/nmsg/ - No Man's Sky General

Tutorial edition

>land on planet
>run around scanning the same shit as on every other planet, same structures, aliens and artefacts
>upgrade suit/ship/omnitool
>buy new ship/omnitool
>scan shit if you are into that
>craft shit
>craft shit to let you move to other systems
>go there and repeat

>find dream system filled with Barren and Forsaken worlds
>new sentient species of the Gek
>know 0 words
>just spent hours finding 200 words for the Korvax
i don't know if i can continue lads

blunder of the year edition

Question: How you scan birds? My first planet was near complete but those birds kept me from doing so.

sexeh snek ship I like it.

I'm on a comfy green planet now but I'm gonna look for an extreeeem planet next.

This game does not natively run at 1080p, I know it.

It's fucking upscaled 900p it has to be. I wish someone who was an expert in this shit would blow it wide open

Has anyone ever seen those bigf ships moving? Not warping, just thrustering around. Also when can we go inside them?

I can't even find monoliths desu. Considering jettisoning myself into space and let the void consume me

Shoot them down and scan their corpse

who /snek/ here?

shoot them and scan their corpses lel

This game isn't as bad as I thought, and it runs surprisingly well on my older pc, with occasional dips in fps to sub 20

Holy shit i run out of room fast thou, feel like I'm spending more time going back and forth to sell shit than actually exploring

I've only found Monoliths when the orange beacons that require bypass chips point me to them
though it's always a let down when it's just a plaque
remember to scan around every landing for extra the little language stones littered

Why did they make all the sentient species the same? I don't understand why they did procedural generate them and their languages.

>he doesn't know about the space jews yet

is the crafting mechanics babby's-first-tier?

>have a HD5870
>game requires OpenGL 4.5
wouldn't have bought anyway

Tips pls I'm about to start



C+F=the item you need for the upgrade or whatever

>upgrades take away inventory slot
I'd like to have a chat with the devs.

i am /slug/

Interaction with aliens is so weird in this game. Like what are players? Certainly not one of game's alien species. We don't even speak the same language and I can just barge in and ask them to charge my shield or exchange carbon for words? Why does it require carbon anyway? Why do they just hand you out blueprints?

There's just three aliens on the entire planet? Space station is fucking gigantic yet there is only a single alien on it? What are they doing there anyway? All these ships coming in and out and not one of them getting out and walking around interacting with each other or anything like that. What is the purpose of any of this?

It's so bizarre. None of this game makes sense. It's as if I'm playing a game made by aliens. Who the fuck is paying me to upload discoveries? The fuck is Atlas? The fuck is anything? Does it makes more sense as I progress?

Why. Why. Why. It literally makes my head hurt.

I scan like a motherfucker. I was doing quite well in learning Vy'keen, but ever since I got into Gek space I've found zero words. I'll just have to keep searching though

Don't need to be an expert. It's blatant and looks terrible.

m8, 90% of cards used to play the game don't support it.
Just give it a try.
Though that'll probably blow with yours. I have a 7870 and it's already painful.


If you do the atlas route you gradually get more and more free language nodes when you land in a atlas station.

10+ plus free nodes depending on the race in that system

>500 pieces of metal occupy same space as one electrical chip


You don't really need to rely on the scanner when flying in the atmosphere. Tilt the ship to the left/right and use your eyes.
Easy to find suit upgrades and buildings (especially on non-lush worlds).

Get the warpdrive blueprint you little shit


from the thumbnail it looks like some soviet playground

>Can't stack items.

Damn. Is there any way of going back to my home planet?

I kind of wish they made it so other languages become easier to learn the more you master one language.
And they should fuckin' have separate tabs for each language.

Yeah, that's bullshit.
Even GTX 970 don't support OpenGL4.5.
Fucker made a typo and meant 4.2 on his numpad, probably.

No you're fucked dude

Have you tried launching it?

Just pirate it and check if it runs, some guys are reporting that even without gl4.5 it is running for them.


I'm not shilling for anything. NMS is total dogshit.

I'm saying society was primed and ready for this by two decades of worthless science fiction and even worse science education television.

People literally believe a thought experiment that says causality is wrong. People cannot believe that the LHC will not find anything not predicted by the standard model.

People have never been as estranged with science as they are today.

>People literally believe a thought experiment that says causality is wrong.

yes, trust sean.

you misread/misunderstood. i did not call you a shill.

Alcubierre's thought experiments. They're rhetorical, at best.

Exotic matter is just the pop-science term for "perfectly spherical cow".

>People cannot believe that the LHC will not find anything not predicted by the standard model.

What's the meaning behind this sentence? Triple negative??!

Have this as thanks.

Wtf is that?

where can I download this game illegally

>turn off the games shitty lazy music
>turn on jackie wilson radio on pandora
>space flight becomes ten times more comfy and fun
Listening to my own music makes it feel more immersive, too. I can actually see myself flying through space chilling to Am I the Man, or mining with some good shit piped through my helmet. I earnestly recommend it.

People cannot accept that the standard model is all there is to the universe.

If you're traveling on-foot, Sprint, then Melee, then activate the jetpack.
Fucking sonic-mode, add it to the OP.

which one of the dozens of things in the screen? We are not telepaths you retarded nu-male cuck?

Any way to check a list of available upgrades if all slots in the multitool are filled up?

Just need a barren/forsaken world.
Easy to spot.

Obviously the giant ball of neon green you fuck

any torrent site, I recommend the GOG version, seems mroe styable


How do you choose different paths? How do I get ship upgrades?
I can't wait for them to patch this bitch and add in item stacking and shit that any competent developer would.

And If you're traveling underwater just sprint/jetpack into the water never letting go shift/space and enjoy moving at the same sprinting/jetpacking speed without the need to recharge or anything. Holy fuck this game is shoddily made.

Crashes at the white screen at the intro

Usually eridium. Sells for a pretty penny.

prolly one of those mineral balls to mine

all the ones I used to know are blocked here

Who the fuck are "people"

Stop this babby's first lsd trip garbage already

nice cockpit

I somehow cannot destroy reinforced steel doors anymore to get into factories. I made a screenshot of my multitool upgrades. Does anyone know whether I fucked something up?
I tried 10 factories now, on 2 different planets and relaunched NMS, but the doors won't take damage anymore.

Do you get to see the Hello games logo?

I see the logos and the flight through the stars and then screen turns white with heart beats and then crash

Thats because its all a simulation.
And all is computer made. Computers dont have a soul and cant create somethin than artificial.

Its cheaper for HelloGames to programm this way

are you shooting them with the bolt and not the mining laser? x switches modes.

>accepting things as true forever
>scientific aproach and thought
As some user pointed out, stop writing you first LSD/horn gas trip on the internet. Write it somewhere no one can see.

With the bolt caster

Heh, I dont have the gl45 thing also and it crashes for me at hello games. Cant get past that.

Plasma Launcher takes the doors down fast

Can you skip the retarded montage of all the galaxies when you load up?

Is this a glitch? There's a distress signal but absolutely nothing nearby it

One thing they definitely did right was the language learning/lore bits.

It's not a loading screen if you can't see the bar bruh

>tfw you find 7 exosuit upgrades in a row

No it doesn't.
I'm playing on a gtx 970 and works fine.
Turns out the dev, aside from being a lying bastard, is also a retard as well.

I've NEVER been able to use weapons on them.
Have had to melee them all down- have yet to try the grenade though, (those things are useful as fuck so far).

did you go there? Would be pretty hype to see off planet stuff

You have to pulse jump towards it. I think you can either destroy the tanker or kill the 8+ ships that spawn by it.

Use grenades you fucking retard.

>Found a planet with this shit
>Severe Radiation by default
>5ish minutes with default hazard shielding
>It also has storms

Sometimes it feels like ships and weapons got more design input than the exploring stuff.

this planet was pretty boring until i found the hammer head dinos

You know what would be cool for the end game?

You reach the center of the Galaxy, a member of na ancient species greets you and congratulates you. He then gives you an advanced piece of tech that can transform any planet to a lush paradise full of resources. Call it the staff of life or something.

Any way to stabilize FPS or at least reduce the constant hanging?

Already turned off vsync and uncapped the framerate in the options

Thanks, I installed the plasma thing without upgrades and oneshot the door.
I used to be able to damage them with the boltcaster, but somehow that stopped working.

why is everything a dog with a silly face

At least soma had a reason for its simulation storyline. NMS's simulation is just kinda there.

Calium is the shit. Nigga you rich.

and the crab mantises

almost every planet is already "lush". it would be cool if most planets were barren, but not like it is now.

Holy FUCK this planet

This wasn't even 30 seconds outside of the ship

Because the other big options are gazelle, elephant or standard dino body


I spawned with gek first. There's a third race as well, these star wars ass warrior aliens.

It's not upscaling. It's the lack of proper anti-aliasing. It actually only has FXAA afaik, turning AA off or to SSAA (which is supersampling AA, which if you didn't know literally means running the game at twice the resolution along each axis and downscaling) makes no visible difference and remains FXAA (at least on my machine, but people are apparently getting procedurally generated technical problems with the game, lmao). FXAA actually does very little to help aliasing and frequently makes it worse, because it basically just convolutes each pixel with each surrounding pixel, so when you have for instance a thin strip that is light or dark against a strongly contrasting background like that it makes the aliasing seem twice as bad as it would otherwise be. It also just makes everything blurry and gross.

Anyway, you can tell it's not upscaling by zooming in and counting the pixels. Count out five of those vomit inducing horizontal jaggies and zoom in, and you'll see that it's five pixels tall.

>tfw still in the first ship i bought even though statistically better ones have come along because none are as cute as this

post your inventory

Hey nig, use grenades