/wowg/ World of Warcraft General

World of Warcraft General

/wowg/ guilds:

@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)

None currently.
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First for trannies

is there good catchup for jewelcrafting in wod or is it still really expensive?

These threads will never get better and the autism will self-perpetuate itself forever

Aff is in a weird spot it used to bethe multi-target spec by default, but wreak havoc is crazy strong for 2 target, so their niche will be 3-4 target sustain and depending on final tuning single target maybe. But right now on beta aff/destro are on par for single target and destro is better when there's adds or anything whichis a lot of fights so people tend to stick with just destro.

you need like 3.5k ore to go from 1-650~
You can use either ore, depends entirely on server prices

Reminder to join on H Illidan

who is tradechat?

I see them get brought up all the time


They would be better if I was a janny. The only way to fix /wowg/ is to appoint a janny with literally no life who can be here every waking hour. Bans dont work because people evade and there is no end to the shit/trannyposting and Literal Who derailments. So someone just needs to be here to delete the said shit/trannyposts the instant they're made.


stupid bitch that does wow commentary stuff and news on youtube.

nudes of her used to float around constantly YEARS ago when she originally started her channel, the one I remember most is the set of her sucking some dude off. I'm sure some anons still have them.

Boosted an Unholy last night but only got 10th in deeps. Asking for a refund now.

A female youtuber who has not the slightest clue about this game

Is also a classical nerd gamer gurl

Literally all that needs to be done is remove all guilds from the OP

Rate my Latino Dwarf.

So my dumbass friend forgot to register his WoW via my recruit a friend invite, is there any way blizzard can fix this if i send a ticket?

Have him make a new one

2/10 too much green, reminds me of filthy greenskins

is he supposed to be machete or something?



>all these back and forth wow threads calling the other the fake
Did I miss something?

big guys shitposting

I want to Dismantle jainas ass

>LBP poster on the wall

As much as I love that game it's literally become the modern "hey guys I'm a gamer XD" symbol next to so many other things and I hate it

>no /wowg/ guild on a pve server

If bliz could go back in time and stop 1 expansion from ever being published which one would it be and why would it be mists

Autists forcing their guilds that no one gives a shit about and make even more unlikely of anons being interested in joining their shitfests.

WoD. It fucked the lore big time beyond fix.

>tfw pvping and watching anime with bf

MoP. Pandas ruined the fucking game.

oh no, pvp can happen in a game that's 95% instanced and safezoned

>wanting in a wowg guild

You can't have a game be both PVE and PVP without some massive imbalance going on.

Mists didn't kill the lore

Tides of War killed the lore. Mists just made you wish you had something Warcraft 3 to remind you of the safe times when you weren't beaten as a child

Is there anything worth doing as a fresh 100 now or should I just bench the character until legion


Use it for old raids as an extra mount runner

Reminder to put the most popular, up-and-coming exclusive /wowg/ guild in the OP. Now recruiting for Legion progression with a growing roster of great people. Whisper anyone for an invite, join today!



i could use the right shoes but they're just so fucking huge so thank god for griftah troll shoes

could change to purple firelands sword too

>tfw Illidan will never smash your pussy

Hello again, /wowg/!

I got some free time so tell me what should I draw for you.

100% shit, suicide and try again in the next life

>i'm a faggot

Jaina pegging shota thrall

No. Kung-fu panda shit turned the game into a meme and attracted some of the most cancerous faggots who are still plaguing the game today.

>NFA has 21 people online rn

wtf i love NFA now

Cute demon hunter

the mentally ill don't have the capacity to understand sarcasm, don't encourage them



male panda demon hunter

the boys are back in town

A guild with only 39 unique members and no raid cred outside of a normal archi kill they only got this July wants attention.


Those shoulder pads are way too small and it overall needs more spikes.

she has been kicked, thank you for your work detective!

I'm a girl.

the absolute madman

And I'm a dragon


Holy shit, this guy is going to be the pugslayer of Legion.

There's so much co-ordination needed, and a single player fucking up can cause a domino effect.

rude as h*ck senpai

what kind of cars do you like to fuck

Just came back after leaving WoD. I have a Fury Warrior and so far i really love the animation changes. Everything feels a lot more raw and visceral, and i like the little warcries my guy does when using charge and other offensive cooldowns.

Im not quite 100% on my rotation though. I took the talent that makes raging blow (?) Not require enrage but adds a 4 sec cd and the one that makes rampage cost 15 less rage. I also have avatar and dragons breath. From what i understand im supposed to try to maximize enrage uptime and use raging blow whenever its off cd, and rampage whenever available?

Playable Arakkoa soon.

Rampage whenever you've pooled up the rage, yes.

I would take the whirlwind talent over avatar.

Elerethe is going to be literally impossible for pugs. Someone is going to fuck up necrotic venom, and that just instantly wipes your raid if it spreads.

>DK gets to bro it up with Bolvar and you resurrect Whitemane, Nazgrim, Trollbane and Darion as your four horsemen

i was gonna main DH but i'll go for the other edgy class


basically mash that mf raging blow and bloodthirst off CD, set up with dragon's breath for a good rampage (since dragon's breath gives you 6 sec of extra damage on your attacks) and yeah that's about it

remember to whirlwind and then bloodthirst / rampage if you have more than 1 mob since it makes those abilities hit extra targets for 50% damage

Only the kind of cars that identify as trees

Iku from no fun allowed your transmod is SHIT stop idling in orgrimmar and fix it

>wanted to be a demon hunter since BC
>all my characters and wealth are on horde
>belfs look fucking retarded

Oh just fuck me up senpai.

just use tmorph familia

if you want to get fucking banned

Have you tried the talent 'Sow the seeds'? Combine that with grimoire of sacrifice and your aoe is amazing as affli.

not him but I've used tmorph for like 4 years, never even been warned.


Shame your shard generate is shit on anything that would make sow shine. By the time you've got agony ticking on everything they're dead.

How much of a meme is it buying mounts on the shop?

>hairy arms

the memest

So when are they getting rid of racials that affect pvp?

It's a good way to trigger poorfags.

>Blood Elves and Forsaken defending Sylvanas' actions at the Broken Shore
>Orcs conflicted about Sylvanas' total disregard for the concept of victory or death
>Trolls pissed Vol'jin is dead
>Tauren and Goblins are happy their leaders are doing things and not looking like useless turds
>Horde Pandaren still fat and mad Ji is off licking Aysa's ass while they're stuck with the noodle cart

Orcs should just join the Alliance. At least the Frostwolves.


Reported for hate speach.

Linked this oddshot in report.

Who else with me?

Anyone wanna hangout and share some brewskis?

What spec has the highest APM? Outlaw or Arms?

calm down, tyrone

Well LEPIRATE consists of constantly spamming roll until you get something got and arms consists of effectively doing nothing until CS procs.

Dude fuck niggers but fuck this sperglord even more.



Why can't we all just get along boys

I want to thank someone from No Fun Allowed for being part of a successful Warsong Gulch match

Legion classes with raid spots:

Legion classes that will have to beg to for invites to a farm run:
>demon hunter
>disc priest

>3 minutes in
>have to stay away from boss for TEN SECONDS
Why does blizzard hate melee so fucking much?

>totems that last more than a couple of seconds are back
>elemental shaymains are awesome
I love it.

>enh only gets three, two of which you need to talent into
>you have to trade off Feral Lunge for one of them

>Legion classes with raid spots:

good joke

Legit made me laugh.