/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

The Hero We Don't Deserve Edition

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european preliminaries going on at twitch /playhearthstone

Just go to any app that costs money and click on Redeem a gift card or promotion code

Is it this?
By the way, how does the referral code stuff work? Can I get my 5 bucks without verifying a phone?

Anyone managed to make this shit work?

Amazon $10 guide for retards. Offer expires August 31st. Now with less referral whoring.

Android device or emulator (bluestacks works).

1. Download Amazon app store. Enable app installs from unknown sources. WORKS REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU'RE FROM. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE FROM US OR HAVE US HEARTHSTONE ACCOUNT.
2. Download Hay Day from the app store. If it doesn't show up when you search for it, try to look for it on the apps page. You don't need to play the game.
3. After 24-48h, you will get an email about receiving your $10. You can also check your credit here
If you haven't received your money after 48h, contact amazon support.
4. Download hearthstone from amazon app store. If you had an earlier installation, uninstall it.
5. Within the amazon app, set a random US address. Example: 16205 Alton Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92618. You may also want to enable Mobile 1-Click via 1-Click settings. Do NOT add a credit card.
6. If you're not from the US, set your country to US within the app by navigating to Your account->Manage Your Content and Devices->Settings from the menu button on the top right.
7. You can make multiple amazon accounts for more money. This is against Amazon's ToS though.
8. To get your free hearthstone stuff, simply open hearthstone on your device/emulator and buy them from the shop.

Make sure you actually did 5 and 6 above. IF SHIT IN HEARTHSTONE COSTS MORE THAN IT SHOULD (heroes more than $10, 3 adventure wings more than $15), THIS IS THE REASON 90% OF THE TIME.
Relaunch HS and try again.
If you added a credit card for some reason, remove it and do above. IF YOU GET AN ERROR WHILE BUYING THINGS, THIS IS THE REASON 90% OF THE TIME.
Try later
Make a new account


Report all people begging for referrals.

I've played against three decks with that and they were all mildly annoying to deal with. Lack of draw is what will keep Secret Hunter from taking off as a tier 1 deck, but I can see it being a solid option.

Can I get my 5 bucks without verifying a phone?
seconding this I cant get any msg from amazon, tried like 3 different phones

Post great hearthstone moments you've experienced since Karazhan came out.

does dragon warrior run any brawls?

also how is a 3/3 charge for 2 balanced?

priest can't even get a 2/2 for 2

Based amazon buying me 3 wings and Medivh.

As far as I know, no.

>Post the same picture in a different thread because you didn't get enough attention the first time


>does dragon warrior run any brawls?

>also how is a 3/3 charge for 2 balanced?
it's not, that's why people play it

>priest can't even get a 2/2 for 2

i got it to work with gadgetzan after emperor thaurissan pinged them, but surviving that long usually doesnt happen

In all honesty that sounds like way too much trouble for $10.


Because it's conditional and warrior has no other class dragons. It's not the 3/3, it's all the other cards


you cant unfortunately. Try using another code maybe the last once expired. Shamelesly posting my code because i need the next wing for free KONST5668N

Don't overload your deck full of secrets just to get ebin value out of it
It is good enough for just single freezing trap

I was vs a lock n load hunter that got a full turn 4 and had mad card advantage for the rest of the game

Its not problem in code retard, I cant verify my phone, and your referral code is absolutely useless since nobody is going to buy anything from amazon. for fuck sake.

The matches i've played against comes down to whether or not they've got the bow equipped, without it they run out of steam way to early

Ah, that makes sense and it actually worked. Thanks user.

killing fedora shitters with 50 health with their own stolen c'thun is the best feeling ever

you purchasing anything with the hay day money counts as a purchase faggot. in my account i didnt even buy anything i just entered my phonenumber and got the 5$ from another anons code

How fitting.

I don't have any super impressive pictures since the new cards came out, I mostly just wanted to start off people posting cool shit they've experienced. I want to see other people's cool shit you don't have to care about mine at all, just respond with your own stuff.

I mean I've got stuff like this but I wouldn't exactly call it as insane as a priest stealing exactly a light in the darkness into a tidehunter and then getting anyfin which ended up giving me the win.

Is the user that lived the dream and bought pretty much everything with the Amazon money here? Did you get banned for trying to stiff blizz?


This deck is really bad

>Who the fuck am I?
Playing 9 mana on turn 3 is pretty sweet.

I still ended up winning the game because Hunter curves are pretty great regardless.

>cropping out the name
beta af desu

Feeling really dirty right now

He's not here, he's in jail

I've posted a few dozen images with my name intact. It's just so people don't start complaining about whoring.

But user, coining on t1 if you don't have a 2 drop is bad!

>7. You can make multiple amazon accounts for more money. This is against Amazon's ToS though.
So basically I can get the whole adventure using two account? Do we know how high is the probability of getting banned?

>Having no 2 drop as a Rogue is bad
Do you even play arena?

Basically this. People get mad if they see the same name too many times for some reason, like this general is good for anything besides posting screenshots...

Why all heroes cost 12$ for me?
Europe here but my adress is set for California

why do people respond seriously to obviously sarcastic posts?

>Do we know how high is the probability of getting banned?
Got all 3 heroes with amazon and still haven't got banned
I'd argue the probabitly is proportional to how much you abuse the system but I really don't have anything to back this up

Uninstall the app and use a vpn set to a US location when you install it again, as well as when you purchase.

Hilarious Baby playing really well.

How to enable apps from unknown sources on bluestacks?

I don't even play hearthstone, I just come here and repeat things I hear

Fuck me, guess I'll go for the adventure and maybe also for Alleria. I want me some elven puss.

>dread infernal shaman winning


I believe it's enabled by default.

/hsg/ in a nutshell.

HUUuuge draws
>tfw no more Admirable casting

you dont even need to do that i think. Open broswer type amazon underground download. Download it and open it from downloads


It's bad for basically any class that isn't rogue.

Hayday stuck on install pending. Bluestacks

try again

He will come back for those easy hearthstone bucks, no skill required for casting a children's cardgame. You only have to hype up the topdecks as huuuuuuuuge draws

Poorfag here.

I started playing hearthstone recently and I just got the amazon credit. What is the best way to spend it to improve my collections? Buy Karazhan wings, other adventure, or packs? If packs, which one?

Buy few classic packs, then adventures, LoE and first wing BrM first

classic packs

How much did you get? You can get an extra 5 $ if you use an anons code from here mine is KONST5668N. Save the 15$ buy the first wing with gold then all 3 wings with appstore credit.
Adventures are the best value money wise

Do I have to use another device if I want to do the amazon shit again or is it enough to create another amazon account?

Poor guy. Hero powered twice, then hammered my 3 drop and then hero power + buff

just create new accounts

taking all bets, two for one deal

dont do it user. They are trying to get you banned. Highly likely to happen when amazon sees you are abusing it. Get the free 15$ and get out

make new accounts

Reminder to report all referral beggars.

Did I fuck up for not using referral code when I downloaded the app? I've only got 10$ now. Can I still get the extra 5$ somehow?

>just a regular arena run for me

This link should work: docs.google.com/forms/d/1xlZyELWREXrvXR6NPWNRC1fkSc76QdAALkRTYRrbPZQ/viewanalytics

>nearly 250 responses
Holy shit that's close to double the first one.

>removing the poll

I'm still here. Enjoying all the dust. Crafted Token Druid and Miracle Rogue. Atleast I had some time to enjoy the new decks I crafted

>buy 67 packs
>get The Beast and emperor vek'lor + 3100 dust

You can still use a referral code.

why? Id much rather help a fellow user get stuff from blizzard for free than seeing you shitpost about reporting user that try to get free shit



Yogg made this game into a joke

>Hmm, well played

Well I am trying to verify my phone but the SMS is not coming

use a referal code from anons in the thread. Many have been posted in the last couple of days

Condoning referral begging leads to the thread being filled with

>please use my referral code ;)
>please use mine ;)

You should've seen that hearthpwn thread about it before it got deleted. There were pages and pages full of people just begging for people to use their referral codes.

Referral codes are easy to find if you want them.

With Amazonbux?

>decide to play arena after a long time break
>get a good paladin draft with mustard for battle, true silver shielded minibot and murloc knight
>curving good
>3rd match is against a warrior who used all these weapons: fiery war axe on curve, king's defender with a shieldmasta up, 2 arcanite reapers that flew to my face
>next match is against a druid that pulled off some shenanigans with the corrupted bear 3 mana guy
>keep up with him and our board ends up with me having a psycho-tron and a pit fighter
>his board has a 1/1 a 2/1 and a dragon hawk rider
>he uses savage roar and makes 18 damage to my face to finish me off next turn with a spell

what the hell man

Does anyone have an Amazon referral code I could use?

>mech made this game into a joke
>patron made this game into a joke
>secret paladin made this game into a joke
>yogg make this game into a joke

Thanks friend, I appreciate it.

well it happened yesterday and the day before and guess what. There is nothing wrong with that. Id much rather ban OC faggots spamming the thread. If an user wants help to buy a free wing fucking help or ignore him.


Is Patron a fedora-tier deck?

>tfw he'll rotate out

What is Panty Spider good for? It's get 2 1-drops for 3 mana. Just awful.

KONST5668N is mine. Im trying to buy the second wing of Kara with amazon bucks. You can use pretty much any code from the previous threads though


Thanks, anons.

Which adventure is the best value currently? Also, I can't seem to verify my phone number to use referral. Might be since it's not US number.

You can invite yourself if you're that desperate for $5.

It's great in beast druid you shield holder

Whatever happened to that tubby girl caster

Its a 2/6 stats for 3 mana. Both carrying the beast tag

Thats good card if your deck benefits from

>More bodies on the board to buff
>Beast Synergy
>Trading efficiently (Higher health pools better fot trading and living)

many anons dont have 2 cellphones user. You need one to do that shit