/owg/ - Overwatch General

Blizzard are degenerates edition
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Hana Song

hana song

Can anyone make the voices stop?

Remember to properly thank your healer!

All that's left is the gold weapon. Shame I suck at this game, but I'll probably have enough by the end of next season, season 3 at worst.

I'm starting to agree. Does make the game more fun.

Here comes dat rat

Best Girl

If you want to rank up from the shithole play zen.

>riptire unicycle

We did it, it finally happened!
After 3 months of getting my neghole pozzed by random Craigslist daddies I finally got pozzed by a toxic load

I'm ready to celebrate by playing OW, add me for comp or QP

I'm a Lucio main healslut and I like playing with people who want to ERP on mic/chat.
Bottom only





>that face


Can someone post the whole D.va comic

(omae wa)

>Launch Overwatch, really want to play Widowmaker
>Join a game, pick Widowmaker, round starts
>Right as the enemy team comes out, enemy Reinhardt comes out, shield up of course, and blocks every single one of my shots, and the enemy team is never at a place where I can hit them
>My teammates are too selfish and/or stupid to switch to someone to counter Reinhardt so I end up doing it.
>Just want to practice Widowmaker
Why the fuck is Reinhardt so fucking annoying? Any other Widows deal with this shit?

>if you want to rank up from the shithole
Not really. Competitive is stressful. Much more fun with Quickplay and fucking around with Attack Bastion and pissing off people so hard they throw games for their team just to make me upset.
>fight junkrat on R66
>he's joking at attack bastion
>calling me a bitch
>he loses
>he goes 'bastion is the easiest character and he's only used by scrubs'
>I go 'and you still lost to me, so what does that make you'
>his whole team's roasting him
>new round, Lijang
>he's on my team as mei
>he's harassing me in general, icewalling my LOS for enemies
>eventually lose
>calls me a shitty scrub who got lucky and if I'm mad
>I say nah
>now he's buttflustered, goes Pharah
>constantly shooting at me, blocking my vision, calling me a faggot in chat, everyone's mad at him for not working with the team
>i say nothing
>would have continued but I got a package in the mail I had to sign for

See that? That couldn't happen in competitive.

Likely I'll do my placements, and see what I get again next Season.


>Pick Winston
>switch to another hero



I'm not really into the Tracer/D.Va thing, but damn does Talon Tracer make me hard.

what makes Hana so perfect


I've only played Widow for a little bit in QP but that's what usually seems to happen. I just try to watch and pick off the flanker or the dummies that are afraid of his shield.

>Pick Winston
>Don't have a zarya bubbling me
>Pick another hero

If the defense heros are gonna be in shitter town forever he's next in line for buffs.

>finally got average dva elims above 15

I'm so shit at playing this gook aggressively.



「Cheap Trick」

I made this to celebrate the two best defense classes of any game ever




I don't understand

Will they nerf mccree again? Or is he in a good spot now? How about after discord nerf would be be fine then?


fucking wew lad

I'm... sorry?



this is the bar

now climb above it


Heres a (You) from me as well

>attempt to practice widow in QP
>they stack winstons
1 hero limit QP queue when


hes never gonna stop being changed because blizzard wont change his flashbang

Fucking homos

Widow can't do shit to his shield get one your teammates to distract him or take his shield down and reposition yourself.



Don't compare me to your hot comp stats to my quickplay ones, gayboy.

I've only played one game because I know I'm not good enough to play her in comp yet.

Where are Mei's popsicle?

it's fucking astounding how unfun soloqueue competitive is. No one wants to talk or strategist like half of the games, they just go funnel down the main choke again and again until something differently magically happens for them, don't give two shits about team comp, and don't say a goddamn word until at the end when they spout "MUH GOLD MEDALS"

>Illios in comp
>Only see one other player on the point all game
>Haven't seen our Junkrat once
>He's bitching over mic about how no one else is helping
>"kek no one on the point feelsbadman"
>Everyone calls him an idiot because he did shit all
>"kek fucking sjws crying again"

which one of you embarrassments was it


What's the problem, blyat?


unless you're like top 500, you should be fine based off that one match. that's a really good game.

>HIV: Positive

What a strange way to kill yourself.

Just started playing her.

But why do you desire HIV so badly?

is property of Roadhog

The fun police is here! Cheese it before she ults and genji ruins everything!

toasting in an epic bread

might as well start a new thread

Roadhog nerf when

Doesnt even need to do that well at top 500. Since top 500s all get weird matchups.

Yeah, it's total fucking bullshit.

What's even worse is the whole "hidden MMR" thing, if it's true, because it means that if you go on a loss streak you're just gonna get matched up with other players on loss streaks, and it'll keep getting worse.

Even more bullshit on top of that is the underdog system, which is just full retard and needs to be at least a 5 rank difference if it's going to exist at all. Punishing players for losing to a team who may have been their same rank 10 minutes earlier, or even worse, for losing to a team of monster players with one low ranker, is the pinnacle of fuckery.

Bug catching. There are people who have a kink for getting infected with viruses. There's also people who like spreading them, whether their partner is willing or not.

life expectancy of someone with hiv is 72 years iirc
he will only die if he is poor

It's like a woman trying to get pregnant when it finally happens you know its a gift and now I can be a gift giver too

You may be right. I'm only SR65. But I keep wanting to pick stuff I'm extremely comfortable with to ensure that I'm not dead weight to my team. I'll start running her in comp in season 2, I think, which gives me another month of quickplay grinding. If they nerf her before season 2 I'll be very upset.

I've already responded to this but I'm going to give it another (You).

>just hit level 25 and people are calling me out on smurfing and being a rank 80 mccree in disguise due to my accuracy and crits
>mfw I'm not smurfing

Just imagine the mating presses she gets.

Support mains, everyone.


How do I play more consistently? Sometimes my aim is fucking perfect for a string of games, and other times I just can't hit anything.

Is this a website or am I missing an in-game stats screen?

This is my kinda country. Everyone free to live as they choose!

why the fuck are groups not put into party chat automatically

What's your excuse /owg/?

Do you think people really just irreversibly ruin their lives for shits and giggles?

Man I wish I had a friend that played Winston and zarya so I could go zarya to show how fucking strong it is amd then switch to Winston and have him bubble my ass.

Not all of them.

Every time man, every time

iktf. Shit's not fun at all for me because of things like that.

It's not like you suddenly got HIV yesterday.
That shit takes months to detect.
You could have gotten a toxic load the first time and then spread it around to everyone else in the coming three months.
(although it is also entirely possible that everyone on Craigslist has HIV)

the pic i said "sets the bar" is me at SR59

can i make it to SR65 senpai

Include me in the screencap sempai

>ruin your life

you can live a pretty normal life with HIV if you get medicine and stuff

links are in the OP

Almost there.

Is this legal?

average lucio main

wtf /owg/