

It's filled with normalfags because the guide with the discord link was shared somewhere else. There's a channel called mbgg that's invite only for people who've announced that they're from here but it's too much trouble for what it's worth. Much better to just use this thread.

That's the containment channel.
Just ignore it.

Otohime is very cute. Any more art like that?

That one was made by the original artist, mushimaro8.


Here's his twitter if you're interested

Thank you.


fuck face royal.


>not just emulating
Come on user

Erika is kind of a bitch. She always slashes first and asks questions later.


If its like the last time i tried emulating a smartphone its not worth the effort. I really get triggered by crashes

>Tomoe is rank 9 on famitsu
>Tomoe is rank 3 on appmedia with SSS atk power
Which site is correct?

Yume Nikki mobile game when?



>In the third world, doing my daily as mindless Facecraft trying to be comfy during the rain.
>Shitty opening, 3-3-3, Dragoncraft getting a good early Oracle
>He's laying down fatass Imprisoned Dragons and other nonsense, manage to punch through via Generals n shit
>he almost resets the board and is down to topdecking. Whatever time for Autohymen-sama. Give him a Wind God while I'm at it next turn.
>lose internet connection, data is fucked because of rain

Nigga got spared hard.

Why can't we get Otohime or Aurelia as the Royalcraft skin instead of that random male knight?

Law of equivalent exchange. Now all crafts have 1 waifu and 1 husbando. I'm not too sold on the knight either since he's not on a good card.

At least he's voiced by based Koyama in moonland.

I find it hard to hate her even if she's a little quick to kill people because her voice is so nice, her dress is really cool, and her lust for the princess is cute.

>Main Swordcraft
>Literally WHO knight alt skin

>Secondary craft is Haven
>Alt is a

Meanwhile Blood gets Vampy-chan. Kill me.

They wanted to establish one husbando and one waifu per class to start with.

At least Latham's lines are great. He's way better than the legendary old man who just says old man things.


Honestly, the waifu bias is pretty noticeable. There's no reason to get a Runecraft skin anyway since Cagliostro's guaranteed to become a skin sooner or later.

I would have preferred Skullthane personally.

Urias just wants to chill, has to deal with meido nonsense.

Real talk, Urias english VA is one of the best I've ever heard. I think the english VAs actually did a great job on this. Too bad the jap VAs just fit the game better.

Seconded. This or Evolved Bald Priest. That dude gets promoted from hobo buddhist priest to the fucking pope.

Some are good some are bad. Luna's english voice (along with most of the leaders) is horrible, but most of her cards are pure gold. (IM COMING IM COMING IM COMING IM COMING IM COMING FOR YOUUUUUU)

I still can't bring myself to switch away from the japanese though, just because the overall quality is higher and all the individual cards have much more recognizeable personalities.

Magisa is more likely to get a skin since she's already in the game, you might have to wait for quite a while for your old man, and even then, it may never come.

Considering a huge share of Runecraft is about alchemy, it would be absurd to not get the legendary old man alchemist.

IMO I think sound direction is to blame. Jap Luna is ronery and innocent but Eng Luna is playing off the child psychopath trope. I think the VA did an ok job given the material and IMO she just needed to turn it down a bit instead of having the same high pitch+crazy. The same happens to Erika, I knew I was going to go Sword for dailies but having to hear that YOU MUST DIE just droves me nuts.

Crazy theory but I think they had 2 different sound directors for the male and female characters given that even Dragespear sounds all right while the female characters are extremely hammy.

I also think the English VAs dropped the ball a bit on the cards, some sound superb, other sound weird. It's hard to judge because native language = this is exactly how they're meant to be portrayed.

Princess skin for Royal when?

Yeah Urias' voice is spot on. His delivery is absolutely perfect and captures his character.
I really like Rowen, Eris, and Erica too.

What is she saying?

Urias is pretty chill either way. The main difference is that Japanese Urias is more smug with a deep, manly (for Japanese) voice. English Urias is like a suave spanish movie villain.


The one thing I miss from the English version.

>Duels have no end
>We're just getting started
>En guarde!
Picking between Luna and Mord is going to be the toughest decision so far.

Shadow Rowen is one of the worst instances of acting in the entire dub, awkward phrasing and just deadpan/emotionless, especially compared to Sugita nailing the remoesefulness of his character.

I love Morde but using him as a skin when I already use him as a card feels wrong. Not to mention I've already started seeing him and Luna as a team (no idea what his original lore is) so pulling her for another Morde is just wrong especially if I can't get a Luna card.

Cards for the original Leaders when?

I think I'm just going to use him for my aggro deck which runs no Mords, while the midrange stays as Luna.


Her design is honestly awesome. Maid meets soldier meets royalty, and she's Youmu on top of it.


She has a hilarious apron. One of the reasons why I have more meidos than husbandos in my Facecraft. no one expects the Snippy Gardener.

I haven't gone back to the story mode since getting the jap voices, so no comparison for me to make. The Shadow versions are hard tojudge because they're supposed to be the despair of a character personified thus emotionless works ok.

Guys. Guys.

You can do Unranked dailies against bots.

Was almost tempted to roll once for Yuri but after seeing the onsen card art I can't. Maybe I'll get birthday from the single free ticket

They still have some deadpan to them, but it's not completely so. Erika still sounds lovelorn, and Rowen actually sounds like he's begging for forgiveness.

Better work on that blood deck

Alt Hero skins coming out, everyone hyped for Vampy but I know who my true waifu is. Game gave me 3 of her off the bat for this reason.



Do you need root on android to swap over to jap voices?

Last time I checked the Data -> com.cygames.Shadowverse -> files folder was empty, no voice files already in there to replace.

I'm no phone expert(1-2 year old smartphone ownership) but yeah I rooted my phone when I got it to get stuff out of the way.
I tried getting this nonsense to work on Bluestacks as well and had to root that shit as well.

Also, anyone have a link with all the cards, evolve+animated?
Last I heard MeMu was the emulator of choice, can anyone confirm? Bluestacks is giving me cancer.

Not him but it's not to my knowledge. Then again I play the game from emu so it may be different if you're using an actual phone.

Bluestacks is really fucking laggy and a resource hog but has good visuals. MeMu runs great but has some minor visual bugs, you still have to restart the app avery couple hours or you might crash in the middle of a match. Can't comment on Nox or 4x but I've heard people have issues with them too.

>Want anyone other than Gorilla
>Would probably end up rolling Gorilla

Muchias gracias for the info and damn, bloody Bluestacks. I have a secret, I rooted Bluestacks. got the data and folders to display etc but got too lazy to figure out how to move the bloody files.

Oh, also Memu might freeze on the Urias stage (not sure if it's specifically during the story or on the stage in general) so you'll have to do the relevant chapters on another emu if it happens. Matchmaking seems to have no issue so long as you have simple background active.

Is there a reason it feels so much harder to get charge attacks off on blue 3 tap notes?

You shouldn't have to. You might have to clsoe the game and maybe reboot before the files are in the folder