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It lowers the main scaling stat somewhat, and boosts the other one to compensate

It breaks the scaling completely and results in most weapons doing insanely more damage at 40/40 refined +10

Haaa, okay.

So I need to infuse all my weapons with refined.
Gotta farm.

zullie enlarged tarkus' sword, if u know what i mean ;;;)

dude poison lmao

I'm 26/40 right now and about 80% of the weapons are better refined, one handed

10% are better Sharp, and the other 10% are better with no infusions

pic related, retardation

>waiting 10 hours to take a screenshot
that's what I call dedication

Haaaaaa... So that's why two weapons with the same scaling have different damage output.
Fuck you From, you shouldn't keep this hidden.

LPers are so shit I ended up getting the games because I was tired of watching them running in circle because the exit was RIGHT FUCKING THERE.
And they never read messages.

I'd rather go heavy than sharp. 37 Strength and 21 dexterity.
I'll probably boost dexterity a bit to use the bows a little better.

Refined never lowers the scaling value of strength or dex.
It boosts both, but will boost the lower of the two by a larger amount the bigger of a difference there is between the 2.
Any weapon with natural quality scaling benefits because it's what the infusion is designed for

But many weapons with huge differences like B dex and D strength will end up B/B, with both scaling types getting increased.

There are very few weapons in the game that aren't best on refined. Typically, the only ones that don't benefit more from it than any other infusion are strength weapons with E or lower dex scaling and katanas, which are designed to interact negatively with any infusion except hollow.

If you see any of the following character names at an FC, or any of them hosting a fightclub, leave immediately!

>Crusader/Burnt Vincent
>Samuel McClure
>Lucio/Lucio the Wolf
>Smug Loli
>Ley/Battlemage Ley

That should cover it for the *most* part.

poison mist + dung pies
ez pz


right so i havent played 3 in a few months
1-is poise still useless?
2-is magic still trash outside of pyromancy?
3-are straight swords/rapiers/glaives still the most cancer tryhard weapons?

I think i know why you have something against most of these, but whats up with Lucio?



What if heavy infusion had more poise damage? Still useless but a start.

>stands there trying to parry literally any physical attack you throw with a small shield because he's got the BIG FUGS SWORD

Truth hurts, bay-bee.

I would've killed myself if I had watched LPs before playing the games myself.
Except for Squint's no-bullshit Let's Play of Demon's Souls of TheWanderingNewbie's co-op NG+4 Demon's Souls LP.

>im not on the list
sweet i can host with imputiny
i summoned ley, dietrich and vincent a few times though, whats wrong with them? never heard of or seen any of the others

They're shit mate don't summon anyone from that list otherwise your FC will turn into a circlejerk clique of tryhards.

Vincent is notorious for being a parry spammer and using only metafaggotry

>Not on the list
Huh, neat i guess

We now know how poise works: Yes, it is useless

Magic is still trash, but now everybody knows how to dodge pyromancy so it's useless too. You can't even do manually-aimed chaos orbs like DaS1 because you need a massive 30/30 stat investment for them to do any damage, and people can just spam roll to chain iframes and dance on the lingering hitbox without giving a fuck.

Estoc, Carthus Curved Sword, Glaives, Spears and Gotthard's are all meta right now, but things are basically no different from when you left except that everybody takes the game 200% more seriously, unironically hold netplay tournaments with several hundred dollar prize pools, and talk about Dark Souls 3 pvp as though it's a competitive 2d fighting game. This attitude has propagated to the point where even random shitters at pontiffs are using "tournament" builds

>encountering people with carthus curved and gargoyle flame spear during sl17 invasions in the fucking settlement
>they are so shit they are losing against axes

Kinda. I wouldn't call glaives cancerous anymore after the R1+L2+R2 combo nerf and carthus curved sword has been added to the funlist

Is this ok?

I literally started with DSP. He was so shit I literally got the game just to prove to myself it wasn't that bad.

I ended up dying 10x more than him, but I had a blast.

>Moaning shield doesn't moan
I swear it used to at some point

this is horrible on every single level imaginable

you're on my list fucking fag

DLC not out yet?
Any word on a Demon's Souls remaster?

People still playing DaS3?
Any new patches since MLGS buff/WA nerf?

What's the SL meta?

What's the weapon meta?

Any new tech/strats/exploits?

splinters bruh

I hate damnnohtml so fucking much


m8 it's okay you can come clean, we're all friends here

Ley and Deitrich are the token 40/40 "I only use meta" quality tryhards that play passively and do nothing but fish for punishes with gotthard's/AGS rolling attacks and other similarly meta shit. The former got salty when people called him on it and made a drama shitfest in the general.

Vincent is quite special, but he's also like sl230 and lags like an aussie on dialup. Pretty cool guy, though.

W-what did I do?

That better be your list of pals, buddy!

I'll be your buddy, guy.

Haven't participated in the fightclubs for a while, but I remember all of these 3 and don't recall any of them being cancerous. In fact, I remember liking dietrich.
Also, didn't you guys get upset over Ley using a fucking broken straight sword?

>bitching about FCs
What's the alternative? Not playing the game to satisfy your pessimism?

>I died to the NPC Old Monk fight
time to breath some cyanide

i mean those claws do deal way too much damage

>i mean those claws do deal way too much damage



Fuck off, Ley.

yes dark soul 3..
good? remember..?


To be fair, the Broken SS is still a SS; wich means that by definition of DS3 its still, well, broken.
Have you seen the phantom range of that fucking thing

>throw dung pie at enemy's back
>he's toxic instantly and dies

>aggro similar enemy
>throw dung pie at him while he protects with his shield
>takes 3 hits to get intoxicated
I though bleeding, frostburn, poison and toxic bypassed protection?

Nope. Shields have a flat, and seemingly universal reduction to status effect buildup/

>Miyazaki makes a game as the sole director
>Everyone loves it

>Miyazaki makes a second game as the sole director
>Everyone loves it

>Tanimura makes a game as the sole director
>It's a flaming trainwreck

>Miyazaki makes another game as the sole director
>Everyone loves it

>Miyazaki makes a fourth game as a """lead director""" with two co-directors, one of whom is Tanimura
>Has flaws

Yeah it's still a spam fest but I always thought it was ridiculous how people got upset over that.

Why do you think shields have specific blocking stats for those you mega autist

Shields have always slowed buildup of status effects, except maybe curse.

>Ragged mask's description states that it's designed specifically to help resist poison
>poison resistance is lower than most armour sets

You can't really blame the player for the phantom range, it's because of from's garbage netcode and not because of the player being a tryhard.
I tried low SL invasions with a raw broken SS +2, literally couldn't kill a single person with that garbage damage. Even crits were literal tickling.

They don't actually have status effect resistances in 3. That was unique to 2.

>a while into the release of DaS2
>This game is irredeemable garbage.
>DLC comes out
>This game is better than all currently released games!
>DaS3's release
>This game is irredeemable garbage.
>What about DLC?
>DLC won't save it, DaS2 is better, I mean just look at [thing that only occurred after DLC was released], [thing from SOTFS], [thing from an entire year after the game's original release]

No offense, but are you sure? I get poisoned in three hits by the goatmen in DaS3, whether I block or not.

This is /dsg/, people will overexagerate anything

rise, if you would.

Fuck Tanimura.
It's hilarious how one incompetent asshole with immense hardon for longswords and rapiers continues to ruin the series.

>I get poisoned in three hits by the goatmen in DaS3, whether I block or not.
Not agreeing with the other user, because for all I know he's full of shit, but, your logic is flawed.
All three hits through the shield means is that the reduction the shield gives isn't enough to make it take a fourth hit, not that it isn't giving any reduction.

So why is is it that a normal enemy get 3x the toxic resistance?

And I really did checked the same guy, so it's not a "the enemies are Farron Keep are obviously more resistant to poison, have you seen where they live?"

>And I really did checked
Okay, it's time to stop posting, typos like that are embarassing.

Lol. What was the best weapon in Demon's Souls again?
The Northern Regalia which was a straight sword. Other top tier weapons included the Blueblood sword and then it was curved swords/Claymore.

It definitely still should. Had a guy that used to host fc's and every time someone died he'd run over and moan over the corpse

The difference between top tier fast and heavy weapons in DeS is less than difference between fast and heavy weapons in DS2.
I would say DS2 has the worst heavy weapons in the entire franchise and best longswords as well, with titular longsword having literally the perfect moveset.

Since the Dragonrider Bow mentions the King of Want, does that mean that DaS2's canon ending is the Chosen Undead sitting on the Throne?

King of Want : Vendrick.

king of want is vendrick
poor guy failed so hard even his name was forgotten

NR was a greatsword
but yeah all the top tier weapons were NR, BBS, Kilij, Dragon MH, DBS, etc.





ahahahaha more like king veiny dick

>Lucatiel is remembered
>but not Vendrick

I feel bad for him.
On that note, which questlines are canon as of DaS3? Lucatiel's, Onions if you believe Siegward is their descendant, Cr8's, and who else?

Logan, he found the crystal sorceries(see crystal scroll and Sages)

I eat pizza with fork

>last game in the series
>was supposed to be the grand finale
>literally has the most ending options out of all the games in the series

I like how he's influenced culture a lot despite being a gibbering naked madman at the end of his quest in Dark Souls 1.

Tanimura did not "make" Dark Souls 2, that was Shibuya
Tanimura was the one that made it an acceptable game

Probably Quelana's since her corpse is next to the Fair Lady's corpse, and she was scared to go there as long as BoC was alive
Also Gwyndolin and Priscilla couldn't have been killed by CU

Lord of Hollows + DLC will tie the loose ends

Fuck off, Tanimura.

I also hope you're not seriously implying Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are not also deeply flawed games

>tying loose ends with a DLC

I'm conflicted.

>That was unique to 2
Some shields in ds1 had that, but only a few shield had it and it was usually stated, aka spider shield or bloodshield

Reported, saged, hidden and filtered.

how do i get this money from these losers? do i join steamgruppe?

>Link the Fire, "End" of Fire and "End" of Fire: Crawling in My Skin Edition all continue the cycle
>we have no idea what the fuck happens after Usurpation

post yfw you saw pic related for the first time

I'm so thicc,
Infected with where I gank
Let me gank without this
Empty bliss,
I'm so thicc
I'm so thicc

Shields in DaS1 had specific status effect resistances. Crystal Shield and Artorias Greatshield were immune to every status, Caduceus Kite Shield had more Curse resistance than Tower Kite, and so on.

They didn't do anything in PvP though.

I had fun fights with Zilrael!

>DS2 has the worst heavy weapons in the entire franchise
Nigga i'm hitting 900+ with greathammers R1, which swing almost as fast as most other weapon, even if they have more recovery time.
It's also unparriable if 2handed.

>heal aid


>"Why is there a giant in Anal Londo?"


Goddamn that Flyleaf chick has a sexy voice.

Thicc a shit.
