Drivetrain Census

What do you have, Veeky Forums?

Also, I will create a document based on the first 100 answers and come back with a statistical analysis of Veeky Forumss drivetrain choice

I will bump this thread every hour or so until 100 answers are reached. Any predictions?

Majority FWD with RWD coming in second AWD coming in third and the other two being insignificant

what do you mean with AWD and 4WD ? what the difference ?

I think the difference is that AWD always has 4 tires engaged whereas 4x4 is RWD with the option to go AWD

hum ok thanks

poll options are fucked. maybe if it had just been two options for AWD and 4WD it would have been salvageable, but you have to wonder what the OP was thinking with the AWD/4WD option.

If it doesn't make sense I can delete the poll and rewrite it with the 4 options of FWD, RWD, AWD, 4WD

My apologies Veeky Forums

yeah seems about right

That makes much more sense

Okay will do.

Considering I can't delete a thread this old, mods please delete it if you see this. Thanks.

>implying Veeky Forums has mods

Just leave it and lump AWD/4WD and 4WD into one category.

>I think the difference is that AWD always has 4 tires engaged

Not exactly.

If the other poll thread doesn't gain any traction that's what I'll do

What about rwd/4wd? Some of us aren't restricted to road going shitboxes

there's your submission. op fucked up the selection but 4wd is 4wd. it's easier that way.

But AWD and 4WD are interchangeable.
Must we have another 100 post shitstorm?
>I shure hope so

>But AWD and 4WD are interchangeable.
lel no

not that guy, but there are so many different systems on the market that trying to group them all into two neat and tidy bins is stupid. AWD and 4WD are for all intents and purposes the same thing

>3 wheel cars

Coming up on 80 votes. At the end I'm lumping the AWD/4WD selection into 4WD as user suggested.

No AWD is what Subarus have. 4wd is when you have a high/low transfer case and the option of 2H/4H/4L how hard is it for you faggots to understand? it's completely different


no theyr aren't dumbass

AWD doesn't have lockers or reduction gears, its as easy as that

spotted the autist

stop making things up. if it has 4 wheels and all the wheels are driven then you have 4 wheel drive

There's an AWD section, a AWD/4WD section, and a 4WD section. I'm not lumping AWD in with 4WD just the AWD/4WD section.

oh boy, sure is fucking summer in here

spotted the casualcuck

you are fucking stupid

9 more votes

this isn't the fixed version

Need me to summon them?
Also make the thread last longer, eurocucks with their diesel Skodas are winning atm

I know, I'm lumping in the AWD/4WD section with 4WD. The fixed version thread got deleted .

ok i see but why did they delete the new one ?

Maybe it was considered spam


I have (and voted) a RWD now, but for the past 7 years my daily was 4WD. I still own it as a toy.

I drive FWD, in a car that has too much torque for FWD.
Just fucking end my life

Well it seems that of the sample of the first 100 people, the majority of Veeky Forums has FWD drivetrains at 39%. RWD came in a close second at 38%. AWD was at 12%. 4WD was at 11%.

Was anyone surprised by these statistics?

Most of us are self hating poorfags, what did you expect?
It just so happens that most cheap cars are FWD.

>Daily driver

Yes of Veeky Forums's daily driver vehicles

I'm actually surprised FWD isn't a larger percentage. The board is filled with econoboxes.

>what did you expect?
I wasn't being sarcastic

like, I also thought FWD would be a much larger percentage

I have what is commonly thought of as 4WD, yet is not selectable at all, nor can I put it in 2WD.
But it's not AWD, it's a jeep CJ.
Quadratrac to be exact. A cool name for another one off failure from AMC, put in a vehicle that was a shell of its former self, gasping death rattle from a long defunct company.