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Hana Song.

Hana Song.


Downloading Overwatch on the Bone. Any tips for a total newbie?

what did they mean by this?

widowmaker is overpowered on console

>decide to play something other than healer for a night
>nobody in any of my groups have gone healer
>literally no heals all night
>enemy group always has plenty of support

They need to fix their matchmaking.

>People are having problems reaching rank 65+ when solo-queuing.

padded bra?

>when the teams start talking trash to each other

My friend who has it is alwasy posting pics with 5 widowmakers in the team

I am fucking sick of going into comp solo queue, seeing a premade of four on my team and then sitting there open fucking mouthed as they pick hanzo bastion soldier and reaper. For koth.

I just don't understand why you'd play as a premade and then just lose every game and not learn to stop being a cunt.

>no healer
>decide to go healer
>'I sure hope you guys won't let me down'
they always let me down

Threadly reminder

not everyone mains genji


>your three most played heroes
>who you want to learn


Competitive yesterday was rough. Got coin flipped several times and ranked down, but only once so it's whatever.

How is /owg/ doing these days? Anyone working to get that last minute rank 65?

how do I know when to put up my shield as reinhardt? obviously when i'm leading a push but other than that

I'd rather just bash everything with a hammer

this is actually the best R63- Roadhog I've seen thus far
>the lipstick on the mask

Too bad it's not real. My Tracer will never be that sexy.

Absolutely disgusting.

>Widowmaker is op on console
People think this?


I can't believe I was 37 once.
And people say Elo hell doesn't exist

Wow dude, you're still shit good job.

Standard Mercy is full of milk for wet nursing the babies. Devil Mercy doesn't have this profession.

Pure Anglo blood.

>wasted all my summer luck on one box
>the lucio skin was a duplicate

>Playing Symmetra last point in Mexico.


At least I escaped the 30's and the 40's hell and I can die with no regrets now.


>buying boxes
deserved it

Currently on a win streak, though not a big rush to 65 because my bonus at the moment plus current wins is enough to go golden this week.

This is the future of women, guys.
Please kill me.

That was meant to be motivational

>when you think you did good and /owg/ calls you average

Best ow girl hands down

>you will never

How do you play Genji? I can use him for the life of me.

you think i enjoy being a wagecuck? ill spend all my money on video games thanks

oh D.VA? Hana Song = D.VA?

>posts picture of knight
I don't see the connection here

then why did you buy boxes?

Here's my precious advice user.

Watch seagull and do what he does

That didn't work as you hopped

So I bought this game 3 days ago and I have a couple of questions.

I came from league and I want to know if the following is correct; torbjörn and bastion feels like cancerpicks just as master yi and blitzcrank does to low elo players because I'm still shit at the game and can't play around them?

Also any general advice is appriciated.

Anglos were knights you fucking idiot, Kek.

There's nothing wrong with the one on the right, apart from the whole cosplay thing.


Post-apocalyptic big breasts women?

>Any class that requires you to actually aim
>On a controller

You don't

you fucking don't

>alt fire

hey you're actually still right

When you watch too much GoT and don't read enough books

When are those Genji and McCree nerfs coming?

Most classes don't have to aim? that gives me slight buyers remorse

When are you going to suck my dick?

>somebody actually cosplaying their body type instead of squeezing into a D.Va suit

Good. 10/10

Britian shall not be infested by the foreign robotic swine.
British Nationalist Forces fight back.

McCree is fine

He's saying that the classes that are good are the ones that you need to aim well with and considering you play with a controller you're a plebshit.

I really love these three.

This is what she looks like

Listen, the picture I posted was of a NORMAN knight, Kek.
Normanic masterrace, blood purer then royalty.

>Team tells me to switch always lose when I switch.
>Ignore their suggestion and win but get yelled at the whole time even if I did the best on the team.

Either way it sucks but fuck it if it works then it works.

There is no exact rank, the top 500 is based off a hidden ranked MMR and not your basic ranked rank, ontop of this it's also different on each server.

Generally people get in around 78, due to all the smurfing and matchmaking abusing it might be around 79 now.

she's a girl
she can play video games at least beyond streaming with cam taking up 3/4 of the screen
she's korean, who are known for having muscular thighs
she's probably got daddy issues

There are no cancerpicks like there are in league.
In overwatch you just switch in the middle of the game to a counter if something is especially annoying.

By the way how's league. I got to diamond and only played it for a month or 2 every year to keep my rank there but this year I'm not even feeling it because I remember it was tank meta again.

>another game lost because genji pressed Q

>torb on koth match

If you do this I hope you die

>teutonic knight
Literally what

Aiming isn't even remotely hard with a controller, you just have to not be shit.

>Now costs 33% charge per person it revives
>Allows her to still do 1-2 man revives and not be completely punished for it

She would still need more healing and an E ability but would this work and not anger the rank 30 reaper mains?

St. George mother fucker.
The Christian saint of our land.

Whats a generally solid team comp in ranked?
I find that a good Reinhardt and D.Va is really good for tanking and ult mitigation.

Some classes require more precise aim than others. And aiming precisely on a controller is a pain in the ass, at least compared to a mouse.

Blizzard won't let you use KB/M on the console versions because people will whine that it's "unfair".

t. PS4 player


>Zarya and Pharah Ult
>Pop Zen ult
>Suddenly Genji Ult
>too much dps, everyone dies

I grinded to diamond 3 this year but as a one trick just to put a spin on it.

Meta was OK at the beginning of the year with more carry tops and junglers but right now its shit like Shen and Gnar that just wants to fuck with the enemy bot and snowball from there,

I'm playing ranked once a month just to keep my rank but if they don't make drastic changes to matchmaking I won't be returning once the season ends.

For me the best team is:

McCree, Genji (or Reaper), D.va, Zarya, Lucio and Zenny

you can use a kb/m on ps4 though, you can even turn the aim assist completely off for a bigger advantage.

Yeah but you posted a picture of a kid in a teutonic knight costume. Brits literally never won a helm like that. Most british helmets followed norman and later Italian designs.

Sounds broken to me, but since no-one listened to me when I told them that one or two man resses were better than five man ones I don't expect anyone to agree with me on this.

Kek, the uniform is a replica.
Since when did kids have arm hair?

is owg actually fucking retarded?
if she were skinny and you guys hated it, id understand.
but shes a fat fucking pig cosplaying as a fat fucking hog. its spot fucking on and as disgusting as roadhog should be.
at this point i have trouble distinguishing the difference between tumblr and Veeky Forums.

On the PS4 in general, yes. But everywhere I checked said that Blizzard specifically disabled the option for Overwatch.

JUST IN CASE anyone wants to use this, there is a different discord since the one in the other OP's had an admin that has actual issues. This aims to do the same shit, a place where you can coordinate groups and play with Veeky Forums, and just chat with bros, but without all the getting banned for saying a joke because the admin is 12. Maybe migrate from the other one here, we just wanna hang.


>Kek, the uniform is a replica.

You must be straight up retarded. I literally just answered why it's not a replica


It's just so silly to play Mercy with a slow ult charge, blizzard specifically sped hers up in the beta to fix this and yet here we are back there again.

Being able to do 1-2 man revives was not only a lot of fun but really rewarded players with good gamesense. Now? nope, you have to sit on your ult for half the game waiting because something big might happen :^)

Zarya players,
You can see who in your team has ultimate ready by pressing tab.

Tracer is the best

Britian wasn't founded until the 1600's

>On defense as Symmetra do well until my team fucks off ignoring that our point is being taken.
>Team yells at me
>Ignore it
>End up winning the game by clearing out the room
>Immediately get praised for it from the same team giving me death threats.

Let ignore the fact we had a fucking genji and tracer on defense that couldn't stop dying.

well you're wrong