/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Mr. Bitey edition

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Has anyone tried this with Moroes? Maybe it actually has a use.

Do you see any problems with this pic?

You know what really triggers me?

Alternate hero portraits not getting a golden border if you have 500 wins with that class.

What are some little things that piss you off /hsg/?

Are there any new decks that aren't just memes?

Burgle Rogue soon.

Swashburgler,Huckster,Burgle,Gang Up,Ethereal Peddler

Probably won't be very viable, but sounds pretty fun.

No warrior cards, garrosh getting shafted again :(

Why doesnt the grandmother summon a random big black wolf? This is unacceptable

fuck high lord omokk, mother fucker wins every 50/50 that needs to go in his favor

The biggest problem with Moroes isn't even that he's a 1/1, though it obviously doesn't help.

The problem is he's just too slow. You drop it on turn 3, you get two 1/1s. You get another 1/1 on turn 4, and another on turn 5, and so on, assuming he lives. Meanwhile, shaman drops feral spirits on 3, tuskarr into golem on 4; warrior just drops ghoul to clear on 3 into 4/3 charger on 4; zoo already has a fucking army on the board turns 3 and 4, and so on.

Amazon $10 guide for retards. Offer expires August 31st. Now with less referral whoring.

Android device or emulator (bluestacks works)

1. Download Amazon app store. Enable app installs from unknown sources.
2. Download Hay Day from the app store. If it doesn't show up when you search for it, try to look for it on the apps page. You don't need to play the game.
3. After 24-48h, you will get an email about receiving your $10. You can also check your credit here
If you haven't received your money after 48h, contact amazon support.
4. Within the amazon app, set a random US address. Example: 16205 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92618. You may also want to enable Mobile 1-Click via 1-Click settings. Do NOT add a credit card.
5. If you're not from the US, set your country to US within the app by navigating to Your account->Manage Your Content and Devices->Settings from the menu button on the top right.
6. To buy your hearthstone shit, download hearthstone from the amazon app store (if you had it installed, uninstall it), and buy stuff from HS's shop.
7. You can make multiple amazon accounts for more money. This is against Amazon's ToS though.

Make sure you actually did 4 and 5 above
Relaunch HS and try again.
If you added a credit card for some reason, remove it and do above.
Try later

>tfw no Draenei alternative hero

Feels bad man

Why do you keep posting this picture, it's hideous as fuck

Might be because all draeneis are ugly as sin

>Lifecoach is calling the puke out all traps with lock&load and mysterious huntress hunter deck skill intense

Hearthstone really has screwed with his sense what requires skill.

Don't bully qt Draenei

>get the dream situation really early
>"wow I'm glad that didn't take long"
>be a fucking moron and trade behemoth into domo instead of using sw:d
>think for some reason casting mind blast will kill him
>it doesn't
>die next turn

further proof I am a fucking waste of human existence

I need 80 gold.Does anyone have a quest of 80 gold? add me : BestMageEU#2304

reminder to filter the bestmage

Heroic chess bros WW@

At this point I think it's just a meme since he doesn't even say what server he's on.

Do you put this in every other thread?

>can't climb above 10 playing priest
alright im uninstalling

I have not seen aggro in ladder for a week now
Why do people keep talking about aggro?

Because they manage to climb above rank 15.

haha very funny

What rank are you?

>Running Tier 1 decks in casual
Why does anybody do this? Are you really that proud of beating a shitty token paladin with zoolock? Do you consider it an achievement?


dragon warrior?

easiest game of my life mate. stick to ai.

I'm practicing OTK warrior

Dragon Warrior is not aggro

Yeah, then all you see is druids and dragon warrior which killed zoo.

Does the AI even count for quests?


All classes are not meant to be able to play all deck types
It is like if Red player in MTG complained he can't play red control


What decks shit on druids? They are giving me the absolute most trouble. Is there even anything you can do when they suddenly decide to go GOD DRAW FANDRUUL XD

OTK warrior

yogg druids have no taunts and minimal life gain

you also have a ton of removal for their mid-sized threats


What's your biggest arena mistake?

>tfw you beat C'thun warrior at rank 20 with aggro cancer paladin
Saving rank 20's from the bigger cancer feels nice

anyone here actually playing hay day?

im spending some money on it, it's pretty good for a mobile game

paying for one arena full with real money

"Nut in my house".

How did blizzard get away with this?

Arcanosmith is one of those perfectly made sidegrades.

stat wise, it has 2 more total health than the similar Shieldmasta, but the 5 health taunt has no attack.

This can be good or bad depending on the situation, just as having one body over two can be good or bad depending on the situation, Just an interesting card.

...except that Senjin Shieldmasta is free and you likely paid ~$0.44 for Arcanotrash.

>beat him at rank 20
>he doesn't rank up and stays at 20
>saving the rank 20s

Sure thing.

i beat him with a 15/15 blood knight. He might even break his pc

>have token druid beast deck that would be a perfect fit for Enchanted Raven
>see the card only once even after 10 games.

Does RNGesus shit on your dreams too, user?

I never get fiery war axe when i play warrior

>Moroes is bad

Why did you crop out your rank?

names. Rank is 20 im farming gold and that warrior played OTK worgen. Rank doesnt even matter because i literally havent faced a new player in like 15 games

wow these adventure cards are shit
priest put moroes into his deck and i just hit him in the face and ignored his shitty 1/1 tokens

>tfw you will never get your free $10
Being a europoor is suffering


nice meme deck pal

Is Secret Paladin back or is it just a meme deck?

>tfw having Yogg not fuck you for the first time in your life

Jesus fcking Christ i actually thought this shit was fake.Just bought my Medivh.Now I'll try with multiple accounts and emails.

>play warrior
>against control
>only anti aggro cards
>against aggro
>only late game threats
sure it's not rigged brode?

do you enjoy getting banned?

It's not really back, it's a much different deck than the LoE one. Plays more like zoo, focusing on making smart trades with your shitters so that you preserve the best possible board state coming into turn six instead of drop shit on curve and don't care about nothing because your minions are the best.

It's decent on ladder with all the warriors and shamans running amok, but I guess there is a reason why the only paladin deck that sometimes appears in tournaments is control.

Wait so you don't need a credit card for this?

>token druid mirror
>opponent plays yogg
>thoughtsteels twice and plays three mage secrets
>lose to my cards synergizing with his

fucking my GOD I HATE heroic adventures but I'm already more than halfway through one and it feels like a fucking waste to just stop now

this shit is literally the fucking opposite of fun. "wow it's so hard we made it so u have to reroll every time until you get gud draw this is good difficulty right :DDDD" FUCK YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT

Okay I got the extra $5 but when I want to purchase it from the store on my phone it says it is $17.09

Will I have to do another referral or what?

>playing Discardlock
>in a mirror
>win by turn 4

Is this the memest of decks?

See troubleshooting.


>Do NOT add a credit card

doesn't it require you to have one?

Shifter Zerus

I'm required to put a phone number when entering a new address, what do?

post dick

Use a fake one.

Holy shit Blizzard reset the quests. I read the thread on reddit and i asked 2 friends. Nothing but 40g's and tavern brawl quest.

These fucking jews what the fuck

Okay I made an extra account (website) do I need to log in with it from my phone? I don't see invite at the my account page online.

Cheers mate


Hella neat
I already have him gold

I don't know what a US number looks like.

Also, I can't seem to find "Settings" under "Manage Your Content and Devices"

what the fuck this is really serious. Its the same for me. Only 40 gold and 60 gold from the tavern brawl quest. Why is there no uproar for this scammy as fuck sneaky jew shit they did?

remember that time totalbiscuit invented secrets paladin?

It's supposed to have Leeroy but I don't own him.

Why don't you try googling it instead of being a helpless baby?

Because Brode posted a video in which he said sorry.

Heh, thanks.

Sorry guys. I promise next expansion will fix priest.

Okay I have made a second account and got the $5 on that account, then it says after I make a purchase with my second account then I'll be credited in my main account, so I went to my second account and tried to purchase a $1 game/app but it doesnt go through. Did I miss anything?

I now imagine Leeroy going "you don't own me!" and doing the sassy black girl head wobble.

>there are people that unironically think they want priest to be good

Remember all those frustrating as fuck games where it's 30 minutes and the priest removes or steals everything you have?
Know how much worse it'll be when the priest gets to do that AND win?
Do you fuckers have any idea how fucking horrible its going to be when priest is good and that becomes the meta every game experience?

>try a alternative new deck
>get matched against rare counters
thanks bliz

Please note that fixing doesn't mean it will be overpowered

Either priest retains his identity as a nigger class, or he becomes legit good.
One fedora warrior is enough.

fuck off brode you cunt
leave priest in the garbage where it belongs the game is filled with enough cancer




There are literally only 4 cards in that deck with discard synergy. The rest are just trash that burn your own hand.
Why even bother right now?


We reworked the quests.

nerfed play a friend?