Where's the best place to park your car of you want to sleep in it while on a road trip?
Where's the best place to park your car of you want to sleep in it while on a road trip?
Police station
travel plaza, mcdonalds (free wifi), rest areas, deserted offramps.
Walmart. You often see truckers sleeping there. Most have free wi-fi and clean restrooms.
Slep tigt pupper :)
Sleep tight, pupdoodledawg!
I can confirm this from experience. My job had me travel to another city and do a 14 hour shift... nearly fell asleep at the wheel, so i had to pull off to a rest-area. I slept there for 5 hours.
Gas stations, truck stops, strip malls, supermarkets.
Basically anywhere with a parking lot at the front. Even better if they open 24 hours.
Lidl parkland
Side of highway
Am abandoned dirt road off the highway don't be a little bitch OP
Any would-be theives will see your '92 sentra and know you aren't worth robbing
Nothing beats a mountain lookout point over the city.
Whatever you do, make sure it isn't a park in VA or you'll be convicted of trespassing like me.
>Whatever you do, make sure it isn't a park in VA or you'll be convicted of trespassing like me.
You fell prey to typical loitering laws. Many states solve their homeless problem that way. By driving homeless out of their state, the financial burden is borne by those states that don't aggressively enforce loitering laws. That's why a lot of homeless will migrate from states like yours to go to other states, and the police often even provide free bus tickets to homeless or released prisoners.
For example, I was in my comfortable west coast library when two blacks came in and were talking about what to do now that they were here. They were recently released felons from a prison in the Greenville area of the Carolinas. Or they were saying something like that. They were given bus tickets to come to my state which still doesn't persecute homeless. Unfortunately, our homeless population grows by 30% or more each year, so it's getting to be a tough problem having all those other USA states dump their problem cases onto us by shipping the mentally ill and prisoners to our state to take care of (and to increase our crime rate too).
While the poster says he got arrested and then convicted when sleeping at the virginia park, over here the homeless may park in front of peoples' houses. PIcture of one assaulted homeowne who told the homeless to stop camping in front of her home (and tossing trash onto her property). They ran off after beating her unconscious. They got found, but denied everything. But to show how vicious and snide they were, these homeless commented that it looks like she got SOME of what she deserved for bothering people who have a right to live. She declined to press charges due to her name being known (news story) and the homeless would get out of jail eventually and come to finish the job. The homeowner was hostage to the home and property. If she was willing to move away and be unfindable, then she could press charges.
hotel parking lot.
filthy casual
>Any would-be theives will see your '92 sentra and know you aren't worth robbing
They know to rob YOU though. You have a bank card and that is worth $500 out of the ATM. If you are homeless and have welfare, they will take your WICS or welfare/foodstamp card and spend it up.
>hotel parking lot.
Not around here. When they find you doing that, they'll call the police. You'll have to buy a hotel room there immediately or the officer will take you away because the hotel will file charges not only for tresspass, but for impeding business as you took away a customer's parking spot. The police then add a loitering charge for the person and an illegal parking ticket for the car since all hotels have a sign that says parking is for customers. If you don't have a home mailing address then you'll have to pay the ticket immediately or else the car will be impounded and incur daily impound fees. Giving a false home address to the police is a criminal offense and they can actually detain you for that (but probably won't because the jails are already too full of homeless who have done violent crimes such as beating store staff stopping their shoplifting).
go get raped in jail neckbeard
>Where's the best place to park your car of you want to sleep in it while on a road trip?
Official rest stops along the freeway should be marked on your atlas or state maps. State patrol visits them regularly to scan plates since a plate that shows up multiple days in that state's rest stops is considered camping. Camping is not legal except at rest stops and areas zoned to allow camping.
Almost any busy spot as long as you are not deemed homeless. Many businesses and police leave travelers alone. But homeless and their crime are a plague here so the amount of hospitality strangers get is a lot less than before.
>Walmart. You often see truckers sleeping there. Most have free wi-fi and clean restrooms.
Our wal-mart and sam's club allow truckers to park and sleep in their huge lots, but NOT campers or cars. They don't want homeless parked there using their camper or car as a base of operations for stealing from customer cars.
>Side of highway
All highways here are tow zones for abandoned vehicles. That includes off ramps. They tow immediately so that is why people should stay with their car and call for a tow or if they don't have a cellphone wait for police to stop and call a tow for them. It's unlawful to camp on the highway.
As soon as the tow truck appears, you must let them perform the tow (it's the law since as soon as they appear the tow process has begun) and impound or else sign the paperwork and pay for the tow and one day impound so that you can immediately drive off.
If you run without paying, that is a crime and the tow guy will tell the police officer to write up the car after showing his videocam. You can appear in court to contest the charges, but the tow guy will whip out his dashcam/rearcam footage showing your car and you just got whipped (lying in court is a crime) with a huge impound fee. That's because once you lose, the car is considered impounded from the start of the tow and you have not yet legally filed paperwork to remove the car from impound status although you did illegally remove the car. If this court date is 45 days after the incident, you will have to pay up to 29 days of impound (the legal limit precedent set is under one month) to the tow operator plus their trip fees.
So, in rest areas, you sleep inside your car right? Or do they have beds you can use
You sleep inside the car. Rest areas have picnic tables and usually a building with bathrooms and maybe some vending machines for sodas and snacks.
nigga u never seen a rest area in your LIFE ? like nigga wtf u a hermit or smth
>get harassed and arrested for the "crime" of not selling your soul to own a home
>land of the free
>So, in rest areas, you sleep inside your car right?
A freeway rest area is usually in the western states where there are long stretches of road. I've never seen one that allowed camping. Most of them were established many years ago before the cities got big and lots of small towns sprung up. Thus, they provided a spot for drivers to park, stretch their legs, drink coffee, and use the rest room, wash hands, and even sit down at some picnic type tables. I've never seen any stove or BBQ pit at these since they discourage overnight camping.
Cars parked with drivers sleeping are left alone as that is not camping. It is totally legit for automobile drivers to nap and is one purpose of the rest stop. Putting up a tent is camping and is not allowed. Living at the same rest stop for multiple days is camping and is not allowed. They are rest stops and not camp grounds.
Rest Stops are an archaic item from the old days. I've never seen any new rest areas appear when new freeways are built. It's apparently inertia that has the highway dept continuing to keep existing rest areas open instead of closing them. The state has closed two of the three rest stops though due to funding cuts and that they are basically surrounded by cities 500 feet away. Rest stops are no longer lonely spots in the wilderness.
Many of the local rest areas have charity or non-profit groups running a concession stand with free coffee and snacks available for a donation. In my state, there is no selling at a rest stop so it is all technically donations. I suppose there are greedy people who take advantage of that and refuse to donate anything. All the concessions are evaluated by the highway dept as being legit so I have no problem donating $5 for a snack to help them travel out of state to play in a soccer tournament.
This is false. All Wal-Marts have a policy that allows all travelers to use their parking lot for over night stay. No matter what you are driving. The idea is that you wake up and go in and buy shit before you leave. I just got off of tour and we were in a Sprinter. We only slept in Wal-Mart parking lots and never had a problem.
Places I've slept in my car in Wisconsin:
- side of the road in rural areas
- access trail for a farmer's field
- top of a highway on-ramp, before the sign saying highway access
- truck stops
- convention center parking lot
- Walmart parking lot
never been hassled.
The police would hassle you here. Even though wal-mart is private property, as a public business they must still follow city ordinances as applied to loitering, camping, and shelter. This is why certain liberal homeowners that own various empty lots were unable to use them as places for homeless to go sleep overnight. While the city may choose to not enforce the law on wal-mart's parking lot, it does choose to enforce the law elsewhere even on private property.
I remember when the state police would cruise thru my corporate employer's parking lot looking for expired tabs. They were told to stop and were required to stop because the parking lot, though open to the public without a gate, was not a place of public business. If it were a mall parking lot, store parking lot, or transit parking lot, then the trooper would be legally able to go enforce laws. There were all sorts of discussions when our homeless problem became pretty big due to crime, drugs, trash everywhere, broken glass all over, needles on the ground, etc. What can the city do and cannot do. What can citizens do and cannot do. What is done with people sleeping in parking lots, etc. The local wal-mart seems to be conforming to local public opinion of both the local government and local residents.
Dunno where you live, but most states in the US first tag vehicles on the side of the highway, (could be the driver is getting gas or has to get extra dish for a tow). If their car isn't picked up after a certain amount of days, then it is towed. Also it's unlawful for someone to essentially steal your property and impound it if you're in it so what you just said is full of shit.
False. Many of those fucking stores don't allow trucks.
>Ads about how their practically saving truck drivers lives with parking.
>no truck parking unless it's somewhere there's already plenty of truck parking nearby.
>lying cunts.
>I live in city
>whole world must be like this.
God yer dumb a shit ain't you? Even near a city they provide a place for the truck drivers you depend on to park as most heavily populated areas fail to provide enough truck parking despite the reality that they would die without us.
after reading through the entire thread, i cant help but wish i lived in the states or canada, or even mainland europe.
a road trip in the UK consists of a few hours driving and you end up either at your destination or running out of road.
my longest "road trip", which by any other standard is a run to the shops, was from Glasgow to Cardiff and took me all of 10 hours.
Not true. I got run out of a Wal-Mart parking lot in Lake Havasu City by a Paul Blart impersonator with a major attitude problem. Fucker started taking pictures of my car and everything.
I generally park at either a rest stop or a Wal-Mart with less security, but occasionally something like a Lowe's or Home Depot will work because I can blend in with the night stockers so my car sitting there won't draw attention.
Learn to power nap.
20-40 minutes of rest is all you need to not fall asleep while driving. Every 4-6 hours.
If you drive 10 hours and try to power nap it wont help you, you need to rest throughout the drive.
Even if you dont fall asleep. 20-40 minutes of lying back with your eyes closed doe so much for you.
I drove solo from Chicago to bumbfuck Colorado on a 20 hour drive, all I did was pull over, get gas, get coffee, recline the seat, rest for 45 minutes, drink coffee, and drive till next fillup.
got there fine, and rested, didnt feel tired till night time.
>so my car sitting there won't draw attention.
I can guarantee you it will, everyone will know that works at the location since all we can do is talk and work. We all talk and as soon as someone spots an unknown car and it stays for more than a few hours it will be known to everyone. If you are seen in the car very late or when the night stockers leave at 6 AM then management will know and decide whether or not to do something.
I worked at Lowes and multiple times our store manager walked over to these cars while concealed carrying asking them to leave. RV's especially were told to get out lest they start a trend. They generally didnt tell people to leave unless it was super obvious that they meant to stay for some long period of time.
We had unoccupied cars towed after a few days so leaving your car for more than a night is also not recommended.
where I live it'd be a better idea to buy a very small plot of undeveloped land and clear a small dirt path (if you are expecting to be in such a situation for an extended period of time), there aren't many legal places to park and sleep for free, you could always move from campground to camp ground, but thats not free in a lot of cases
I work overnight at a CVS. Had people sleep in their car in the lot a few times.
As long as they don't cause problems it was fine.
I kinda liked there being another car in the lot.
I would advise asking though.
I've slept at rest stops with no problem. I even got away with pitching a tent twice. Once we were only there for a few hours and we're in late and up before sunrise. The other time I asked the rest stop manager if we could pick a quiet corner in the back and be out at sunrise. He said sure, but he'll come rouse us if we weren't. He kept his word and woke us up, and we packed and left in 10 minutes. Both times this was in the south.
I've vandwelled at Walmarts before and never had a problem. Nothing like being able to take a shit in a real bathroom, though you will get sick of the noise and bright lights.
One time we stopped the van in Kansas behind a Motel 8. Cop stopped and wanted ID's and stuff, he said they gets lots of out of state licence plates around there and we could have easily been making meth in a conversion van. It became apparent we were two young 20somethings who were on a road trip and let us be.
Most times I feel you can crash just about anywhere and as long as you are upfront with your intentions and reasonable no one gives a shit. It's only when people see that you're going to step up camp they get annoyed.
another question: how hot does it get in a car overnight without a/c and shit ? I live in the south so most days are 90F+
Where the fuck do you live. In Ohio most vehicles are given 2-3 days before being towed, unless the vehicle presents a possible hazard ie off ramp, or not far enough over the line
Sorce: I drive a tow truck for fourteen different police departments