>youre at the biggest job interview of your life
>they go over your work history and experience
>the interviewer then asks "what are your preferred pronouns?"
Wat do?
Youre at the biggest job interview of your life
Other urls found in this thread:
""He/him", as I'm male. Why do you ask?"
Thanks, but I had the was wrong about this company. If you are really asking me this I will have to work with people I can't work with and because I won't be working here I can speak freely, these people they will just bitch around your company until it crumbles or they will take over the place and you will jump from your office.
I'll see you in the obituary.
This. Just turn 720 degrees, and walk away.
>What is a fucking pronoun?
Lol if you do a 720 you'll be facing the same direction ppl are sooo dumb omg
Don't worry, you'll learn about them when you get to elementary school.
tell them the truth.
answer "faggot"
>god/holy one/your holiness
>I self identify as a god, i own this company now. Get me more follows
I would burst out laughing, shake my head in disbelief, and slowly leave.
I want nothing to do with management that takes part in stupid shit like gender pronouns and the like.
Who is the most hireable?
My pronouns are Dave/David (must be capitalized).
Mine are fuckme/daddy.
>hiring women
Nice meme
t. poorfag
What the fuck am I looking at?
top kek
My favourite pronouns are (non exhaustive):
ze(or zie)/zir/zirs/zirself
How about you, recruiter?
Obviously the first one. Not out of some evil racist prejudice, but simply because the culture we grow up in shapes our personality and way of thinking in a very significant manner.
Not to talk about a particular culture might influence the actual skill level itself through education in its country and a different mindset that might promote different values such as prioritizing effort and personal growth rather than cheating and getting ahead regardles of how much we actually deserve it.
Also our genes have an incredible influence on things we wouldn't even consider to come from our genes.
Therefore, if you know some things influence a person in how he/she will act (and as a consequence, work), you can do a fairly accurate prediction of how the person will be when they have been influenced by these things.
This idea that you can't judge a book by its cover only applies to exceptions.
Sometimes you'll find the outlier that acts differently than the group of people he's part of, but usually people who grew up in (or adopted) a certain culture are hardly going to act and think differently than the typical member of that culture.
Virtually everyone has been racially and culturally (as race and culture almost always go hand in hand, especially in the past) since the dawn of time, and it's only recently that's considered a bad thing because it hurts the feelings of people who belong to undesirable groups, and instead of being angry at how their fellows act in such ways, they get angry at the people who react to them by not wanting their undesirable actions, and try to force them to pretend that these people don't do bad things.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but seeing this kind of nonsense triggers me.
lol dude it's obviously #4
a dude with severe mental illness still crushes a competent women in the workplace.
My name is Keith Humphrey, and I am proud to be your vice president for Student Affairs. My pronouns are he, his, and him.†This is how I introduced myself to all incoming students, parents, and supporters at summer orientation (now called SLO Days).
Eh, I would say it's a case by case thing
well sure it is and I may be wrong, but I'd always hire a man who wanted to be a woman on the condition that I had a conversation with him and he knew he was really a man.
why do I even have to type things like that. are you happy transgender people?
>well sure it is and I may be wrong, but I'd always hire a man who wanted to be a woman on the condition that I had a conversation with him and he knew he was really a man.
AFAIK transgender people's mental problems don't stop at the gender disphoria, but also go into other more serious issues that ultimately get them to kill themselves much more than regular people.
They also have great hormone imbalances that result in worse mood swings than those women have (though, this might be a small percentage fo them, I'm not sure).
Plus they tend to be hugely into SJW causes for obvious reasons.
I have a hard time choosing between the two, so I'd rather consider case by case.
>why do I even have to type things like that. are you happy transgender people?
Can you rephrase it please?
Also, WTF is up with the captcha?
Just run. They'd never hire A FUCKING WHITE MALE if they're asking that in the first place
They in third person, Mr. as an appelation. I'm cisgendered but I really want to encourage the use of 'they' as a pronoun when gender is unknown or irrelevant.
this ain't fucking starwars
Is that a trick question?
Do you actually have time for that?
As CEO I promise to purge 100% of that time wasting attitude from the corporate culture.
Get hired into CEO position and begin burning.
Thon is from Dinosaur Comics.
It's from a german study.
>muh mudslims get discriminated