/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, August 13th:
1553 – Michael Servetus is arrested by John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland as a heretic.
1814 – The Convention of London, a treaty between the United Kingdom and the United Provinces, is signed in London, England.
1831 – Nat Turner witnesses a solar eclipse which caused the sky to appear a blue-green color, which he envisioned as a black man's hand reaching over the sun. Eight days later he and 70 other slaves kill between 55-65 whites in Southampton County, Virginia.

EU4 DD11/08

CK2 DD 18: Optimization and Modding

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[EU4] - Expensive Warfare Mod 1.0

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 29/07/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

>>[V2] - 7 Years v4.1

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.



nth for how the fuck do I fix my shit as Oman in HPM

What did he mean by this?

Don't expand too much overseas

I think this is as close as I'm getting to how I envisioned the map looking

editing colormap_water.dds is a bitch!

and zoomed in

A revolution has spread like wildfire in the North. People of all classes have risen up against the Austrian king, and we finally have our chance to unite the peninsula once again.




Too much?

reportes si ignores

There's no way you can effectively use these with Finland's population

Should be 4 and 4, so you have an even 20 combat width. Also, add support artillery and anti-tank.

The Greater Italian Union
Chpt. II, Part I: United Once More.

On November 23rd, 1937 famed politician Michele Bianchi was found dead by a close associate and friend. Bianchi, a cornerstone of National Syndicalism, has left a great void behind him. Now, Il Duce must decide who is to replace this giant of Italian politics. The obvious choice is Luigi Federzoni, Minister of the Interior, war hero and long time supporter of Mussolini and National Syndicalism. However, it could not be put past our beloved leader to unite the position of Head of State and Head of Government.

Italyanon inspired me to do a KR campaign. Give me a country and a goal, /gsg/.

>tfw listening to italian music one night for no real reason due to getting lost in youtube
>fall in love with an actress from an italian b movie in the '70s who's probably dead now
Probably one of my more autistic moments.
Woman is Orchidea De Santis btw, scene in question:

If we've got musslimeme we need a dose of mosleymeme as well.

If trying to go full Scandinavia is it better to take Karelia from the Russians or free it as a state?

Show production screen pls

Doing a run of 13 IC to round my IC total out to 100, then shitting out 100IC worth of INF.

Do you guys prefer HoI2/3 kind of production system or HoI4? HoI4 did lots of things wrong, but the production lines were okay imo

>hey, this shit has a kernel of corn in it!
Fuck off PR shill.

is this how discussions go around these threads?
jesus christ

>wow, you're not praising hoi4 unequivocally?! this place really is the pits!
Tell your employers to fire you and spend more time fixing their abhorrent three party meme game.

Is it EU$ or HoI$? Then, generally, yes, unfortunately.

>why won't you big meanies buy these fabulous games and all their dlc?! aww, you just hate fun!
Fuck off back to whatever fucking skype raiding group you came from.

Stop shitposting. Guy straight up said HoI4 did shit wrong and asked what people thought about one mechanic.

>it's an R&I's mother forgets to give him his happy pills episode

>stop shitposting and tell us how many dlc you want to buy!
This is really pathetic. Go peddle your wares in /r/paradoxplaza

>its a pr department did their research episode
props, still not buying field marshall memery

I thought the production system was better than DH and vanilla Hoi3

In terms of how divisions are constructed, BloatICE has the most autistically involved system that I really did appreciate

Research across all the games is fucking awful though I'm willing to say that Hoi3 probably has the best research system in comparison, though I really do love the tech teams, I just think that the end result of DH / Hoi2 research was that everyone ended up having the same equipment and essentially the same way of using units save for a few minor buffs one way or the other in doctrines.


>responding to shitposters

Il Popolo d'Italia is the most popular newspaper in the nation. Recently readers have noted a complete and total lack of direction in the paper. With the final preparations for the liberation of Venice underway we will require an excellent propaganda source. To achieve this we must review the Board of Directors. We could replace the Board with a popular writer with ties to the Social-Reformist party, although it is no secret that Il Duce wants to reclaim ownership of the paper.

Does the Ottoman Empire get the free CB against African uncivs in the Scramble?

What's going on now? Is this a DH playthrough?

Yes, it starts here

Reminder of Europe's proper borders.

ayy thanks
I skipped most of last thread due to shitposting

Benny always dreamed of being in the paper.

wew lad

>DH / Hoi2 research was that everyone ended up having the same equipment and essentially the same way of using units
This is true of HOI3, unless a nation is just behind in tech you can expect it to have the same stuff as everybody else. I think it would be interesting if there was a way to specialize doctrinally rather than just choosing some techs to lag and others to research ahead, like if there were mutually exclusive decisions to specialize in certain things. As it is the years-ahead research modifier makes it almost impossible to push meaningfully ahead even if you specialize, at least not until you already own half the world and have maximum theory/practical research bonuses.


>Greek Turkey
>Turkish Greece
really makes you think

Wot's that you got brewing there chief?

I'll continue this tomorrow.
Also National Populist Sweden still doesn't have events beyond changing the name to Swedish Empire.

It would have been good if the theory research practicals made the "years ahead" malus not as severe, while not reducing it to 0 / making future techs easier to research than contemporary techs, it should at least lessen the nerf.

I think the Hoi3 system though of it being based off of leadership points was a good idea, because it basically means that meme powers will stay memes technologically.

Again, BloatICE is good for this as it gives you more options than you could ever possibly hope to fully utilise, so you will have to actually make some choices as to which techs you want to use at the end of the day.

>tfw they will never make EvW with hoi4's assembly line system being directly related to the factories you have / your international trade


>islamic world
Uh oh.

Has anyone attempted a playthrough using this pic as a reference?


>start up CK2
>start a game as Gotland merchant republic
>set focus to seduction
>bribe elections and commit incest through the generations
There's literally not a comfier way to play this game.

Should I install VIET with HIP?

Why is KR's map so good? Every time I look at I get reminded of just how hard Paradox failed to make good-looking maps for CK2 and EU4.




Do you like memes?

Rhineland is not French!!!!

Can you do the annexation exploit in NWO? It seems like they don't allow the use of liberate country on nations that already exists so it'd be hard to do it outside of MP

How did you get Prussia and Courland?

What start did you start at?

>tfw we once all thought that MOTE was just a trial game for how EUIV was gonna be
>tfw we get a shitty version of EU3

still triggered

Pretty sure that's just one of the default start dates and he's using it to show off the map

Why can the AI never replicate real history

gsg will never be good


Because Paradox always balances games around MP. Victoria's multiplayer being near unusable is one of the reasons why it's by far the most popular map painting simulator here.

>wanting spain to blob into italy and the netherlands
real life was a meme and a fucking blobfest

I wish somebody would host EU3. I tried so hard to but I can't get it to work. I could use hamachi but that shit is gay tbqh.

Or we could play EUIV I guess. ;_;

>spain PUd Portugal in the 16th century and didn't inherit it
wtf I hate history now

The romans was white. Nah nigga they was black. You see the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black


To be honest lad it wasn't spain, it was the Habsburg family and dynastic politics. Remember when the Netherlands and England, Scotland and Ireland all had the same king?

>eu3 MP
some real dank powergaming shit
5.1 or 5.2?

I'm on 5.2 QMXZ I believe.

I don't powergame but I don't mind if people do. All I care about is that you don't go full random blob

can we play EU3 with pirata version?

AFAIK you can play all of paradox games with pirat version

Yeah, you can do it through direct IP, just need a host with forwarded ports.

I'm on WUTM, but that might be because I'm using the 2GB patch, let me roll it back real quick and re-check

Yeah, I got QMXZ after reverting my .exes
Can you host? I don't want to get hamachi

I can't. I port forwarded but can't get it to work because of some unknown issue.

and that concludes EU3 MP

If you want to organise MP I made a chat channel thing.


>only 3 people want to play, no one can host
it's dead on arrival mate

I'll find a way lad.

Are you planning on playing Vanilla?


Mother...is it the curse of our lives that even in times of great triumph, we still taste the bitterness of loss? Is it a lesson from Ormazd, to remember our higher purpose, and not be lost amid material things?

It should have been a righteous moment, oh mother. We finally subdued the vile would be sultan of Tambukta, they answer to the one true kingdom of righteousness. We subdued the restless tribes of the interior! Your sons, they did their duty! The word of Ormazd is stronger than ever in Araby!

Did I take too much comfort in this victory, mother? I confess, from one of the times I wrote to you, I hinted that you would not approve of my...choices, of who I've fallen in love with.

I told you how I married Bani. It is righteous among us, the marrying of kin, and yet so often not done. She wasn't my first though. My dear Yao, from the Cathayans in Naparaya, on the far side of the deserts. She was. And even though she was no one of importance, I was struck by her beauty, but even more than that, I think, her heart. She is not of Araby, but I've found true love.

So why didn't I with Bani? I thought we were close, all of us growing together. Jdira married Kassim, and they are close as can be. So why? Why did Bani betray me? She cheated on me, and even had a son with another man. What did I do wrong!? Why did she fall for the honeyed whispers of a vulture? Did I not do enough for her? Was she jealous of the other wives? Demanding divorce was one of the hardest things I ever did. I still can't look her in the eye. She's still my sister.

I fear something mother. I fear our family is slowly breaking apart. My brothers, they also have faith in me, or so they say. And yet, after I gave them land, as a brother does, they go back on their word on me, trying to gain kingships, ruining my other vassals to try to gain power, even if it weakens the realm.

My great fear is happening mother. Your family, slowly, is being undone.

It's not your fault lad, European women had class and grace then. Somewhat, anyways.

What? Combat width is 80, +40 for every new front. Why 20?

Are there any significant mod for Hoy4 at all? Do even the paradoxplaza asslickers don't play that game?

EUIVs economy is much more complex than vic2

lay off the liquor lad

Didn't mean to quote

If you are still alive, i'm sorry i lost track of time and ended up lurking the entire night and eventually forgot abou the upload.


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Good morning, Steamgruppe.

Morning, how are you?

He's not even in his own group anymore


>tfw you decapitate the metaphorical head of the steamgroup and two more grow in its place


Can the cents developing elder kings finish that shit